I've known about the first element of this story since 2005, was only told about elements two and three recently, but haven't covered the complete story here, because what could possibly be proof is shrouded behind the criminal justice system juvenile justice blind, as it probably should be.
I tried to reach Steve, who has been traveling. I left a message. Then I called all my sources on this story, and none has spoken with Steve. Here's an extract:
The army as an alternative to jail may or may not be a good option. Vandalism doesn't usually involve a possible death sentence. Making a policy of getting people out of jail because military recruiters can't otherwise meet their recruitment goals raises serious questions about the popularity of a war.
Using your son to prove your fitness as a vice presidential candidate, by boasting of his enlistment in the army and impending trip to Iraq, knowing he chose the army as his alternative to jail, is both hypocritical and stupid. Hypocritical because you know that the only reason he's headed to Iraq is that he had no choice. Stupid because it's going to come out.
What kind of mother risks the emotional stability of her kids by exposing them to national and international ridicule to further her career? What kind of candidate thinks it is ok for her to tout her children's positive achievements, but off limits for the opponents to discuss their more problematic behaviors? You can't have it both ways.
And what does this all tell us about the presidential candidate who makes impulsive decisions based on his gut feelings? I think McCain's choice of Sarah Palin has done us all a giant favor. He's shown us that he's willing to take risky decisions, risky important decisions, with shoddy data gathering and analysis. It's better we know that and see it clearly before November.
Update - early Saturday morning: Steve has extensively and cautiously revised the post. Geraldo may be on his way here to unravel it.
Also, from sources I cannot name - they aren't bloggers - I believe the main elements of the story Steve now links to, to be true.
"What kind of mother risks the emotional stability of her kids by exposing them to national and international ridicule to further her career? What kind of candidate thinks it is ok for her to tout her children's positive achievements, but off limits for the opponents to discuss their more problematic behaviors? You can't have it both ways."
Amen, amen.
He was allegedly involved with the tire-slashing vandalism in Mat-Su a few years ago. Because he was a minor, all records are sealed.
It's hypocritical for Palin to use her son's enlistment; that was his get out of jail pass.
It's hypocritical for Palin to use her son's enlistment; that was his get out of jail pass.
It's the most disgusting thing ever. One problem-- Bristol's Bump-- is winkable. That her mother still smiles and pushes abstinence on her constituents is fucked up as much as she is knocked up. Then the son, so valiantly going off to war. . . she is behind it! Smiling and waving flags! Joyful, confident-- then the little turkey could either sign up for the Army or gone to jail redefines "attention whore."
If McC knew about this and still let her be his running mate, I will never vote Republican again.
Her kids can't handle something and she needs to drop everything and be with the last 3 now. Slashing break lines or tires on buses is a cry for help, a pregnancy means she is either screwed up in the head to keep her bf in line or was really afraid to use birth control. This really is an ego trip on her.
#3, my child... step slowly forward toward the light, away from the fake wedge issues and bumpersticker soundbites.
The more I read about Palin the more apparent it is that McCain did not vet her. If this proves to be true, it goes against Palin’s family values argument and shows a lack of adult supervision in her household. The kids are crying out for help and need their mother.
OF COURSE he didn't vet her. No one did! The Enquirer and the blogsters are playing catch-up, doing all the work McCain's people should have done. If McCain thinks that picking for VP on the basis of A) she's pro-life & he thinks he needs that (just ask Karl Rove!) and B) she's female (Condi not being interested in the job) makes the fact that, A) her teenage daughter is knocked up, and B) she has, well, credibility problems and C) has NO foreign policy experience at all (trip to Ireland DOES NOT count!), well, this really is not my Dad's Republican party, folks! Now, we are treated like idiot children and are told "Oh, we knew all about Bristol's little problem and didn't you just love that sweet movie 'Juno', too?" All I can say is they are so used to making silk purses out of (Bush) sow's ears they have gotten scarily good at it.
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