Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saradise Found - Chapter Three -- Chuck Vogan Draws Her in Three Minutes

Maybe we can get somebody to do a YouTube of this in reverse...


Anonymous said...

Love the music..I think he did a pretty good job of depicting her essence. She looks meaner and more primitive than the photo.

Philip Munger said...

I noticed a difference between the photo and his rendition, but couldn't put a handle on it.

Reminds me of the difference between our kids and the French sketch artists who did very rapid charcoal and pencil drawings of them on the bank of the Seine next to the isle de Notre Dame, back in March 1999 - almost 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Are you the same person that posted today under the name "Philip Munger" at Mudflats? If so, are you serious? The WHS swim coach?

Philip Munger said...

So I've been told. The sources aren't alleging an affair, just what was posted.

I believe that, now that Bristol has once gain "dropped out," she has to be signing in when she reports to the office. Apparently that sign-in sheet is public record when it comes to adults who are not currently students.

Anonymous said...

She looks better in pencil.

hello said...

Yup, sneer, overly made up and simian forehead. About right. (And no offence meant to the Great Apes.)

KaJo said...

Phil, the difference is a longer chin, bigger ears and bigger nose.

The ears are close to being accurate though; she has the ugliest ears I've ever seen for someone who bares them on purpose.

clark said...

the only thing worse than "ugly" ears are people who go to great pains to cover them up. just let it all hang out, people! they're not really that ugly. that comes along later.