Monday, March 30, 2009

Please Ask Alaska Democrats To Take Action - Nicely...

I've been on the phone this morning, getting information on how the Alaska Democratic Party is reacting to Mike Doogan's placing himself in potential legal jeopardy. All I can say at this point is that Democratic Party of Alaska rules don't touch this subject explicitly, and that I've voiced my concern to state headquarters in Anchorage. I've explained that there needs to be a firewall between Doogan's potential liability and our Party.

Trust me, Alaska's Democratic Party understands.

Meanwhile, Doogan has not removed his Friday letter from the Alaska Legislative Democrats' web site. And, it should be noted that the site has nothing to do with Alaska's Democratic Party or the Party's leadership. It is a separate entity.

You can reach the webmaster to demand his letter's removal:

Peter Stein (907) 465-2430


Anonymous said...

This all seems to be a very big tempest in a very small teapot. No one may like Doogan for what he did, but at some point I think it going to be, so F'ing what! Being uncool is not the stuff of rebellion. There are greater causes, battles to fight than is a Doogan a Turd.

Blue_in_AK said...

Anonymous, it's okay with you that he was using state resources to avenge a very personal gripe? Even if what he did in outing Mudflats was theoretically "legal" (which I don't concede), he has breached state ethics laws. He needs to be called to task for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's a great idea. AKM can sue the Democratic Party for the illegal actions of a member...NOT!.

Doogan made a mistake probably. Don't we all. It's not the end of the world.

Great photo with the Bud it doctored?


Anonymous said...

I don't know why Doogan is a legislator-- is this the only way he can earn a living? Seems expensive to the rest of us. What good is he doing?

If elected officials screw up, we need to know. If people like Palin and Doogan try to abuse their offices and leverage their power so they can get away with misconduct and steamroll others, we need to challenge them.

After the FBI did their raids, I no longer trusted abusive arrogant Alaska elected officials. I think it is very important that the crime victims (Alaskans) fight for our rights. I don't take my rights for granted any more.

Philip Munger said...

the photo has not been doctored, except to change some color tones and sharpen it. I think Linda Kellen took it.

Annette said...

I don't know if Linda took it but she was there when it was taken Phil can out of stater's who are Dems write or just locals?? I would love to express my opinion of what he has done..but since I don't live in AK not sure it would help. Just let me know.

Philip Munger said...


If you are a Democrat, I think they should listen to you.

Annette said...

Proudly a member of the Democratic Party all of my adult life. Wouldn't have it any other way.

marlys said...

Howz about us Alaskan Undeclared ?
I vote best in show..

AlaskaMom said...

I called Matt in Doogan's Juneau office yesterday to comment on his boss's bad behavior. I (very nicely) asked Matt to pass along the following: I am a lifelong Democrat who will contribute all I can to any D who runs against him in 2010. He doesn't appear to respect the public and definitely doesn't possess the heart of a public servant.
Doogan shouldn't run again.

Wolfe Tone said...

The whole situation is not a tempest in a teapot.

Doogan has made it clear that he will only listen to those from his district... and then, apparently, only those who agree with his skewed views.

Even Alaskans from outside East Spenard are unimportant to him.

Here's hoping that come November 2010, there's an acceptable alternative Democrat running against him in the primary.

hello said...

Thanks for highlightng this, Mr. Munger!

Elena said...

Anonymous (at the top)you need a civics lesson. Doogan is done for. This is will be a historic 1st Amendment legal case, and I'm sure not only the ACLU and any young constitutional lawyer who'd like to make a name for themself would love to get in on this series of events. Doogan will be ever so lucky if he gets to crawl away with an abject and groveling apology to Mudflats, any voter in his district under the age of 50, the people of Alaska, the blogosphere, and Bejamin Frankin to boot.