Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saradise Lost - Book 4 - Chapter 44 -- Palin's To-Do List

hat tip - Palingates


frsbdg said...

Would this kid of behavior be tolerated from anyone else besides Sarah Palin? She has single-handedly lowered the bar to the point where she's now competing in the "Special Olympics" of politics.

Philip Munger said...

she's now competing in the "Special Olympics" of politics.

if only it weren't true...

wilbo said...

Hi Phil, A piscture is worth a thousand 'word salads'.

wilbo said...

Hello Phil, A picture is worth a thousand 'word salads'.

Anonymous said...

"Would this kid of behavior be tolerated from anyone else besides Sarah Palin?"

Yeah, it should be punishable by death to write a couple of words on your hand before a speech. But can you imagine how vile a politician would have to be to use a teleprompter ??

This is so fucking hilarious ! The only thing you sad misogynists can come up with against Palin is this non-story ! No wonder you bitter old losers are losing the public by the drove and Palin is winning more and more supporters ! Ha, it must suck to be you guys...watching this woman go from strength to strength while you spew your venom in impotent rage.

Anne in Texas said...

Anon 4:05. We are not all misogynists (sic). Some of us are educated women that wish she would quit using her tits and ass to cover for her sad lack of knowledge. She is trying to get by on her pretty lil face just like she has done all her life. She wants to be handed president on a platter without working for it and that, frankly, pisses a lot of us smart, hardworking women off. And spare me from going to the "you're just jealous of her looks because you're an ugly femi-nazi" well yet again - it's run dry. I am as attractive as her, so that don't mean a thing.

Anonymous said...

Are you denouncing Palin for writing notes on her palm? You really think if she does that she's a "slut?"

What's your rationale? Why's that cheating? What's the difference between notes on her hand and notes from a prompter? (if it were me I would have used 3 X 5 cards, but so what? Who cares?)

What are your standards? What's she supposed to do to satisfy your standards of "ethical speech delivery"?

Must she memorize everything? And if she doesn't memorize everything she's a slut? Only people who memorize their speeches aren't sluts? Perhaps you should tell orchestras to memorize your compositions and not read them during concerts-- if they don't you'll call them sluts too. Instead of calling them a Symphony, you could call them a Slut Symphony. Seems only fair.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 5:24 comments are here in wrong place.

Will post above.

Anonymous said...

Palin is a joke. And a slut, also too. Miniskirts, hand jobs and teabugging. LOL

Thanks, Phil!

Anonymous said...

"pisses a lot of us smart, hardworking women off. "

Hey, listen to Anne in Texas playing the modesty card. Hey Anne, did you ever run against an old boy network to become Governor of a State ?

"And spare me from going to the "you're just jealous of her looks because you're an ugly femi-nazi" well"

Sorry, Anne you must be mistaking me for a misogynist a conservative I don't judge people by the way they look. That's a hang-up of the women-hating left.

Anonymous said...

"She wants to be handed president on a platter without working for it and that"

Yeah, sure she does . Whether you like it or not, and however envious you are of her fame and fortune, it's obvious that Palin has worked hard all her life to get where she is today. To put up with the concerted attacks of the MSM is something few women could survive but she did it and emerged even stronger.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Palin is a slut because she wrote notes on her hand. I think she's a slut because she uses her looks - or what's left of her looks - to get attention and to earn money from pathetic people who believe in her. She uses her sexuality because she knows that she doesn't have anything else to sell.

Anonymous said...

"I think she's a slut because she uses her looks - or what's left of her looks "

Pathetic. What are you ...13 years old?

Laurie-Ann said...

@anon must be getting very tired, and your fingers must be getting sore. Jumping from post to post...protecting your beloved Palin. I feel badly, for how you will feel, when she is finally done.

Anonymous said...

"I feel badly, for how you will feel, when she is finally done."

I think there's more than one anon here. Maybe it suits your liberal sensibilities to believe that only one person disagrees with calling women sluts but I'm guessing several posters here are agin it.

As for feeling bad when Palin is finally done (is that liberal code for her death ?) , you're wrong. I'm not concerned either way - I'll just be glad when the misogynist practice of calling women 'sluts" is over.

As for yourself, I'm sure once Palin has left the political stage , you'll find someone else to vent your inner rage on. Good luck with that.

wilbo said...

Actually the term 'slut' for Mrs. Half-term' is really mild. 'Ignorant slut' I've heard some on the soaps Mrs. Half-term so much adores on her working shift while Mr. Half-term fills in. That is why they are considered as 'Mr. & Mrs Spilt PEAlins. You divide a SpiltPEAlin in half and and your remainder is a quarter of the whole. Which as Alaskan voters now know as chaos. Logical...

Anonymous said...

"That is why they are considered as 'Mr. & Mrs Spilt PEAlins. You divide a SpiltPEAlin in half and and your remainder is a quarter of the whole. Which as Alaskan voters now know as chaos. Logical..."

Anyone care to translate this ?

Anonymous said...

I must have hit a nerve yesterday Gusty! You removed my post...ahhhhhhh break my heart.
It's the truth though.
There is something creepy about your obsessive hate for Palin and you need to be watched.


Anonymous said...

My just have a new rant and I was thinking maybe you had forgotten to print some inane BS today about it. *laughing*


wilbo said...

8:46 I was wishing someone would inquire of this 'remandation'.