Essentially, McLeod, taking Gov. Palin at her own word (that's a risky business, eh?), felt it was obvious Palin was breaking the spirit and letter of the code, based, in part, on this statement:
“Some people direct their mail to me or my family in our personal capacities and others appear to direct their mail to me as the Governor es qualite’. Mail continues to arrive. There are boxes of unopened mail at this point, even mail that was delivered in 2008. Thus, as initially disclosed, ‘we continue to open boxes’ and we consider any parcel ‘received’ at the time it is opened. I have reported those gifts received thus far that are required to be disclosed.”
Here's a link to McLeod's current clarification request, commonly misnamed an "ethics complaint."
Back to the show. Palin's predilection to tweet incessantly and almost mindlessly is well-known. So when McLeod's request was announced, thousands of Palin followers from all over the political and political humor sprectra pounced on Palin's twitter page. And they were rewarded. Here's how I recorded them, in real time order:
in violation of Ethics Act more allegations were filed today by serial complainer;gave to press be4 we could respond;ridiculous, wasteful...
followed seven minutes later by:
Some ask why not sue abusers of Ethics Act bc state wastes 1000's hrs/millions of tax dollars to fight (and win!) frivolous charges, tho....
followed another seven minutes later by:
it costs political critics NOTHING to file/play their wasteful game;They should debate policy in political arena,not hide w/process abuse...
followed four minutes later by:
BUT if there was a suit to end public waste of time/funds to constantly address false allegations I could see perhaps a veteran filing it...
followed eight minutes later by:
someone who's put their life on the line protecting even opponents' right to speak & protest, was willing to die for freedom of press but...
followed 19 minutes later by:
knows it's shameful 4 valuable time& public resources to be diverted frm needed causes to deal w/this abuse of govt accountability system...
followed two minutes later by:
Hopefully these political critics filing this stuff (& some in press perpetuating it) appreciate the freedom to do so, protected by our vets
Yesterday, upon reading this series, I commented that they struck me as more mean than her usual responses to pressure. I also observed that "I've already come to the conclusion that Palin is delusional in some areas, and her projection of so many imaginary things into this series of tweets is creepily pathetic."
Some bloggers put a lot of weight on Palin's tied together series, "BUT if there was a suit to end public waste of time/funds to constantly address false allegations I could see perhaps a veteran filing it... someone who's put their life on the line protecting even opponents' right to speak & protest, was willing to die for freedom of press but..."[emphasis added]
Some have suggested Palin needs to start a blog.
Others are questioning her understanding of our basic rights.
Others are questioning her sanity. Some are suggesting a kind of family intervention. Rather, though, she is continually being enabled further and further out on her rather creaky tree limb.
by Rachel D'OroAnd Palin, who had been tweeting merrily away all morning, has been tweetless now for about 90 minutes....
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts.
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official" legal defense fund.
The fund aims to help Palin pay off debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints against her, most of which have been dismissed.
Palin says she owes more than $500,000 in legal fees.
A call seeking comment from her lawyer was not immediately returned.
I do hope that Palin gets the medical interventive help that she needs, ASAP.
These chilling tweets bring to mind what I believe are Palin's personality disorer(s).
One mental health professional has begun to identify people who are both narcissists (feels overly entitled) and sociopaths (no conscience) as "narcissiopaths."
Do the following quotes remind you of anyone?
At root, the narcissist is an overly entitled personality. He feels entitled to be accomodated on a pretty much continual basis. This begs the question, on what basis does he accord himself this right—to expect, that is, the continual accomodation of his needs and desires? The answer is, on the basis of his sense of himself as “special,” and his expectation that others—indeed, the world—will also recognize him as special.
The narcissist is infamously inept at managing his disappointment. He feels that he should never be disappointed, that others owe him protection from disappointment. When disappointed, he will find someone to blame, and will quickly de-idealize and devalue his disappointer.
But the sociopath’s dead conscience isn’t per se what makes him sociopathic. Many people have weak consciences who aren’t sociopaths. It is his dead conscience in conjunction with his orientation to exploit that gets to the heart (really, heartlessness) of the sociopath.
The sociopath is variously a manipulator, liar, deceiver and violator of others; and he is these things less to regulate his unstable self-esteem than, more often than not, to enjoy himself, amuse himself, entertain himself, and take what he feels like taking in a way he finds optimally satisfying.
The sociopath, as I have discussed previously, is an audacious exploiter. His lack of shame supports his imperturbability, which enhances the experience of his audacity. The sociopath leaves one shaking one’s head at his nerve, his gall. One imagines that to venture the deception and outrages the sociopath pursues with his famous, blithe composure, he must possess a chilling callousness and coldness beneath what may otherwise be his veneer of “normality.” One imagines correctly.
Now sometimes we find ourselves dealing, as I’ve suggested, with individuals who seem, at once, to be both narcissist and sociopath, as if straddling, or embodying both disorders.
These are the individuals I’m proposing to call narcissiopaths.
The author uses O.J. Simpson as an example of someone who is both a narcissist and a sociopath. In the future, I think the author will have more examples to write about.
So she's going to have Bob Lynn make it illegal to question the Governor's ethics?
What do you expect from someone who apparently thought Lincoln was president when Alaska was purchased in 1867 (see her resignation speech).
What do you expect from someone whose hairdresser tells a reporter that Palin's hair was thinning from her self-induced stress, and that the reporter's story was "perfect," and later "tweets" that she never said what she said?
I can't wait for the real Sarah Palin to appear on Quitter's Day.
Ain't it goin' to be tweet?
Following is a copy of email I sent to KTUU:
Despite the fact that FINALLY a complaint has been found valid, the personnel board needs to be investigated –or better—replaced with people who 1) have nothing to fear from Palin and 2) cannot lose their jobs for ruling against her and 3) cannot have their welfare, either employment wise or personally affected by this woman’s need for revenge.
Many of the complaints that were dismissed WERE valid and did not receive proper or objective investigation. The Arctic Cat episode immediately comes to mind, as the well as the still unresolved ( or at least unreported resolution) of the disclosure issues surrounding “Arctic Cat.”
It is NOT enough that FINALLY this board rules in a more objective manner. Perhaps, with Palin leaving, some of their fear has dissipated.
Andee McLeod has been demonized despite the fact that she has spent thousands of her own money in demonstrating the courage more Alaskans should have displayed. It makes me ill when I read comments to articles where people ask, “Why isn’t anyone filing a complaint over (fill in the blank?)” DO THEY EVER ASK THEMSELVES WHY THEY AREN’T FILING THE COMPLAINT?
McLeod has done what others sit back and whine about. IF others had the courage McLeod apparently has, perhaps McLeod would not have had to file so many herself; the burden would have been shared by other citizens.
While I give great credit to our also courageous Alaska bloggers, I feel Andee McLoud has not gotten nearly enough recognition. This woman has put her money, her reputation, and her safety on the line repeatedly in a way that none of our bloggers have. And I mean NO disrespect to our bloggers in saying that. It is simply a fact that McLeod has stood up in her foxhole and take hard blows to the head which will influence her life long after our bloggers are on to "fresh meat,"and she deserves more credit for what she has done and is doing.
Intervention will not help a narcissist. In fact, almost nothing will as the narcissist first has to understand THEY have the problem and not the rest of the world.
THAT is something narcissist NEVER do. IF they COULD understand that, they would not be narcissistic.
Narcissist don't get better. They get worse. They often feel suicidal when depressed by the lack of positive "narcissistic supply"--especially when it is replaced with negative "narcissistic supply", but they do not commit suicide. Instead, they turn their anger outward towards the "others" who they firmly believe are responsible for their pain.
Remember, to a narcissist, those who are "against" them are evil, since they consider themselves "good" people. THis is not egotism, or arrogance (tho narcissist do display these attitudes as well) but how they actually feel and think inside their delusional minds.
Think about what it is like to really be delusional-- not name calling by labeling someone that way, BUT WHAT IT IS REALLY LIKE INSIDE A DELUSIONAL PERSON'S HEAD AND THEN you can understand Palin better.
Palin is unique in that she has no place to "run and hide" from all the negative fallout. Usually a narcissist will try to find a new location to con people, con themselves and to maintain their "reality bubble."
Because of Palin's national notarity, she is unable to do this.
This is going to cause her far more anxiety and pressure than a similar situation would to someone less publically known, i.e. Santee Kimes ( "Son of a Grifter" by her son, Kent Walker) who relocated to the North East after exhausing her ability to continue her grifting in Southern California and the southwest.
Palin is approaching criticle mass.
No one is going to be able to help her and those closest to her could be in physical danger, especially if they try to "show her the truth" as they would put them on her enemy list. And, yet, how can those closest to her continue to go along with her "about to burst" reality bubble?
Hard tight rope to walk and come away unscathed.
Jul 21, 5:11 PM EDT
AP NewsBreak: Palin implicated in ethics probe
Associated Press Writer
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Palin's agreement to reimburse state for family travel
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts, in the latest legal distraction for the former vice presidential candidate as she prepares to leave office this week.
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official" legal defense fund.
The practical effect of the ruling on Palin will be more financial than anything else. The report recommends that Palin refuse to accept payment from the defense fund, and that the complaint be resolved without a formal hearing before the Alaska Personnel Board.
The fund aims to help Palin pay off debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints against her, most of which have been dismissed. Palin says she owes more than $500,000 in legal fees, and she cited the mounting toll of the ethics probes as one of the reasons she is leaving office.
A call seeking comment from her lawyer and an e-mail to her spokeswoman were not immediately returned.
Palin's friends and supporters created the Alaska Fund Trust in April, limiting donations to $150 per person. Organizers declined to say how much it has raised, and had hoped to raise about $500,000. A Webathon last month brought in about $130,000 in pledges.
In his report, attorney Thomas Daniel said his interpretation of the ethics act is consistent with common sense.
An ordinary citizen facing legal charges is not likely to be able to generate donations to a legal defense fund, he wrote. "In contrast, Governor Palin is able to generate donations because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure. Were it not for the fact that she is governor and a national political figure, it is unlikely that many citizens would donate money to her legal defense fund."
The ethics complaint was filed by Eagle River resident Kim Chatman shortly after the fund was created, alleging Palin was misusing her official position and accepting improper gifts.
Palin was given a copy of the investigator's report a week ago, Chatman said Tuesday.
"It's an absolute shame that she would continue to keep the Alaska Fund Trust Web site up and running," Chatman told the AP.
At least 19 ethics complaints have been filed against Palin, most of them after she was named the running mate for GOP presidential candidate John McCain. Most of those have been dismissed, and Palin's office usually sends a news release with the announcement.
"She's not acknowledging the fact that the ethics complaint was credible," Chatman said. "When ethics complaints are dismissed, she's quick to publicly respond but this one, she's sitting on."
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Correct link to my post above:
We know how ethically-challenged this woman is; we recognize her lack of maturity and intelligence (or even worldview or normal curiosity about things unknown)- this new ethics suit looks like it may be the reason she's become a "quitter". Obviously, she's in violation of state statutes and I'm wondering what Federal statutes she's broken as well.
I'd say it's "adios for good" to this ethically-challenged, inarticulate fraud if you ask me.
Quitter Palin's heyday is coming to an embarrassing screeching halt.
Sarah Palin has become a national punchline.
The poster above has it correct: These maniacal tweets are illustrative of the high level of psychiatric pathology which this woman manifests.
Let's all hope that she receives some kind of intervention for her obvious psychiatric problem and soon.
Personally, (and I have a background in such) it's clear to me that the ONLY thing this woman is headed toward is a very nasty psychotic breakdown.
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