Regarding the breaking story of The Daniel Report, soon-to-be-ex Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin tweeted an hour ago:
Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final report
Well, here's the "pending" report. I downloaded it from the Anchorage Daily News web site (image at upper left).
I've turned it into nine jpegs. Click to enlarge. That way you don't have to download the pdf, which the media already has:

I hope that by having this confidential report all over the internet there isn't some legal loophole that will negate or diminish its impact.
"I hope that by having this confidential report all over the internet there isn't some legal loophole that will negate or diminish its impact."
Sarah Palin, bringing Alaska attorneys where no one has gone before.
The fund is either legal or illegal, just as the investigator indicates.
Philip, thanks for posting the jpeg's. Could you also please include the link to the PDF for downloading?
Thanks for posting the report, Phil.
Probably the most interesting aspect(beyond the findings) was the Kristin Cole association. Sounds like there is plenty more to be investigated there if you ask me.
Here is the link for downloading the PDF:
$arah $pin....
It's ok when I release reports, but not anyone else. (good scoop AP)
It's not complete!!
I didn't do it!!
Thanks for preserving these in jpeg form Phil. What a fantastic read!
Let's clarify what effect the findings have:
The investigator, Thomas Daniels, found probable cause of a violation, which means the Personnel Board should investigate the matter and determine if a violation of the Ethics Act has occurred.
Daniels also states that the matter can be resolved without the Personnel Board having a formal hearing if(1) Palin refuses to accept payment of legal fees from the trust and (2) the state of Alaska reimburses Palin for legal expenses she incurred for defending the ethics matters that have been dismissed.
So Palin still won't be paying much at all, since most of the matters have been dismissed (including the ones she entered into a settlement agreement on, such as travel expenses for her children).
The state is left with a big conflict of interest in future matters: The gov's attorney will argue the case on behalf of the gov. to the gov's personnel board, which will decide to dismiss all charges and then the state reimburses the gov. any legal expenses in getting the matter dismissed.
Handgun control, more OSHA rules, more tobacco regulation. This guy loves regulation and government intervention.
Wasilla people like him? Palling around with Democrat lawyers?
Thanks for sharing the Daniel report-- and Sarah's "denial report." Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks like she can accept money from the trust after she resigns without that being a further violation. Her having authorized the trust remains a violation regardless, but I don't see what practical effect that will have.
Another complaint will prove more troublesome -- the gifts she has received but has not reported because she says she hasn't yet opened the boxes in which they were mailed to her. Don't see a way around that one. It's like telling the IRS you didn't earn those checks in 2008 because you didn't cash them until 2009.
From the looks of this It looks like palin's attorney has already done some manuvering to be in her best interests and not be found guilty. Just as she paid back money for the family travel fiasco that she wasn't guilty of!
daniels reports ignores the fact that the "defense" fund can pay Palin family members whenever the trustee says so for any reason up to the annual gift limit ? $13000. That's an indirect benefit to Palin.
Another poster commented:
"The state is left with a big conflict of interest in future matters: The gov's attorney will argue the case on behalf of the gov. to the gov's personnel board, which will decide to dismiss all charges and then the state reimburses the gov. any legal expenses in getting the matter dismissed."
This is a VERY REAL POSSIBILITY and as much as I hate to say, it, most likely what will happen as this will also cut the personnel board a lot of slack vs. them having to find her "guilty."
Don;t think for a minute that Parnell won't try to help Palin out any way he can and HE will soon be able to FIRE THE PERSONNEL BOARD MEMBERS AT WILL !
Just because Palin is gone does NOT mean Parnell is going to be much better, tho, hopefully, he will not be as stupid nor as arrogant as Palin and will try to keep his nose clean.
Anon@6:07, do you think Palin cut a deal to resign so as "not to look guilty"?
Okay I found this comment on Grphyen’s Immoral Minority blog. The post is titled:
“Let’s take a mental health moment and enjoy…:dated Sunday, July 5, 2009.
Syrin has left an extremely interesting comment on Shannyn Moore’s blog:
“There are several more RUMORS going around.
Such as: Palin was found guilty of abuse and misconduct for wrong doing with her ‘Legal Defense Fund” (WHY DOES SOMEONE ETHICAL NEED A LEGAL DEFENSE FUND?) millons of dollars are said to be un accounted for RUMORED embezzlement- Sarah Pac sponsored?… She was given an ultimatum (I think this is highly improper, possibly unlawful) by her appointed 3 member personnal board that she, if continues to be the Gov the TRUTH of the matter would have to come out and the whole mess and paper trail would have to be released to the public. However, it’s RUMORED if she RESIGNS she was told by that appointed 3 member board that determines ETHICAL matters in the State of Alaska that she can essentially TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a RUMOR”
Hmmm…somebody knew something
First of all, this report was to be confidential, and now it is public. May be a problem. Ha.
Second, even if she is found to be in violation, all it means is that she can't use that money. No guily verdict. Ha.
Third, once she is a 'private' person, there is no reason she cannot start another fund.
Wow, hats off to Syrin! She had it right! Governor Grifter had to resign to keep it "quiet."
She's a Grift Girl, and she's gone too far!
While I don't believe anything will come of any of this (it never seems to), my hunch is that the money will disappear after she leaves office, with no accounting.
The people that donated to her - they don't care. They want to give her money, an audit trail isn't important.
But AK does have a serious Personnel Board problem.
If Chatham says she didn't leak the report, then why believe that she did? Maybe someone on the Personnel Board grew a pair and let fly.
So far there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that Chatham leaked the report.
That's funny....The recommendation for relief says the Governor should request releif from the Satae to cover the legal costs of defending against the complaints. And if the Sate says blow it out your shorts where does dim wit turn then?? Back to McSame ?? HA !!! This woman has clearly turned out to be an idiot.
Yikes, I can't even spell good today OR my keys are broken...Let's try again....
That's funny....The recommendation for relief says the Governor should request relief from the State to cover the legal costs of defending against the complaints. And if the State says blow it out your shorts where does dim wit turn then?? Back to McSame ?? HA !!! This woman has clearly turned out to be an idiot.
And now I want to know how her house was built and financed.
I still don't understand why the Defense Fund anyway. This last ethics complaint filed Monday and dismissed Friday...so how much did that cost. It only proves that these complaints can be resolved quickly and by staff already hired to do the job. She should have had each complaint taken care of as soon as they came in. Uh oh, I think I may be off topic and ranting, sorry. But, Phil, ya don't mind if I call ya Phil? (enter smiley face if I knew how) I do love that I found this site. Thank you for your research that help people like me understand things better.
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