There's going to be a lot of activity today in Wasilla. It's hard to compete with Seward today, but we'll do our best.
At 11:00 in the morning, the parade through central Wasilla begins. John Klapperich, Eddie Burke's (and to a lesser extent - Shannyn Moore's) boss, will be the master of ceremonies, as he has been for years. The Grand Marshall of the parade will be Katie Hurley, the Secretary of Alaska's Constitutional Convention.
An hour before the parade, the Mat-Su Community Band will play patriotic Americana with a lot of style. I think they'll be playing on the deck of the Teeland Building, behind the library and museum. I'll be playing trombone in the band.
Here they are, performing Sousa's The Thunderer, five or six years go.
The Mat-Su Democrats will be marching at the parade. Beforehand (10:30ish) you can join us by the VPA parking lot.
After the parade, the Mat-Su Democrats will be hosting an ice cream social at Nunley Park, to the east of City Hall. We'll be scooping good locally made ice cream until at least 1:30.
At 4:00 p.m. the Alaska Tea Party will be having a picnic at Newcomb Park on Wasilla Lake. I'll be there, asking Teabaggers what they think soon-to-be-ex-Gov. Sarah Palin's next move might be.
Palin sort of showed up for the last Tea Party, but few expect her to be at the picnic today. But, you never know what she might do next.
I thought Sarah's plans were to head to Juneau for the 4th, back to obscurity.
Yep, she's in Juneau, still twittering:
"In Juneau- gorgeous & 82¤ on eve of Independence Day. Thinking of our vets who kept us free & our troops keeping us free today: THANK YOU! about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry"
Somebody better have an inventory of the Gov's House and her office of what is state owned before it all goes missing -- Remember the "clothing" she returned yet appeared home from the campaign with many more new suitcases and garbage bags than what she left with. Garbage bags being the choice of Hillbilly packing.
Happy 4th! Have a Safe, Super Day! Great wine! Great BBQ! Best of All - Spend it with Great Friends & Family!
What a gorgeous July 4th pic.
Happy Independence Day, Alaska.
In more ways than one.
thanks for sharing....
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I wouldn't blame Palin if she spent the 4th of July somewhere else, after the way Alaska trashed her during the presidential election. She must had been well thought of to have been elected gov. of Alaska and then her own state turned on her. The Palins are "Alaskan Growned and raised" and they love Alaska. DO you think Obama cares anything about Alaska and the people who live in this great state! ? ? ?
"Anonymous said…" Palin has more going for her than you ever will…You don't have any better way to spend your life than trashing other people? Lets see your accomplishments up beside Palins, like her or not. Has anyone asked you to run for VP, have you ever been elected gov. of a state?
Has a national news station asked you to report for them? With the money Palin has she does not have to take anything that is not hers. She can afford to buy anything she wants….believe me.
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