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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Saradise Found - Chapter 23 - Good Grief - Sarah Palin Magazine
Here's a link to the article about this in the Washington Post.
The short, 100% accurate answer to the question posed on the cover, "Can she save America?" has already been answered time and time again by the Alaska progressive bloggers:
"No Fucking Way!"
Yep, and a pic of her "wrapped in a flag" (and carrying a cross, no doubt) in the rag.
The cover shows a whiter, blonder $carah, too, also, additionally.
Imagine That Publishing is a one person operation out of Georgia.
They sell book packaging services.
It's tabloid targeted towards snagging uninformed shoppers suffering from grocery line boredom.
Has this blog deterioted to some sort of the same equivalent ?
Is it unwarranted to ask for deeper and more meaningful content than the same kind of pre-packaged, cut and paste, faux outrage du jour that powers celebrity rags?
At 5:46 in the morning are you so outraged by finding this that you have to give it even more prominence than it deserves, or was it a simple lack of caffeine which allowed you to be so addled as to think this required anyone's further attention?
All the fancy packaging in the world cannot give this bimbo a brain, intelligible words, or scruples. It's like promoting Britney Spears for President. Lipstick on a pig just doesn't work. Nor does plastic surgery. You just can't fix stupid.
"At 5:46 in the morning are you so outraged by finding this that you have to give it even more prominence than it deserves, or was it a simple lack of caffeine which allowed you to be so addled as to think this required anyone's further attention?"
You seem to be forgetting that this blog is the product of a seriously disturbed misogynist.
Yep, and a pic of her "wrapped in a flag" (and carrying a cross, no doubt) in the rag.
The cover shows a whiter, blonder $carah, too, also, additionally.
When will we be quit of this friggin' fraud?
The untold story? Did you, Gryphen, Shannon, Linda and AKM contribute to this special run? : )
Can she save this country? I just threw up in my mouth a little. Moose stew and dried salmon with seal oil doesn't taste so good this way.
Imagine That Publishing is a one person operation out of Georgia.
They sell book packaging services.
It's tabloid targeted towards snagging uninformed shoppers suffering from grocery line boredom.
Has this blog deterioted to some sort of the same equivalent ?
Is it unwarranted to ask for deeper and more meaningful content than the same kind of pre-packaged, cut and paste, faux outrage du jour that powers celebrity rags?
At 5:46 in the morning are you so outraged by finding this that you have to give it even more prominence than it deserves, or was it a simple lack of caffeine which allowed you to be so addled as to think this required anyone's further attention?
All the fancy packaging in the world cannot give this bimbo a brain, intelligible words, or scruples. It's like promoting Britney Spears for President. Lipstick on a pig just doesn't work. Nor does plastic surgery. You just can't fix stupid.
Oink oink.
That faux magazine is absolutely hilarious! Can't wait for South Park to do its Palinpalooza episode.
"At 5:46 in the morning are you so outraged by finding this that you have to give it even more prominence than it deserves, or was it a simple lack of caffeine which allowed you to be so addled as to think this required anyone's further attention?"
You seem to be forgetting that this blog is the product of a seriously disturbed misogynist.
I'll go along with the seriously disturbed bit,
whether that extends to mysogyny I'll leave that judgement to others.
As for the seriously disturbed bit, that extends quite far and wide and I solemnly hope he can grow away from it.
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