Hat tip to Gryph, who - of course - was early on spotting it.
I didn't watch most of the CW's speech. I plowed through between 9 inches and two feet of snow from our blizzard of Friday night through Saturday afternoon (more to plow tomorrow!).
That was a lot better than having to plow through 5 feet three inches of total bullshit.

The attention her speech drew in the national media tonight bothered me. When is the last time practically all the national media paid this much attention to an event that drew less participants than some PTA candidate forums?
To me, this insult to our national intelligence seems unprecedented. She had absolutely nothing to say that she hasn't said before. In some ways it was tawdry. It didn't even rise to her usual level of word salad. It was more like word compost.

For the past two days, though, we've been assaulted and insulted by TeabaggerFest 2010 almost taking over memeorandum. That site has become, as I wrote the other day, a sort of upscale version of the Drudge Report.

Here's more detail:
Update: Here's a closeup of the hand notes. Why did she even bother?

Someone needs to get a closeup of her left palm during the speech when it was distinct, not smudged as in the Q&A. Really would like to know what was on it.
so looking at her cheat sheet was during the question and answer time, lol, the pre-approved questions.
I watched her nervously trying to figure out what to do when they were to begin this part, she finally set her speech pages down and sat down, to chat off the cuff, lol.
So I wonder when she got to go through the questions? en route? over the phone between Salina last night and arriving today?
She had her speech typed up and probably practiced, not enough, lol, but.
So she decides with whomever her handler is which questions would be best to take. Is told the answers, but needs a cheat sheet to remember them.
Because she did not know on her own in the first place. I'll have to go back and see what question was posed when she looked at her hand. I think the whole world saw it, but I cannot remember the question, lol.
I posted a comment at the Sea of Pee on this. I signed my name as a guest. I used to be registered there under my name, but for some reason, whenever I try to re-register under my own name, I don't get accepted. I've also - once again - changed the blog settings here to welcome anonymous commenters, so PA may get a few pissed people from the Sea.
okay, just watched your short clip, oh dear it was the hard question of what 3 things she would first do if she were president. lol.
goodness, she had to write 3 things down on her hand to remember, this is like the O'Biden problem.
She screwed up big by proving she had to cheat. But she SO wanted to be able to show the world she could take questions, that she was not afraid of that, that she's no simpleton. Oops.
I think she has a serious retention problem, like Bush Jr but worse.....the difference is Bush had time to learn, over 8 yrs, the broader scope of BS fairly well.
Wing it and the both fall flat. They both are empty suits, fakes, cons and money grubbers.
Hey Phil,
At least there was ONE positive thing to come out of this for her....?
It looks like she found her ' wedding ring ' she lost.. ? Bwaaaaaaa!!!!
Maybe She bought a new one with the Money she SAVED by not paying Her " Chalet " Tax. yu betcha.
What's around her wrist? It says 'Palin', perhaps 'Track' before it. Is this a military support thing?
When her speech(?) started, she was her flirty, winky, being adorable(gag)self.
Then she came to the infamous line about other nations looking to ALASKA to be the beacon of hope for the world. After that, she completely fell apart, slurring, shaky voice, looking continuously at her speech, losing her place multiple times, attempts at humor falling flat even with THAT audience. In short, I loved it. Then she wandered aimlessly around the stage after her speech wondering what to do, where to do, and getting very little help from Phillips. Then she sits down with her skirt up to her ying yang, strokes her leg and reads her cheat sheet for answers to pre-approved questions. It was DIVINE. I got the impression that not all of her audience were thrilled with her, but that's just IMHO. I wasn't - what a hateful beotch.
Anon 2:17 am: It's a "hero bracelet" with Track's picture on it. One of the blogs (can't remember which one) had a link to the site that sells them not too long ago. You can order them with the person's picture & details of service.
YES. This post is the precise list of the problem.
INSULT to our national intelligence
Phil you really have a fixation on Sarah.
Are you in love?
Reminds me of the third grand boy who pulled on the girls braids. He did not know how to show his affection.
your fascination with Sarah suggest a complex LoveJones.
I think the notes are interesting-- I wonder why she chose to write those words and not something else. It may even be disturbing how basic her reminders are.
However I strongly disagree with you that there is anything immoral about writing notes on her hand for a speech. Comparing this to cheating on a college exam is absurd.
What I find disturbing is that a college professor can't tell the difference between cheating on a college exam and using a couple notes for a speech.
Well, we all knew that everything she had to say was "second hand." And Phil, you nailed it. Re-used stale word salad = word compost.
6:20, Your aware Phil rarely posts on the 'Spilt PEAlins' are you not. Plus what's a 100k 'hand job' got to do with you.
Oh my God !!!! A private citizen wrote a couple of reminder words on her hand !! Stop the world !! This is the destruction of democracy as we know it !!!
You liberal misogynists are getting real, real desperate. How is Palin writing a couple of words on her hand "cheating" ? Can you really be this sad ? If jotting a couple of words on her hand is "cheating" what is it when your Messiah reads everything from a teleprompter ?
As for the author of this blog using the word "slut" to describe Palin it shows how twisted the Left's hatred of strong women has become. It's noticeable as well, that not one of the other Leftist harpies commenting on this post thought there was anything wrong with that misogynist insult.
"What I find disturbing is that a college professor can't tell the difference between cheating on a college exam and using a couple notes for a speech."
Seconded !
"I didn't watch most of the CW's speech.......She had absolutely nothing to say that she hasn't said before. In some ways it was tawdry. It didn't even rise to her usual level of word salad. It was more like word compost"
So the poster admits he didn't watch most of the speech but then informs us that Palin said nothing new. Interesting.
BTW , how many politicians have something "new " to say in each speech ?
Does this now mean that every female politician who uses notes, teleprompters or planted questions (a big favorite for Dems at townhall meetings) is a SLUT ?
Is this kind of abuse used against male politicians ? Or is it only women who are to be subjected to this kind of sexually demeaning abuse ?
"Anon 2:17 am: It's a "hero bracelet" with Track's picture on it. One of the blogs (can't remember which one) had a link to the site that sells them not too long ago. You can order them with the person's picture & details of service."
I wonder if track's says, "I got caught vandalizing school buses and using Oxycontin, so now I'm doin' time in the Army"!!
"I wonder if track's says, "I got caught vandalizing school buses and using Oxycontin, so now I'm doin' time in the Army"!!"
At least he's risking his life serving his country, what are you doing ?
No not just "slut". More like a stupid slur. We are talking about Sarah Palin, a women who will sell her soul given the opportunity. In Sarahs case, she considers it "given that open door, that opportunity, yes I will take it".
Thankfully, a couple of other women decided not to sell out so easy.
Back in the day, perhaps prior to quitting her job as Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah wouldn't be so eaisly affiliated with such anti-multi-cultural types like the tea baggers. Pay her enough and yes = stupid slut.
If she runs in 2012, I can only imagine what the other side may do with all of these interesting clips of her attempts to answer questions. akbatwoman
"so eaisly "
Thank God for the public school system!
You have reached a new low. If she is so inconsequential, why do you spend so much time on her?
A slut needs someone to do the f***** of her.
I see that you and your cronies are indeed doing that.
Grow up and get a mature life.
Those who need to "get a mature life" include those who wander from blog to blog leaving anonymous messages telling others to do so.
"Those who need to "get a mature life" include those who wander from blog to blog leaving anonymous messages telling others to do so."
As do those who think "Kevin" is really telling us who they are.
Gusty, you must not be winning the battle so you have to refer to a woman as a slut.
You are really starting (already have started?) to sound a bit creepy and dangerous.
Kind of like that baker here back in the 1980s that was bumping off strippers and hookers because they were "bad" women. Although he didn't mind doing the dirty deed before he murdered them and buried their bodies around Alaska.
I can see why they don't allow your crowd to get close to Palin.
Get help Gustav!
Hey people who are saying "what's wrong with somebody writing a few reminder words on her hand for a speech when your Messiah uses a teleprompter": did YOU watch the speech? If so, then you should have noticed that Palin DID have a written speech. You could see her looking down repeatedly and reading off of her papers and/or note cards. You could also see her turn the pages/cards.
Or are you really so enthralled by YOUR Messiah that you didn't realize she was reading a prepared speech? It is no different than a teleprompter, except that the speech was on the lectern in front of her, rather than on a teleprompter. So you can cut the crap about how she just had "a few notes for a speech". She actually had a written speech and she delivered it poorly.
The notes on her hand were for the prescreened questions. She knew she'd be asked the first three things she would do as president, and apparently could not trust herself to answer even that.
So yeah, she WAS cheating. She was using notes to answer interview questions. The President does NOT use notes to answer interview questions. Most of you Palin worshipping crew are too intellectually dishonest to acknowledge that Palin reads her speechs and does not memorize them. You're following your Queen's example by pretending that she doesn't read her speeches, so you can pretend she's somehow better than the President.
And I am not thrilled with the use of the term "slut", but it's not surprising that people eventually grow weary of watching Palin put on her show for money, and that women who ARE accomplished and educated get tired of a woman such as Palin, who was completely unprepared to be the Governor of Alaska, much less President of the United States, continue to be treated as a serious person when she fails to prepare and relies on sex appeal to hold the attention of many of her fans.
"And I am not thrilled with the use of the term "slut", but it's not surprising that people eventually grow weary of watching Palin put on her show for money, and that women who ARE accomplished and educated get tired of a woman such as Palin"
Then why don't these so-called "educated women" run for office ? And who the hell are you to tell women that it's OK to turn to sexist abuse just because YOU don't like Palin ? Would it be OK for me to racially abuse Obama because I'm sick of his lies. No, of course it wouldn't.... so don't start bleating that it's OK to use sexist abuse just because it suits your leftist worldview.
ArmChairJane says:
"and that women who ARE accomplished and educated get tired of a woman such as Palin, who was completely unprepared to be the Governor of Alaska,"
Typical left wing broad! You don't mind the term "slut" when it is used against those you hate. Someone mentioned today that the left is actually racist/prejudice and are just projecting your hate on to everyone else. Pathetic!
And you need to go back and read Phil's blather about how great Palin was before she hooked up with McCain. He was all smitten with her ability to grow blah blah blah!
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