I haven't seen a quote from anyone at Runner's World yet that actually verifies this, but short of that, I think people are making unwarranted assumptions.
A Saturday Night Live producer commented early in 2009 that she was struck by the quality of Palin's skin. Although I've never considered Palin attractive, especially after she begins talking, I agree that Palin's skin is quite remarkable.
Although wearing pantyhose for a Runner's World office pose might seem to be something a person fitting the image of "slutty flight attendant" might do - Palin assuredly does often fit into that category in her attire - I'm not at all sure that these people are correct.
My wife just got back from running. She had a great run. Her great legs are glistening. In certain lighting, one might erroneously think she is wearing hose.
I think it's just tanning and lotion, not pantyhose. Anyway, her legs could not be glistening like your wife's are right after a run because she is not pageant posing in that photo right after a run. Her hair and makeup are done!
I think I may actually be beginning to feel sorry for her - a little bit.
The shit is going to start coming down on her so hard, so fast, so soon.
I hope Sarah Palin will get the mental health treatment she so obviously and desperately needs.
..panty hose!
sweaty legs do not reflect light, the color is so off from the natural color of her face & arms....but who wants pale legs featured in a national mag? pale arms, face, neck, thats OK...but not my legs!
Quick! get me my Leggs Pantyhose...
Oh yeah! Like I have TWO blkBerr so I can answer email, phone call, read the latest from all those nasty bloggers - who hate me - while I make my midnight jog.
I DO NOT GET THE POINT OF THIS PICTUER...What was she TRYING to say/not say???
I give up.....
SORRY, I 1st posted this in the wrong section...
This photo (and the others) are carefully posed, with her hair done, and props in hand. She certainly has not been "running" in her not-sweat stained clothes.
Her legs are so much darker and shiner than her face, I can only say, "Yes, she is wearing pantyhose with her running outfit on."
I must say these cutesy, artificial poses only serve as confirmation with a woman who has never come to grips with the fact that she did not win that Miss Alaska crown.
Golly - I'm crossing everything I can!
And I'm trying really, really hard to imagine what could make me feel sorry for her, but as I scroll down your recent posts I cannot come up with one single thing!
anon @ 7:39 - that isn't proof.
Thanks for your comment, though.
Having looked at the photo close up and I do not for one second believe she is wearing panty hose.
She tans via her tanning bed (as is obvious) and I am betting that she has lotion on her legs.
With lighting for the photos, that is what is giving that look to her legs.
I've done the tanning thing before and after my shower applied lotion and it gives you such a "sheen" that it could easily be mistaken for pantyhose being hit with the light.
Now I still think she looks trashy. What I mean is she looks like she is posing to attract attention to herself rather than just having photos taken in some of her running gear.
In my opinion, she is an attractive woman who knows that her looks are what gets her attention and she will use that as long as she can because she doesn't have much else going for her.
teal, the blackberries never leave her hands. Look at pictures of her on the campaign trail, as well as her time in AK. She can't even be bothered to use both hands to hold Trig, she's got to have those blackberries in her hand.
You ask what was she trying to say in that photo?
She is trying to paint the picture of someone who does it all while still looking hot. "Look at me, patriotic, working youngish hottie"
I'm surprised she can hold herself upright with the size of her ego.
Phil, I can't feel sorry for her. Not one iota. She has done this to herself, and if people like you, Celtic Diva, AKM, Shannyn, Gryphen didn't keep bringing the truth to light, she would be getting away with much more than she already has.
She has proven time and again how her first priority is to herself. Everything else comes after "Her". Even her own family. I don't have any pity nor respect for someone like that. I see what she is doing to AK and it sickens me.
Skin? Legs? Who cares!
Look at the flag!! That's what is important about this photo--along with the fact that Palin is showing her true self: a poser.
Phil, your words:
"The shit is going to start coming down on her so hard, so fast, so soon."
Music to our ears (and yes, I'm a fellow musician, so I know of what I speak...:)
I do not care if she is or is not wearing hose - I care that she is a lying, law-breaking, idiotic, brainless grifter (IMO).
"My wife just got back from running. She had a great run. Her great legs are glistening. In certain lighting, one might erroneously think she is wearing hose."
The difference is that your wife is probably ugly as hell, which is why you are obsessed with Palin
I on U...thanks
will someone in Alaska PLEASE tell her that the hair extensions are a no-no...
so - not that I know since I've had a tan my whole life...when tanning, is it 'natural' that the rest of the body ends up
'not' matching the legs???
Hey maybe it spray-on tan legs?
It's fake tan. Her legs look like frankfurters. She's got lots of heavy-duty moisturiser also too. Oil would be too hard to photograph.
Wearing running shoes - and especially running - is bound to wear the fake tan off; someone commented on her white feet recently. ;)
That pose - hair extensions, hand on hip and Blackberries - baffles me completely. As for the treatment of the flag - how VERY presidential, Sarah.
There's really no end to this woman's self-love, is there?
It looks like she is wearing pantyhose, along with hair extensions. It used to be common place (back when she was a second runner up beauty queen) to wear pantyhose with shorts for photos. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. Normally, I'd attribute it to photoshopping, but her arms don't look that color and her knees are not at all like they are in another picture from this article. The pantyhose hide any number of things which are harder to photoshop.
Her is her hair extensions, which are just wrong for the shoot, wrong for her position, and not consistent with the other photos, almost as if she believes she's a fashion model instead of a governor.
She has a very nice figure and I commend her for her physical fitness.
I prefer mental and intellectual fitness in my elected officials, however. And she is an epic failure mentally and intellectually. Perhaps she should be in charge of fitness at the wasilla sports complex instead of governor.
teal - Her arms look pretty tan so I don't think the legs are different from her body. Her face looks much lighter but that's probably mostly because of make-up - she's fully made up in that photo - and she may protect her face from tanning so as to avoid accelerating wrinkles.
If you look at the tops of her forearms they are quite tan. And I'm sure she isn't wearing pantyhose on them.
And, when one applies lotion to one's legs it deepens the tan color a bit. And if one knew one was going to be posing for leg revealing photos, one would apply lotion.
In fact, if one knew one was going to be posing for leg-revealing photos, one may very well maximize one's tan with the temporary cream-type products which one may very well only apply to those areas likely to be exposed. And skip one's face because that sort of fake-tan on one's face is particularly unflattering.
In fact, there are even body-lotion products meant to be used every day that include a little fake tan in them. If you apply the lotion daily you maintain the tan.
Also, if you look at the photos posted from yesterday on the Governor's website at the bill signing, the hair extensions are magically gone! And it looks like she got lots of new highlights.
Anon. wrote:
"Perhaps she should be in charge of fitness at the wasilla sports complex instead of governor."
That's the most perfect career position for her I've ever heard. In fact, I would go ahead and let her run the whole darn sports complex.
Anonymous said at 8:36PM said:
"The difference is that your wife is probably ugly as hell, which is why you are obsessed with Palin."
This must be Todd, Sarah, or Eddie.
Or just maybe someone who REALLY is obsessed with the Mother MuskIcon of the Klondike.
Those photos disturb me. I guess because they are so posed and waxed up.
Anonymous at 8:36, I have met Phil's wife, and she is a lovely person both within and without. You should be ashamed of yourself.
We should just ignore folks like Anonymous 8:36.
I can't resist saying Anonymous 8:36's attitude toward Phil's wife seems similar to Palin's attitude towards the United State's flag in the photo. Shame on Palin, and shame on 8:36.
Phil is about freedom of speech, even if it is stupid. Note how he has probably read this and if he cringed, we don't see it. This is how a PROFESSIONAL acts.
It bothers me that she has a big family which includes a child with special needs who parties-- not to mention Trig with his special needs, a state to run . . . and she is posing with bangs in her eyes, looking like she wants a bang herself. (Is Todd not good enough for her? What is her ulterior motive? Slutty flight attendants ride more than airplanes, Phil. REMEMBER that.)
Phil, what do you think of the flag being draped as it is? "Oh, I just wad this up and look at it whenever because it reminds me of Track!" Is there an excuse?
Nothing has inspired me to learn photoshop like this woman!
Sarah's sister-in-law, Wendy Palin, is an esthetician. She deserves some of the credit for the condition of Sarah's facial skin.
Definitely wearing pantyhose. You can tell by how the knee is "smoothed" out. Look at her knees in the other shorts photo. I am from the era of wearing pantyhose with shorts & know from wherein I speak. LOL! Of course the real story is the lack of respect for our flag, the cutesy beauty queen poses, and more lies.
Latest in from Mudflats:
"Our governor has won the presigious ”Sitting Duck Award,” given out annually by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists to the “mose ridiculed newsmaker in America.”
Thanks Phil. Keep up the great work.
Definitely pantyhose. Look at the knees. Palin has terrible knees; here they're all smoothed out.
And the "beautiful skin" comment came from the woman they paid $50,000 to do Sarah's makeup during the campaign, not from SNL. I think she said it get a return gig. If you look at un-photoshopped pictures of Palin, her skin is actually not that great, especially around the eyes pre-GOP Botox treatments.
And while I feel catty discussing her looks like this, she's the one who trades on them.
Yes on the pantihose...and shame on the lack of respect for the American flag from the governor of one of our 50 states...
What I thought most stupid about this 7-frame runner-pinup display was the pristine condition of Palin's shoes and the wheels of the baby cart.
I think the only time Palin runs these days is when a camera is on her, and not even then in these photos.
These pics were taken at the same time as the big love affair with mini skirts and high-heeled sandals and hair extensions and dubious pedicures began. Definitely no pantihose - blow the pic up to 200% and it doesn't even look like they've been generous with the airbrush.
I notice she's very good at the flattering pose .....
Personally speaking, I don't care if she wears panty hose with shorts or not. That is not what I noticed when I saw the pic. Its the Flag..the Flag..the Flag.
Someone with her political aspirations should have known that pose was unacceptable. She does look like she is just posing in some girly mag..and not as someone who wants to "progress' herself to higher office.
To anon who was so disgusting re: Phil's wife. Grow up and go back to the "Echo Chamber" They seem to like that kind of talk over there...we don't. You disgust me.
Pantyhose? Really? Seriously? Who cares whether or not she's wearing pantyhose with her running shorts. I agree with you, Phil -- when I hear meaningless criticisms such as this, I do feel a tad bit sorry for the lady. Palin has given us(and will continue to give us)real, substantive issues on which to criticize her. Let's stop all the nit picking because we just don't need it.
When I was a cross country skier in high school, (I'm a guy), we used to wear panty hose under our pants when it got colder than 20 below or so. One day we were all standing around in the locker room and some guys shoved a few cheerleaders in-- you should have seen the looks on their faces! (We were definitely wearing panty hose).
Couldn't resist.
Posts like these aren't 'great work'. Posts like these aren't politically relevant. Ad hominem is soooo tiresome (and I don't believe you feel sorry for her!?!). Quit with the goings on about her skin, hair, wardrobe, pantyhose or lack of...
This type of topic (and all the really stupid photoshops that plaster the internet) do not behoove any blogger who wishes to be taken even slightly seriously. Sheesh. zzzzzzzzz
This photo sooooooo needed to be hacked
Anonymous @ 12:19-- is that the same Wendy who had that weird situation with the break in that she said was the wrong house-- I hardly remember it now, it was a few months ago. What happened in that mess?
Phil - are you here? The mudflats crashed!!!!!
I've never seen a serious runner (or any athlete in fact) wearing pantyhose with running shoes. No doubt she thinks it diminishes those thunder thighs? NOT!
Pantyhose (shade nude), Cosmetics: $10,000 Estee Lauder painted on with a palette knife, AND hair extensions out the whazoo. Nice try to further defraud the public however. This woman is a total sham.
time to check Sarah into the nearest psychiatric ward.
Come on people, it is a photoshoot. so what if she is wearing panty hose.
However, I think it more likely that some oil was rubbed on to even out the skin tones and to make for a more flattering photo.
Not a big deal either way.
We all know Palin is slutty enough without pantyhose or whatever.
Never respect someone who does not re spect you. Compassion may feel right for a second, but please stop to think of her history.
I feel sorry for a condemned person facing death, but too often their victims are forgotten. EASIER TO FEEL COMPASSION FOR THE CRIMINAL THAN TO RECALL HOW THE VICTIM SUFFERED AND ADMIT PEOPLE CAN AND OFTEN ARE THAT CRUEL AND EVIL.
Don't let "compassion" cover your own fear of facing the reality that evil is among us.
The photos are probably airbrushed. Photographers do that to make people look good in magazines. Take a good look at the photo - lighten up the hair a little; fringe the shorts a little. Take the background out and replace it with an old truck w/junk on it. Okay. Doesn't she look like Ellie May Clampet from the "Beverly Hillbillies"?
My wife just got back from running. She had a great run. Her great legs are glistening.
yeah...but, Sarah, I bet right before that photo was taken, did not just get back from a run...I guess standing around posing can make the legs sweat or something...
i just love lizz winstead -- what a goofball! in '04 she had an air america show, she and rachel maddow and chuck d. used to listen sometimes in the early morning on KUDO.
Looks like pantyhose to me, both in the shorts and with the long pants. Or a really awful tan in at bottle on her legs only. Either way, silly looking.
Her legs are so much darker and shiner than her face,,,.
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Who cares! I WISH she had on pantyhose. I LOVE pantyhose and they are under-worn today. Hopefully pantyhose will make a come-back!
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