
Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, who helped save my son Alex's life when he had wrapped his umbilical cord into an overhand knot in his mom's womb, is the only person I know capable of unraveling another knot.
After the birth of Sarah Palin's younger son, questions came up about the wisdom shown by Palin in her "wild ride" scenario, as described then by her 'helpful' dad. Shortly afterward, Baldwin-Johnson made a short appearance with an attorney, regarding her consultation with Palin after the latter's water broke.
Then the doctor disappeared for months, until her name surfaced attached to a letter that Baldwin-Johnson has never acknowledged as having actually authored.
Jesse Gryphen published a story Tuesday morning at The Immoral Minority that purports anomalies discovered in pictures of Trig Palin indicate there may be more than one person who has been presented by the Palins as representing the person generally acknowledged to be her younger son.
Palin has repeatedly claimed in the national media that she has presented for public scrutiny a birth certificate for Trig. That is not the case. I've observed a few times here that this seeming lie should be taken up by the so-called media. As yet, to my knowledge, it hasn't been.
Are people too jaded by Palin's lies to take this more seriously than the hundreds of others? If so, that is bizarre, because it is an important matter.
There are few people who could settle this. I don't trust Palin. I do trust Cathy, though, and can never thank her enough for helping save Alex.
Although she is under no legal or perhaps even moral obligation to share more about what she knows of the strange circumstances of Trig Palin's appearance on the scene, Cathy could single-handedly cut the Gordian knot on this, and free us from a somewhat suffocating entanglement.
Once and for all.
Thank you Phil for posting this.
Under state medical board rules,l DR. CBJ may actually be under legal obligation. She better think long and hard about protecting Sarah, before she winds up under that crowded Going Rogue express.
I believe $P has put the good doctor in a terrible position with her lies and the baby fraud. CBJ can and should come clean. Why let the likes of grifter $P drive her out of her practice and profession? God does not want $P to continue her grifting -- he gave us CBJ as a protector from SP's harm and the person he wills to shut that door firmly in $P's face. CBJ should do the right thing and tell the truth about the Palin "babies." The truth shall set CBJ...and all of us...free.
CBJ should listen to what God is telling her in her heart, rather than what the sociopathic $P is whispering in her ear. She'll feel so much better...and cleansed.
This conspiracy has passed the point of believability, in my opinion. If you accept that SP was faking a pregnancy then you now have two babies to explain away rather than one.
Philip, I appreciate you posting this and I sense that you are very doubtful of this as well. I understand the difference of opinion regarding SP's politics and beliefs but I think it makes the anti-Palin camp look a bit silly to advance this as a real possibility.
I am glad Dr. CBJ was instrumental in saving your son's life.
Nevertheless, for whatever personal reason, she may have made a decision in her support of Mrs. Palin which has come to haunt her professionally, and possibly personally. It is this suspicion which leads me to believe that she will not come forward unless and until she is forced to do so by the State Medical Board or by some other legal process where she will have to testify under oath.
Unfortunately, this seems highly unlikely.
I refuse to be labeled as Anti Palin, I am actually anti Liar, anti cheater, anti dishonest politians.
Just because the package looks good, a liar is still a liar etc. It does not make me a hater or any other name someone wants to call me.
When Sarah states something as fact when I can clearly see it is a lie I will call it what it is. I will not dance around the issue and let her come up with another lie to try to cover the first lie.
Remember the old saying, "He who excuses himself, accuses himself.
Great job Phil. However Dr. Johnson is probably being held hostage by HIPAA.
On the other hand, she may very well be ethically challenged and if she has aided in the commission of a felony (insurance fraud), she could easily lose her Medical License.
She may have been a good doc at one point - obviously you have respect for her. But this country does not need "good" doctors who commit crimes. She should be reported to the Alaska Physician Licensing Board for potential misconduct and possible criminal charges.
If SP really did not give birth to Trig and the hospital billed for the birth, that constitutes fraud. If the physician was complicit in this, she needs to go to jail.
From viewing the many Trig pics, I am convinced that there is more than one Trig and no birth certificate.
It's not about persecution, it's about the SP lies and all the individuals she snares. SP claimed (while in TX campaigning for Rick Perry) that she had "Trig" "later than night" (when she was on the Wild Ride). She had first stated he was born in the morning the next day.
It would be so nice if the lies would just stop. It's tiresome.
I'm beginning to wonder if Trig is not one of Cathy's relatives. Why else would she continue to cover up the many lies of Palin?
She needs to resolve this and disclose any lithium usage by SP
When she was interviewed for the ADN why did she bring a lawyer with her?
Does anyone know his/her name? Van Flea maybe?
And that hokey medical note that queen grifter used for "medical records" is factually wrong! Grifter queen said herself in her book she had 2 "miscarriages" so that would make her 4 or 5 live births, or preg 6/7 times. She does need to step up and either take responsibility for that medical note or come clean on what she knows. If there is something Illegal going on, she is involved by keeping silent.
Gryphen said he has been working on this for 10 mos! He has interviewed Dr.s and they say that the Original Trig is not the same Trig on the RNC campaign or book tour! For gods sake! The woman could of been our VP! She was gov of the SOA!
Who will step up and finally tell the truth?
From the very beginning, I have never understood why the doctor did not make a statement saying clearly that she had been present when Mrs. Palin gave birth to Trig and stating the date and location. That is really all it would have taken to set all the speculations to rest.
I know that privacy rules would prevent her from doing this without Mrs. Palin's permission, but why would that permission ever be withheld?
Pat Dougherty, the editor of the Anchorage Daily News stated in an email exchange with Sarah he has published that there has been "no clear, contemporaneous public record of what transpired with Trig's birth."
He sent reporter Lisa Demers out to try and clear this up and she was stonewalled. Here's what he had to say about that in the same email exchange. "Lisa Demer started reporting. I don't believe she received any cooperation in her efforts from the parties who, in my judgment, stood to benefit most from the story, namely you and your family."
Finally after being totally FED UP with her shenanigans he offered to pay for DNA testing. "We have no further interest (unless you really want us to help out with a DNA test; that would be too sensational to pass up)"
You might think she would have jumped at ANY of these chances, but no. Here's how he ends the article. "To date, there has been no response from the governor, or acknowledgement of any kind. I did receive a "return receipt" indicating that the email had been opened."
The fact is Sarah did NOT give birth to Trig until proven otherwise. She's been given every opportunity to prove it and it hasn't happened because she can't. It's the biggest political hoax of all time and all Alaskans should be embarrassed by this woman's shameful behavior
Amen, Barb.
A glaring error in Cathy's letter for Sarah's VP candidacy:
She lists Piper's year of birth as 2000. It was actually in 2001.
When writing a letter for a US vice-president candidate, you'd think she would get the birth dates correct--especially since SHE allegedly delivered Piper!!
(This is just one of many issues with the letter.) link to letter:
There is not conspiracy, and there is no cover-up, Mr. Munger. Cathy-Baldwin Johnson is not bound to violate doctor-patient confidentiality to satisfy the curiosity of some conspiracy theorists.
Mentioning Griffin's silly blogpost about "two babies" reflects poorly on yourself. Distance yourself from such people who inhabit the fringe. Don't do this. What gains are made? None. It only hurts your own reputation.
Agree, Barb. AND...every adult or teen involved in the care of Trig from the time of his birth would be complicit in the hoax. Baby-switching has worked for us, but I doubt it would for people there day to day. You don't forget painful-looking ear problems--you might even be helping treat them--and you would notice if they suddenly went away.
I love how a resident of Michigan has to chime in and try to tell ALASKANS how to conduct their business. It is OUR business Jesse and it involves fraud against the the people and the state of ALASKA.
Last I heard Michigan had plenty of problems of it's own you could be focusing your efforts and grammatical ejaculations towards. We brought her up and WE will be the ones who bring her down. Here's a newsflash. We will be heard and our questions WILL be answered, whether you approve of it or not
Another glaring error in CBJ's letter for Sarah's VP candidacy is the omission of previous miscarriages as a risk factor.
You'd think a physician would not allow that big an error above his/her signature without attempting to correct it.
Thank you, Phil!
The photo evidence of 2 Trigs does create an icky situation. The public truly deserves to know the truth.
Surely Dr. CBJ could unravel the mystery. However, from what I understand about her religious beliefs and personal association with Sarah (and in spite of her medical skill that saved your son), I don't think we can count on her to be truthful.
How am I telling Alaskans how to conduct their own business? I don't think I did that.
Palin was induced in a hospital without a NICU despite the high risk pregnancy and NICUs available fairly close by. That is certainly an odd medical judgement that CBJ made. CBJ may just not be the great doc she once was.
Gotta keep the pressure on $P. Gryphen's evidence is astounding and leaves no doubt that at least two babies have been presented as Tri-g. Scarah's got some splainin' to do.
CBJ is going to have to tell the Alaska Medical Board what she knows. She could lose her license if she was directly or complicitly involved in a hoax where insurance fraud or medical record falsification happened. How odd that her only public statement was made with an attorney by her side.
The $$ Palin is about to sink.
Dr. CBJ does not even seem to be willing to say she delivered Trig - even though Sarah has claimed that to be the case (on audio tape).
The only thing I can remember Dr. CBJ saying is that "it was not unreasonable for her (SP) to fly."
Now, WHY would it be "reasonable" for a 43 year old woman, known to be carrying a special needs baby,
a history of two miscarriages, experiencing contractions and amiotic fluid leak in Texas - to fly for approx. 10 hours?
I think the doctor would only say it was not unreasonable for such a woman (SP) to fly IF said woman was not pregnant.
If Sarah Palin DID fly in this condition, what does that say about her judgement? Horrendous decision to risk her baby's life and subject the passengers on the airplane to a possible mid-air birth.
Unbelievable is what that "wild ride" is. NOT believable!
I do think CBJ has an obligation to respond to questions about the letter released in her name by the McCain campaign. In effect this was a letter from CBJ to every American voter. The letter contains errors. When I get a document from a doctor that contains errors, I expect the corrections forthwith. CBJ owes ME.
She said it was not unreasonable in hindsight. Is it possible that Sarah had two elective abortions instead of miscarriages and that's why CBJ didn't mention the "extra" pregnancies in the letter? Either Sarah didn't tell CBJ about the miscarriages/abortions, or she told CBJ not to mention them (and CBJ would be bound to OBEY). It seems weird that Sarah would highlight them in the book written about her for her, but not say it was OK for her doctor to include them in the health letter.
A person who hangs out at the Sea of Pee telling our fine blogger not to associate with the fringe. That's hilarious!
Jesse, we can only hope that you'll have the balls to come back to this and a few other blogs to eat a little crow when this whole sordid mess is revealed.
HIPAA does not empower a doctor to lie for a patient.
Whenever that time comes, anonymous, I'll eat that crow. But it won't come.
@Barb 3:11 PM says
"Last I heard Michigan had plenty of problems of it's own you could be focusing your efforts and grammatical ejaculations towards."
"Grammatical ejaculations"
Freaking hilarious! Thanks for the laughs.
I wonder if cbj is one of those who think they're doing the kid a favor by "saving him" from his original mother.
the truth is that he's living a lie and she's enabling it. when you start out lying to a kid from day one, then everything after that is built on the lie. it's f-ed up.
there's no reason why sarah couldn't have just adopted him and have been honest about it from the beginning. but she wasn't honest and for what reason? to serve herself, the giant narcissist and habitual liar.
I doubt cbj will come forward, apparently for whatever reasons she thinks it's more important that trig live a lie than the truth. not only is trig living a lie, but the entire family is as well.
Mr. Cornish connotes the archetype Max so expertly deconstructed in Republican Gomorrah. He appears to embody the zealotry of the Focus on the Family-subscribing, true-believer who "studies" pornography in order to warn others of its moral hazard. In this instance, however, the "danger" is Trig-Trutherism, and rather than curling up with a more straightforward source of arousal, Cornish spends hours, daily, fixed on anti-Palin blogs.
He claims he doesn't want to be here, that he doesn't want to be doing this, but, I promise, he most assuredly does. He claims that we–Phil, Gryphen, Palingates, the readership–are evil, deceitful, bottom-dwellers.
Again, this begs the question. Why, on any given day, has he visited each of these sites several times? Why, despite having been kicked off said sites, does he continue to try to post there? Why does he then lie about said attempts? Why, despite lambasting others who choose to post anonymously, does he now obscure his identity? Why would a normal, well-adjusted individual submit themselves to this sort of self-punishment, to this sort of masochism?
And Barb, you're righter than you'll ever know. Cheers.
Actually Jesse really does hang out at the sea of pee to "read the articles," rather than look at the pictures. Which makes sense, though, 'cause the articles there ARE the porn.
The CBJ letter (nov. 2008) says "This child, Trig, ... At the time of his last office, he was growing and developing normally for a child with Trisomy 21."
Why would a doctor's letter on the health of a VEEP candidate discuss the health status of one of the candidate's children? WHY does CBJ think the American voter needs to know that?
To add to this confusion, I also have a question.
If CBJ DID induce a multip X 4 (5 or 6) plus two miscarriages OR elective abortions, age 43+, 35 weeks premature, carrying a known DS infant with a diagnosed known anomaly in a hospital with NO NICU, it appears that Dr. is exceeding her licensed Scope of Practice.
She is a licensed Family Practice Physician, not a high risk OB/GYN. IF she took this action, I believe she has exceeded the medical procedures outlined in her Licensure.
Within a chosen specialty, a physician has specific procedures they are licensed to perform. I do not believe "Dr" CBJ is licensed to INDUCE a high risk patient with a known high risk premature infant in a facility unable to care for that child. If she truly did this, she should have her license yanked. She is a menace to the public - the risk to the child alone is astounding.
Also, if the hospital knowingly allowed the physician to perform a procedure she is not licensed to perform within that facility, they would be liable as well.
Way too much liability here. I would like to think CBJ wasn't that stupid - but all arrows point to her phenomenal exercise in major malpractice if this even occurred. On the other hand, it is likely SP made it all up. It's difficult to believe any physician would or could be that incredibly stupid and take such phenomenal risk.
Anon @ 4.08
I believe you have the right angle on this issue. CBJ's letter is in fact addressed to the American voter. Is there any way, using this angle of approach, to ask her to clarify ? Maybe through some voter's rights organization ?
Oh noes, from that filthy extremist right-wing Newsweek comes this damning putdown of Family Guy and the Down's Syndrome joke that the haters at PA found so hilarious......
"Simply restating a fact in a different context, like the fact that Palin has a child with Down syndrome, isn't funny, even if you dislike Palin or disagree with her politics."
So even the Lefties at Newsweek disagree with the misogynist progressive Alaskans. Imagine that !!
To the Michigan troll-
You claim that questions about Trig's parentage are harmful to Mrs. Palin's children. Given that she could've ended this controversy 18 months ago, isn't she, ultimately, responsible for any pain or trauma that befalls her family?
Since she claims to have produced Trig's birth certificate, that indicates she has no problem with it, theoretically at least (notice she didn't say, "I produced a letter from my MD.") Therefore, there's no reason she shouldn't be compelled to produce the very document she claims to have already submitted.
As a supporter, you should be encouraging, if not demanding, this. Assuming, that is, that you really do want both to see her exonerated and to protect her children.
@ Anonymous 6:13
Nice try at diversion, but this thread is about Dr. Johnson and her role in the birth story.
"Palin has repeatedly claimed in the national media that she has presented for public scrutiny a birth certificate for Trig...... As yet, to my knowledge, it hasn't been."
But when people ask to see Obama's long-form Birth Certificate which hasn't been presented yet liberals call them racist Birthers...what's your excuse ?
"Are people too jaded by Palin's lies to take this more seriously than the hundreds of others? If so, that is bizarre, because it is an important matter."
Perhaps people are more concerned about Obama destroying this country and losing their jobs and paying more taxes then about the strange obsessions of a bunch of Alaskan Palin-haters.
"There are few people who could settle this. I don't trust Palin. I do trust Cathy, though, and can never thank her enough for helping save Alex."
The chutzpah is overwhelming. The author thanks the woman for "saving Alex" but has no qualms about trying to drag her into the quagmire of his personal political hang-ups. Some thanks !
"Although she is under no legal or perhaps even moral obligation to share more about what she knows of the strange circumstances of Trig Palin's appearance on the scene, Cathy could single-handedly cut the Gordian knot on this, and free us from a somewhat suffocating entanglement."
"Although she is under no legal or moral obligation"...Wow, that's big of you. But you have the gall to publicly pressure her to help you carry out your vendetta against Sarah Palin. And I hate to break it to you but the "suffocating entanglement" is all in your fevered imaginations. No one else gives a damn, my dears. Sadly whatever the truth is about Trig it will not stop your obsession with Palin. Progressive (and I use the word as an insult) Alaskans will not be happy until Sarah Palin has been destroyed. As this is unlikely to happen for quite some time , you haters have got many long bitter, dark nights of the soul to struggle with in the future. Good luck with that.
Amazing. We got up to 40 comments before they started the Obama chorus.
Nite. Thanks, Phil.
"Nice try at diversion, but this thread is about Dr. Johnson and her role in the birth story."
I strongly disagree....the fact that even the liberal media disagree with the misogynists who flock to this site shows that your obsessions are fast moving to the lunatic fringe of American politics. The fact that so many of you defended the unfunny dig at Palin on Family Guy shows that your Palin Derangement Syndrome has warped your judgment and shown that this is nothing to do with politics any longer but more to do with something more base and primal.
To the Michigan troll-
You claim that questions about Trig's parentage are harmful to Mrs. Palin's children. Given that she could've ended this controversy 18 months ago, isn't she, ultimately, responsible for any pain or trauma that befalls her family?
Since she claims to have produced Trig's birth certificate, that indicates she has no problem with it, theoretically at least (notice she didn't say, "I produced a letter from my MD.") Therefore, there's no reason she shouldn't be compelled to produce the very document she claims to have already submitted.
As a supporter, you should be encouraging, if not demanding, this. Assuming, that is, that you really do want both to see her exonerated and to protect her children.
Where did she state that she had produced Trig's birth certificate?
The thing is, the Trig Truthers would not be satisfied if Palin did produce one. They would claim it was a forgery or otherwise falsified, just like CBJ's letter. Next thing you know they would be demanding a DNA test. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say enough is enough. Palin has already done so. She is not beholden to conspiracy theorists.
Ummm ADN has already offered to pay for a DNA test...Palin's response...crickets...!
Hey, you know, that’s a great point, in that weird conspiracy-theory freaky thing that people talk about that Trig isn’t my real son. And a lot of people say, “Well you need to produce his birth certificate! You need to prove that he’s your kid!” Which we have done.
[December 3, 2009; Interview with Rusty Humphries]
"Ummm ADN has already offered to pay for a DNA test...Palin's response...crickets...!"
Try reading Jesse Cornish's last paragraph above....why should Palin be subjected to DNA tests like a common criminal ? Enough is enough. Palin is Trig's mother....deal with it.
Anonymous said...
Hey, you know, that’s a great point, in that weird conspiracy-theory freaky thing that people talk about that Trig isn’t my real son. And a lot of people say, “Well you need to produce his birth certificate! You need to prove that he’s your kid!” Which we have done.
[December 3, 2009; Interview with Rusty Humphries]
Of course, there is the little matter that the statement your produced is not clear. She did not say, "I produced a birth certificate." She says, "“Well you need to produce his birth certificate! You need to prove that he’s your kid!” Which we have done." Done what is the key here. Proven Trig is her child or producing a birth certificate? Humphries never followed up.
Given the vagueness of this statement, it cannot be used as proof of your original claim. We can't determine what Palin really meant. She could just have been referring to the letter, eyewitness accounts, etc. that show that Trig is her child.
I'm the first to say (in fact my sister and I were some of the few who came out and said that we thought there was something seriously wrong with the judgement of both Sarah and Todd Palin when the circumstances of the birth were originally reported) that there is something very fishy about the "Wild Ride".
However, I DO NOT believe that there was an Original Trig and then a Trig II. If you look at the pictures of the newborn ear and the five month old ear at "Hypocrites and Heffalump Traps", it seems to me that the lower half of the ears look very similar, that it's just the ruffled top edge of the ear that looks different. It does not seem out of the realm of possibility that the ear of a premature (about 5 weeks?) baby would be folded and not fully formed.
Yeah, it'd be nice to find out what the real story of the "Wild Ride" is, but I'm just not buying that these are two different babies.
I will say that I have no problem with this story going viral all over the Internet though. After all, Sarah Palin told a Whopper about Health Care Reform being all about Government Death Panels, which I believe will result in many people (and yes, innocent babies) suffering from diseases and ailments that they cannot afford to treat. What goes around comes around, I guess. akbatwoman
Michigan troll-
There are at least 12 things wrong with what you just said, but I'm bored (and totally understanding why so many people can't stand you) and ready to move on, so I'll leave you with just one: if Obama's Certificate of Live Birth, testimony from Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, and birth announcements from both of Honolulu's major newspapers weren't sufficient for Obama's detractors, then CBJ's very questionable letter certainly isn't either.
Just ignore Jesse Cornish and his multiple other "anonymous" personalities. He's been banned from other sites for spamming.
Gryphen's ear photos yesterday were unbelievable. No wonder why Todd scratched on the Irondog and ran home to calm the screeching $arah and help with damage control strategy. Just like when she quit the governor's job. These photo revelations have caused a tsunami that is going to drown the Grifters in their lies. Tick tock...CBJ needs to start talking to the state medical board.
"After all, Sarah Palin told a Whopper about Health Care Reform being all about Government Death Panels"
No, she didn't. She pointed out that government controlled healthcare would lead to care being rationed (which it undoubtedly would). The particular passage she referred to in the then proposed HealthCare bill was withdrawn by the Democrats a couple of days after she drew attention to it.
"which I believe will result in many people (and yes, innocent babies) suffering from diseases and ailments that they cannot afford to treat."
How the heck does Palin talking about "death panels" lead to people suffering from expensive, untreatable diseases ???
Jesse hangs round here hoping to convince himself he believes in something real. I admire his tenacity.
But, Jesse, Palin has stated twice since the Humphrey show (that you seem to completely misunderstand), that she has produced a satisfactory birth document on Trig for the public. Go find the articles yourself, young man.
Jesse writes:
"She did not say, "I produced a birth certificate." She says, "“Well you need to produce his birth certificate! You need to prove that he’s your kid!” Which we have done." Done what is the key here. Proven Trig is her child or producing a birth certificate? Humphries never followed up."
So, her bringing up the birth certificate in that context was what, Jesse? And how did she prove he is her child? CBJ's letter certainly falls short. Are you with me, Jesse?
Isn't Jesse Griffin the blogger who said the Palin's were about to divorce in August of 2009 ? Wha' happen ?
And we supposed to take seriously a blogger who wrote...
"Quick hide your children! They are getting ready to feed them into Vietraq's bottomless pit of death and destruction.
I am teaching my boys to wear dresses and swish when they walk because being ignorant or drug addicted is no longer a guarantee of being passed over. If your not willing to suck cock then pack up your going to Iraq!"
Not good at predictions is he ? But his charming choice of phrase fits nicely into an Alaskan progressive environment where "effing retard", "slut" and "whore" are considered reasoned debate.
Phil lost all credibility with this post.
anon @ 10:02 - please explain why.
Anonymous 9:15PM..................
They withdrew the passage because people were so freaked out by the Lie, and it was not terribly important to the Big Picture.
Do you really believe that the people (Democrats) who brought about Social Security (Roosevelt), COBRA (Ted Kennedy) CHIP (health insurance for low income children - Ted Kennedy & the Clintons), The Americans With Disabilities Act (written by Democratic Congressman Tony Coelho and pushed thru by Ted Kennedy), etc., suddenly want to ration health care, or kill old people and disabled children? Health care is already rationed............by multi-billion dollar insurance companies who deny claims and refuse to insure "bad risks".
My very healthy family of four is insured by a policy which costs over $25,000/yr., and doesn't even cover dental or eye care. Are you telling me that the average American family can afford that? An affordable public option would have allowed many of the currently uninsured to become insured. Now they risk going without it, skip doctor visits, and yes, I've known people who lost everything when their child came down with cancer. Last year I gave a substantial amount of money to a total stranger because he had a relapse of cancer, but he'd "maxed out" his insurance benefits. He told his wife that he preferred to die rather than leave her destitute.
If Palin hadn't told the Big Lie, many, many children would have benefited by the passage of Health Care Reform and having an affordable policy in place. (It may still happen, but if it doesn't, I wonder how she will be Judged when her time comes).
And here's a question for you. Who's more likely to get an abortion; a woman who has a bit of a nest egg and the security of a decent health care plan, or a woman who lives in a financially precarious position and cannot afford to take a child to the doctor after it's born?
akbatwoman 11:03 PM
Standing ovation! Clap! Clap!
Jesse hangs round here hoping to convince himself he believes in something real. I admire his tenacity.
But, Jesse, Palin has stated twice since the Humphrey show (that you seem to completely misunderstand), that she has produced a satisfactory birth document on Trig for the public. Go find the articles yourself, young man.
Jesse writes:
"She did not say, "I produced a birth certificate." She says, "“Well you need to produce his birth certificate! You need to prove that he’s your kid!” Which we have done." Done what is the key here. Proven Trig is her child or producing a birth certificate? Humphries never followed up."
So, her bringing up the birth certificate in that context was what, Jesse? And how did she prove he is her child? CBJ's letter certainly falls short. Are you with me, Jesse?
Not really, Mr. Munger. My mind is not capable of going down the rabbit hole like yours is.
Why isn't the doctor's letter sufficient proof? Did you know it was more detailed than the letter provided by Obama's doctor?
Why don't eyewitnesses count to the fact count? There were plenty of them too, Mr. Munger.
Any other mother who was accused of not giving birth to her child would produce doctor bills, hospital bills, and a birth certificate and say "screw you," to anyone asking. That's exactly what I would do, if only to stick it to all those who are accusing me of something.
Yet, Sarah hasn't done that. Why? Sarah has no trouble giving detailed descriptions of her version(s) of the birth of Trig. When we ask questions, all of a sudden it become "none of our business?"
I think it is fair to say that the AK Progressive blogosphere is divided on this conspiracy and that Philip has some reservations about crossing over to the dark side. I have not seen the HomerGirl or the MuckMaker comment on this story. I am sure they have good reason not to be associated with it. Even for Sarah, this story is beyond the pale, in my opinion.
Philip is taking out his frustrations with Obama and something or other in his own life by venting at Sarah Palin.
His total loss of objectivity on this matter is truly sad to see but a long period of rest might help.
"If Palin hadn't told the Big Lie, many, many children would have benefited by the passage of Health Care Reform and having an affordable policy in place."
Complete and utter BS ! The Dems had majorities in the Senate and in the House...if they had wanted to pass this insane "Healthcare" plan they could have done it. Don't blame one woman for the failings of the entire liberal agenda.
Anon 10:49: Don't forget all the sheeple who yelled, "Yah! Death Panels!!!" after Sarah Palin told the Big Lie and pressured their reps to vote against HCR.
Are you one of the sheeple?
Hey, supporters of Palin. Why did Meg depart the ranks today? She's had a baby for 2 years, so why quit today to spend time with her child? I'm sure Meg got an earful.
Here's all I need to know about Obama's birth certificate:
Now, you Palinphiles, show me evidence that Palin gave birth to Trig.
I'm waiting.
"The particular passage she referred to in the then proposed HealthCare bill was withdrawn by the Democrats a couple of days after she drew attention to it."
Yes, it was removed, but it wasn't in any way what she "referred to" when she talked about death panels. It only provided for end-of-life counseling which Mrs. Todd Palin signed into law HERSELF in Alaska. It was removed from the bill because so many idiots were listening to Mrs. Todd Palin talk about something she was completely ignorant about.
HIPPA would not prevent CBJ from saying whether she had anything to do with the issuance of the election-eve letter that contains so many misrepresentations.
"why should Palin be subjected to DNA tests like a common criminal ?"
Well maybe if she LIED to Alaskan's and the whole US about giving birth to TriG and possibility some fraud involved...she is nothing more than a common criminal?
All I know is that anyone who continues to use the tired old "Palin Derangement Syndrome" meme is obviously a lazy Fox News junkie whose brain no longer works independently. If you're looking for proof that only dolts support Sarah Palin, this is it. Like a bunch of parrots.
Give her a call or send a letter...
Office Address
1700 East Bogard Road Suite 100
Wasilla, AK, 99654
Phone Number:
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Thanks Phil for your input on this. I think the tsunami has started and it's gonna end real bad for all things PALIN.
OT but very important:
Join the millions in a Virtual March for HC
I want to say thank you to Phil for this article. That so-called medical report that Dr. Baldwin-Johnson signed and which was released late on election night eve was an insult to the American people. It was wrong and I feel like it was a fraud on the voting public.
We need to remember that much of what we think we know was actually stated by Sarah, who has blatantly lied many times. We cannot accept her word for anything. At this point, we do not know how many pregnancies she has had, nor how many produced live births, how many were terminated; how many lost via spontaneous abortion. We do not know their fathers. We do not know the estimated due dates either of the babies known as Trig and Tripp, nor are we certain of their actual birthdates. We do not know who went into labor with Trig, when or where.
Palin has expressed frustration several times with the fact that there are people out here who don't believe her word (because we're not stupid). If she was truly that frustrated, she could have long since produced Trig's birth certificate and said, "I told you so." From her public persona, I think she would absolutely love to say that to all of us "Trig Truthers." (Which makes her, at this point, a Trig Liar.)
She has made absolutely no effort to actually eliminate this story from the public domain. She's whined about it, and sopped up the sympathy from her idiotic followers. She's complained and bitched and carried on; she has done everything except what could actually put an end to her incessant torture: she has not produced a birth certificate.
After this long, it's possible that she has arranged for her name, and Todd's, to be on the birth certificate- if Trig was legally adopted. At this point, after two years, I would not accept a birth certificate with their names on it. It has long since gone past that point. DNA evidence, please, and there are lots of us out here who are willing to chip in and pay for it- so long as no Palin or Heath picks the lab.
Bear in mind that she used Trig's Down Syndrome to burnish her alleged prolife credentials. This is what got her the VP nomination: James Dobson wasn't going to endorse McCain's first choice, Senator Lieberman. McCain had to pick someone with prolife cred, and he picked Sarah- to the country's everlasting embarrassment. If Sarah didn't give birth to Trig- and I am convinced she did not, and don't really care who did- then she committed fraud for gain. Political gain, I admit, but that has led to financial gain. She "wrote" that stupid book, remember? She got money for that. Her VP run got her the job at Fox.
She's made a pile of money after claiming she had a baby with DS. I would say that's fraud.
So yeah. DNA evidence. Just like she's a criminal.
I'm no fan of Sarah Palin and I find the Trig conspiracy fascinating. However, I think CBJ will say nothing further because of HIPPA laws and the Palins will say nothing further either. Plus, Levi confirmed that Sarah gave birth to Trig. so, as much as I would love this conspiracy to be proven, I don't think it ever will be.
CBJ is a specialist in child sexual abuse. Think about that and about why so many people, even people who don't like or respect the Palins are willing to keep the secret. When it comes out, even liberals who hate Palin won't be able to celebrate and will just feel..disgusted. And before you jump to conclusions, it's still not what you think. People are not protecting SP. They are protecting the innocents involved. SP will have no one besides herself to blame b/c just like Edwards she should have shunned the spotlight knowing the horrible skeletons in her and her family's closet.
And CBJ has already signed a statement re Trig, it is just not public yet.
I just want this issue settled - one way or the other.
As one can read from my article, I still refer to Trig as Palin's younger son.
If there is child sexual abuse involved, someone should be arrested. If CBJ didn't report it to the authorities, she is breaking the law. A person who covers up child sexual abuse, even in the name of "protecting the innocents" isn't doing anyone a favor. Well I guess it's good for the person doing the abusing.
Considering her expertise, CBJ should know that better than just about anyone.
I agree, anon, if there is something like that in this whole mess, Sarah Palin throwing her hat into the national ring and now continuing to put herself and her family in the spotlight is even more disgusting than I previously believed.
Where is Todd in all this? Not to sound sexist, but if I were withholding information because I didn't think I had any obligation to prove I was my daughter's mother, my husband would go along for awhile, but if there were at least 3 blogs dedicated to probing every area of our family's personal life, he would stop the nonsense without my permission.
Why is Todd letting 3 blogs dig into every aspect of their lives to find out who Trig really is, when he could stop this in the next 5 minutes?
They can't, is why, which is also why they didn't prove it to the very friendly ADN reporter. I would have had the reporter over, shown her everything and that would be that.
If the real story is unsavory then I still blame Palin. She didn't have to flaunt her DS prop daily. She could have quietly gone about her business, kept her kids out of it all like other politicians do (our gov is a jerk but I have no idea if he even has any kids!) and maybe we would have all let this go. But NO. She made Tri-G her calling card, her reason to vote for Super Saint Sarah.
Her hubris is the tragedy here.
If there are 2 babies, it used to be said one of SPs' sisters might have had a baby.
CBJ can talk anytime she wants to with Palin's permission.
The question is why they won't let her.
If I were CBJ I would ask the Palins if I could PLEASE prove that Palin is his mother so the blogs will stop questioning HER integrity!!
CBJ is a specialist in child sexual abuse, not an obstetrician, yet she was the doctor chosen to handle Trig's gestation and birth.
What sexually abused child is the parent of Trig?
One parent is a Palin and the other parent is the abused child?
Or is the Palin parent also the abused child?
Alaska State medical Board: E-mail medicalboard@alaska.gov
AK medical statutes and regulations:
form for filing a complaint against a licensed medical practitioner in AK:
anon@8:17: why has CJB not made this "paper" available? Is she waiting to get called out on it? By the medical board? It is rather strange that she needed a attorney when she was interview by the ADN.
What is she waiting for? If there is some kind of "abuse" why is she letting it go on?
I'm not in Alaska, I'm in Texas and I care deeply about this because Sarah very nearly became VPOTUS, which is often a stepping stone to the presidency. All presidential and vice-presidential candidates are expected to present honest medical reports to the public. How would we feel if any candidate managed to conceal , or minimize, a history of mental illness, heart disease or cancer or drug dependency ( legal or prescription) ? When you run for one of the top four jobs in our system you give up most of your privacy - that's part of the deal.
Congratulations - you guys successfully fought off the Cornish-ectomy and managed to not let the thread go off topic by his "but Obama" rants and ravings.
On a personal note, I am so SICK of CBJ being portrayed as some sort of high risk professional physician. She's a family practice doc. And now it seems she is a sexual abuse expert. Is there anything this paragon of medical virtue cannot do? Frankly if I was dying, she would be the LAST person I would go to. I personally believe she is ethically challenged and was working way beyond her capacity with an extremely high risk pregnancy and an infant know to have Down's Syndrome, and cardiac anomalys. If the story is true, Trig developed jaundice at 3 DAYS of age (which happens to preemies) - and Sarah apparently never went to a physician, a cardiologist, a pediatric intensivist....
This is all so much hysterical bullsh*t. She is a human - she is not wonderwoman. She lies through her teeth and everyone seems to fall into place and lie for her, including the "doctor" who single-handedly will probably manage to cure cancer one of these days. And I've heard that CBJ has a cure to save mankind as well.
It's sad that she was even nominated for VPotus. Aside from hating her, I also find her an intellectual vacuum that is unable to learn, and who is ethically challenged on everything, including what type of milk to buy.
We all have questions. We may not get answers. HIPAA will hide CBJ (she is not worthy of being called physician in my opinion) and CBJ will hide Sarah. There are no winners and we probably will never get answers.
For some reason, the Palins seem to thrive on letting the blogs speculate on their entire family. Maybe they like the attention.
She's a sick woman - and an angry one as well. If she comes apart, duck and run.
anon @ 8:17
Is whatever happened very common knowledge and if it hasn't leaked yet, why do you think that it will eventually come out?
If minors are involved, it's best kept confidential. But shouldn't someone be in jail if laws were broken?
Anytime anyone gets close to the truth of this issue, we hear the counter argument made:
--You're ruining your reputation! Don't you care about being respected anymore?--
That's the big threat, isn't it? Don't go there or be labeled worth less than the rest.
If nobody ever 'went there' we would never find out what really happened in so many instances, to wit, the bogus manipulation of the public that allowe the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq to take place; the truth behind Watergate; and so many revelations about so many philandering politicians and preachers, whether their philandering had to do with boys, other men, women or just the funds in the collection plate.
Phil, I wouldn't take seriously anyone who pushes for silence on this issue. We have a huge body of evidence indicating SP lied and continues to lie about the child many still believe is her 5th. It is past time to get some real answers. Thank you for asking the questions.
There have been a number of questions about my post that CBJ has signed a statement and here's what I will say. The truth is known and has been know in Rep. circles in Alaska almost from the beginning and it moved beyond Alaska during the campaign after SP was picked. As for as why it hasn't come out yet--three reasons 1) political expediency of Republicans, 2) genuine concern for the innocent victims 3)the proof is not widely accessible. I think it's wrong to blame the media, because no one in their right mind would believe a sitting governor would do this and also the truth is so awful that to speculate about it publicly without evidence would be grossly irresponsible.
As for why it will come out--SP has alot of enemies, not just Levi and his family. She has finally pissed off enough of the wrong people. There is a certain group in her party that has proof, including the records, and for the political ambitions of certain members of the party establishment, SP will be outed, either through Levi, or a leak to a tabloid or major publication. The key is that they don't want to endanger the primaries or the 2010 elections and also they don't want their fingerprints on it as the one who brought her down, or knew about the deception for as long as they did.
So, all that said, it will come out, but at the convenience of the Rep. establishment, even if it comes out through Levi using evidence they provided. SP knows they have the means to bring her down, btw, so she has been busy making money like there's no tomorrow, plus trying to make herself the key to Republican victories so she will be protected. She has no intention of running for president, b/c she knows the powers that be will not let her get that far.
Oh, and one more thing quickly, there was no sexual abuse by Todd. He's a jerk, but didn't want to leave that impression.
One more thing...the real story here, and the one that will consume the press for months and months will be who knew and when did they know? And that's what is going to make the entire party look bad, not just SP.
Well this is really very intriguing, isn't it. I agree that everyone will be shocked when it all comes out, everyone that is, except those of us who have been pursuing this all along. I have a feeling it will be Jon Edwards times 10.
The McCain campaign staffers were discussing whether their VEEP candidate was "mentally unstable". That makes the entire party look bad, but MSM doesn't focus on it because it makes MSM look bad. I suspect the same CYA mentality will apply in the up-coming Palin disclosures.
Anon at 4:16,
I just learned of your most recent comments over at PalinGates. I responded with this comment, and to be fair to you I would like to post it here as well.
I say to the anon poster - You know what, this is not a surprise to any of us and it is why we are working so hard. We don't intend to wait for the Nov election cycle to run its course. The progress and safety of our nation is at stake. We are not doing this for titillation and the sheer enjoyment of gossip. Our country will deteriorate should more fundies, dominionists and teabaggers gain a political foothold. Our country needs to create some stopgaps for the racial hatred, threats and enjoyment of creating fear in a segment of our population.
Palin needs to be shamed, humiliated, stopped and even arrested if facts warrant. McCain needs to be exposed and the machine that created this dangerous debacle needs to be shamed and shunned into oblivilion.
Am I pissed? Am I fighting? You betcha.
So, Anon, why don't you fight too. You confirm what we know and that has some vague reassuring tone. Why don't you take steps to see this whole charade come to an end, take your fight to the streets where it really counts? Reach out to Gryphen, Phil or any of the Palingate principles. Your identity will be protected. They will help you find avenues to force truth on a timeline better suited to protecting our nation's interests, not those of the GOP and Fox news.
"The truth is known and has been know in Rep. circles in Alaska almost from the beginning and it moved beyond Alaska during the campaign after SP was picked."
Do you mean Representatives of Alaska? And when you say it moved beyond...you mean McCain?
I thank you for speaking out here, but I urge you to please contact one of the people that mxm mentioned.
Not only is She gaining power but now Bristol is also and taking this custody battle into a support issue...and its just...Enough is Enough! The Truth about this witch and her family needs to come out.
The reason so many people want to believe in this stupendous conspiracy theory is that the hate for Sarah Palin runs so deep that it drives right to the soul. Nothing more than the total destruction of Sarah Palin and her family would satisfy their want for vengenance. They wish to see her broken and beaten. It's sickening when you think about it.
The thing is though, there is no secret knowledge regarding Trig's birth. There really isn't. Things are as they appear. Trig is Sarah Palin's son, and some cannot deal with this fact. So be it. They will either come around to the truth or they will continue in their disillusion.
Years from now, the very same people commenting here professing their belief in this insanity will either regret wasting their time on this foolishness, or they will continue to fuel their hate. It is one or the other. Time will tell.
If the pathos that drives the Grifter Granny's detractors is "sickening", it leaves one ponderous indeed. What, exactly, is Mr. Cornish doing here, in this den of emotional and psychic obscenity?
I do not hate Sarah Palin. As a lifelong Alaskan, and being a neighbor of the Palins, it was such a shock that someone so completely unqualified appeared to have won the Vice Presidential Lotto.
It isn't Sarah Palin specifically because I literally know or know of dozens of people from Wasilla who have some seriously screwed up families. I would have reacted the same if any one of them had won the VP Lotto.
It's been a year and a half, and I am still stunned at how this unsuitable woman came so close to being the most powerful person in the world. John McCain appears hale and hearty, but there were no guarantees that he would have made it to 2012. Scary, scary, scary.
I am not sure if we will ever hear of any deep dark secrets, seems that the Republican Party would have put it all out there as fast as possible just to get it over with. But you never know.
If the big "I" is off the table, then I really don't know what could be all that disgusting. Guess I have no imagination. akbatwoman
A question for Mr. Cornish:
Sarah Palin announced Bristol's pregnancy in response to an anonymous post on DailyKos mentioning the rumors about Trig's birth. Think about that. Instead of simply producing a birth certificate, or allowing the doctor who attended the birth to speak, she deliberately chose to reveal to the entire nation that her teenage daughter was pregnant out of wedlock.
I'll refresh your memory with the opening paragraph from a Reuters story at the time:
ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The 17-year-old unmarried daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
In what universe would Bristol's pregnancy not have become a matter of tremendous comment and public discussion during a presidential campaign--especially given Palin's image as the family values, religiously devout candidate? Even if Palin was that naive, I can't believe the McCain campaign was.
So the implication of your assertions is that Sarah Palin was SO ambitious and cared so little for her daughter's well-being that she threw Bristol to the sharks rather than choose simple, uncontroversial actions that could have cleared up any question about Trig's birth AND made those liberal bloggers look foolish.
I see two obvious choices here. Sarah Palin is either a coldhearted mother with an insatiable thirst for power, or she is lying about Trig's birth for reasons that are as-yet unclear.
What is your explanation for her actions? I am completely serious when I say that I would love to hear it.
"As a lifelong Alaskan, and being a neighbor of the Palins, it was such a shock that someone so completely unqualified appeared to have won the Vice Presidential Lotto."
And yet you thought that the Boy Wonder from Chicago was "qualified" ?
Amazing !
"What, exactly, is Mr. Cornish doing here, in this den of emotional and psychic obscenity?"
Us non Palin-haters come here to marvel at the bile you folks manage to bring up each and everyday. It's also fun watching your heads explode with impotent rage each time Sarah cuts Obama down to size !
Bluedog Alaska said...
A question for Mr. Cornish:
Sarah Palin announced Bristol's pregnancy in response to an anonymous post on DailyKos mentioning the rumors about Trig's birth. Think about that. Instead of simply producing a birth certificate, or allowing the doctor who attended the birth to speak, she deliberately chose to reveal to the entire nation that her teenage daughter was pregnant out of wedlock.
I'll refresh your memory with the opening paragraph from a Reuters story at the time:
ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The 17-year-old unmarried daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
In what universe would Bristol's pregnancy not have become a matter of tremendous comment and public discussion during a presidential campaign--especially given Palin's image as the family values, religiously devout candidate? Even if Palin was that naive, I can't believe the McCain campaign was.
So the implication of your assertions is that Sarah Palin was SO ambitious and cared so little for her daughter's well-being that she threw Bristol to the sharks rather than choose simple, uncontroversial actions that could have cleared up any question about Trig's birth AND made those liberal bloggers look foolish.
I see two obvious choices here. Sarah Palin is either a coldhearted mother with an insatiable thirst for power, or she is lying about Trig's birth for reasons that are as-yet unclear.
What is your explanation for her actions? I am completely serious when I say that I would love to hear it.
February 25, 2010 9:33 PM
You ask a question of me and desire an answer therefore that is what you will get.
But let's get a few facts straight.
First, the National Enquirer directly states they informed representatives of Palin (the McCain campaign, most likely) that Bristol Palin was pregnant. The story was going to get out. Someone was going to discover that Bristol Palin was pregnant.
Second, the McCain campaign released the statement concerning Bristol Palin, not Sarah Palin herself. They released their own version without her consent or knowledge. A statement she did edit after the fact was never released.
Sarah Palin did not throw her daughter to the wolves. The fact that Bristol Palin was pregnant was going to come out sooner or later, so the McCain campaign decided to get a jump on it and control the story. Nevertheless, Palin was not happy with the way they presented it.
Additionally, it had the added effect of dealing with conspiracy theorists indirectly without ever addressing them. Doing so would have elevated the latter to a position of importance that they did not deserve.
Every fringe conspiracy does not need to be answered, and some can be handled in more ways than one. Openly showing Trig's birth certificate would have been a sign of weakness and would have been an open invitation for attack. Have you heard the saying, give an inch and they'll take a mile? Well, the same applies here.
In this case, to answer your question, Sarah Palin had no choice in regards to announcing Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The McCain campaign controlled her message at that point. Your question is based off a false premise to begin with.
There's no head explosions going on here. Obama is an adult; Sarah is an adolescent. She is a joke and a coward and you are a fool.
Obama didn't have latch key kids who were vandalizing school buses (which resulted in school for the whole district being cancelled for an entire day), engaging in underage drinking parties (and putting the pictures on the Internet), joking about "my mom heard everything........now she thinks I'm pregnant" on the Internet (with someone other than Levi), one child had a full blown drug addiction (And what behavior was he engaging in to get the money to feed that habit?).
But Todd was on the Slope two weeks out of every four, and when he was in town, spending all of his time on a weird vendetta to get his sister-in-law's ex-husband fired from his job. Sarah was helping out with the vendetta as much as she could, while also pursuing her political career, which apparently came first over the well being of the kids.
Yeah, in comparison, Obama is a little more qualified, if only for the abilities of speaking intelligently and knowing where his kids are at all times.
There's also a bit of a difference between a Law Degree from Columbia and Harvard and a Communications Degree from the University of Idaho.
I guess while Obama was working as a civil rights attorney, a director of a non-profit church outreach program, 12 years as a Constitutional Law Professor, and 8 years as a State Senator in Illinois, Palin did have that part-time sportscaster gig (did it even last a year?), was having babies and being a homemaker, and then managed to be elected by 616 people as mayor of a 6,000 person town (and I use the term "town" loosely). Then there was that awesome year and a half as Governor, when the legislature investigated "Troopergate".
Yeah, rock solid resume if I ever heard one! akbatwoman
To Jesse:
Again, I continue to regard Trig as Palin's younger son.
I don't moderate or delete comments here unless they are truly nasty or untruly nasty, so this thread has gone through some morphs as people posted their opinions, including you.
To the anons who keep on harping on some kind of Obama worship or fetish at PA:
I've lost many readers at PA because I am far more critical of Obama than all the other AK lefty blogs put together. And of Sen. Begich.
I will continue to be, when I think they deserve criticism. Had I more time Thursday, I would have shot holes in one of my colleague's assessments of Begich's BS on his stance on an issue dear to me.
I'm way more busy this week than I have time for, but I'd like to thank all sincere commenters to this - as I termed it in the essay - serious matter.
And how could I forget the whole beauty pageant contestant thing! akbatwoman
I don't exactly worship the man either. In fact, he was my third choice for Democratic Presidential Nominee. I didn't even know who I was going to caucus for until after I got to the school that night. akbatwoman.
None of the finalists would have been my choice. At the time they were lining up in the primaries, my favorite might have been Sen. Feingold.
@ Jesse Cornish Feb 25 10:23 PM says:
JC: "First, the National Enquirer directly states they informed representatives ..."
The National Enquirer did not get Bristol Palin pregnant. The National Enquirer was not the entity in full possession of the facts and fetus. I believe that honor goes to Bristol Palin. Whether BP and her parents wanted to announce to the world she was pregnant was their business but by accepting the VP nomination, Sarah Palin made sure that the world WAS now going to know. Period.
JC: "Second, the McCain campaign released the statement concerning Bristol Palin, not Sarah Palin herself."
Sarah Palin had plenty of time to give her own statements to the McCain campaign BEFORE accepting the VP nod. She didn't. Typical apologist statement defending Palin which does not take into account the actions preceding her association with the McCain campaign and casts SP as the tiresome victim.
JC: "Openly showing Trig's birth certificate would have been a sign of weakness and would have been an open invitation for attack.
Nonsense. The rumors swirling around the Palins and Bristol Palin, in particular, had been evident in Alaska since late 2007. Openly showing a birth certificate would have been a sign of strength and pride, not weakness. Putting an end to the rumors was either not in SP's interest or the rumors had foundation.
I have had to give copies of my kid's birth certificate for several things over the years: to the soccer league for proof of age; as proof of identification for her travel to Washington, D.C. for a jr. high trip; proof of identity and age for summer religious camp etc. What's the big deal in showing a birth certificate? It's not like the BC has the nuclear codes for this country. The reluctance is suspicious in itself.
JC: "Have you heard the saying, give an inch and they'll take a mile?"
Hackneyed cliche which only undermines your argument further. Would it surprise you that giving an inch precludes taking the mile in many cases? No? Yes? See, Jesse, that's the problem with using cliches, metaphorical to boot. They don't mean squat in real life situations.
JC: "In this case, to answer your question, Sarah Palin had no choice in regards to announcing Bristol Palin's pregnancy.
Bullsh*t. Sarah Palin made her choice when she "didn't blink" when accepting the VP slot.
The bottom line is that Bristol Palin HERSELF made the choice to have unprotected sex (by her own admission) which resulted in a pregnancy. Sarah Palin HERSELF made the choice to accept the VP nod even though she knew it would expose her daughter to the harsh spotlight of publicity. The McCain campaign and the Nat'l Enquirer are SECONDARY players but, as usual, Palin's apologists try to make them the primary players because it fits Palin's "victim" meme.
People with smoking gun evidence that would be credible enough to be widely reported in the national media are not going to contact liberal bloggers to help them expose SP. They will not do this because they do not agree that SP is destroying America. They believe she is helping to defeat Obama's agenda, energize the conservative base, and move the country in a rightward direction, and that all of these are good things. And others who may have insight or information but no direct evidence are not going to endanger their careers, their reputations or their families to tell a story with such serious implications. People on these blogs can speculate as much as they want, and then go back to their own lives. The best hope in the near future is Levi's book, and the Palins were foolish to go after him so hard personally and financially in an attempt to intimidate and discredit him. After the big story is out, the wall will come down and all of the other major/minor scandals will be exposed. I don't think people should let themselves get so anxious about the timing. What's done in the darkness always comes out into the light.
The world was going to know one way or the other. Do you think that such a story, a governor's daughter being pregnant was going to be hidden from the prying eyes of the press forever? Eventually the truth of what happened would have been known.
Second, Palin did tell the McCain campaign her daughter was pregnant. There is no debating that. However, whether or not Sarah Palin gave them a prepared statement or a prepared press release is irrelevant. It is a red herring to distract from the fact that the McCain campaign did not consult Sarah Palin about releasing such information to the public. Indeed, it would be a waste of time for Palin to write a statement concerning Palin's pregnancy if she did not know what McCain's operatives were going to do about the situation. There would be no reason to do so.
Third, you actually think a birth certificate would have ended the ranting of these conspiracy theorists? Such a claim is highly dubious. If she would have presented that then the next thing people would be asking for would be DNA tests. It would not stop. Trig Trutherism is an article of faith to some people, and faith is not so easily dispelled.
Everyone has had to show their birth certificate as proof of identification at some point. As far as we know, Trig Palin's birth certificate has been shown to the proper authorities. However, if some random conspiracy theorist asked me to show my birth certificate to demonstrate my parentage, I would not so politely tell them no. I draw the line somewhere.
And yes, though you may criticize me for using what you call a "cliche", you apparently have never had to deal with petulant children before, which is exactly what conspiracy theorists are in this case-(especially Trig Truthers)children. Their pathetic.
In case you don't like that example, let me give you another one. Have you ever had that person who would walk all over you, and you would try to placate them, only have that person's behavior get worse? Maybe not, but perhaps you know someone who does.
If you want to contend that this doesn't happen in real life then fine. Go ahead. But it doesn't alter that fact that it does happen all the time.
Finally, you say Sarah Palin did have a choice not to accept the VP nomination. It would have only delayed the inevitable. Governors are still high profile people. Remember what happened to Mark Sanford. Do you remember the exposure he received? The same would have happened eventually with Governor Palin.
Again, your entire argument is based on two false premises: First, that Palin was in control of her own message when she accepted the VP nomination, and second, that she could have possibly hid her daughter's pregnancy forever.
Furthermore, the same could be said that every politician is jeopardizing the well being of their children because of their status. I could say that Obama or Clinton subjected their children to unneeded scrutiny by running for office, and I could challenge them to live a quieter life where they could spend more time with their children. Nevertheless, they sought public office. However, I don't remember too many people talking about how Obama or Clinton were bad fathers. I just guess that if you are a conservative woman trying to serve her country then you are pilloried with misogynistic statements like "You should stay at home with your kids." It is the men that should be the breadwinners in the family, right?
Well Jesse you're wrong again. In the 3,000 emails that have been released so far, Todd received an email with IMPORTANT listed as the subject. Seems they never DID provide a birth certificate for insurance purposes and DOA was not happy about that. This was 90 days later and they were supposed to provide it within 30. Todd responded with "I called them."
So even their insurance has seen no proof of birth. Interesting in all those emails not ONE mention of a doctors appointment, feeling poorly, tired, nothing. Todd sent an email to many folks the day she gave her speech while in *cough* labor, and simply said "she kicked ass." Nothing about AND we're going to have a baby, or we're headed home early. No heads up. Nothing.
Then of course we have the guy who spent time with her at the Alaska Airlines Board Room lounge in Seattle on her way back. His email to them is there. He had no idea she was in labor. He and Todd had a marvelous conversation, Todd was none too worried about his wife. I realize that emails actually sent from the Palin crew don't interest you because they reveal FACTS, of which you aren't interested in. They just prove another glaring hole in your delusional rants
First off, I contend that only Governors with Presidential aspirations have to worry about being "high profile" enough to make the national news when their minor daughter becomes pregnant. There are less than 700,000 people in Alaska and we've been pretty much off the radar of the rest of the country for most of our "statehood". (For instance, right now I absolutely could not tell you for sure if Sean Parnell, who I went to school with, has two or three children, and if they are female or male, though I'm guessing female). And I can tell you that a Wasilla teenage pregnancy would not have been considered much of a big deal locally, and not even statewide, because Palin had kept her fundamentalism very low key at that point.
Secondly, I don't give a hoot which parent is the breadwinner and which is the childcare provider, or if they split it up evenly. But when one parent is physically not present (as in working and sleeping 700 miles away), then you kind of assume that the other parent is "on the job" with the kids. Sarah Palin admitted that her son asked her not to run for office. Within a couple of years of that he was in Big Trouble. It didn't happen instantly, he worked up to it. There were signs. There were obvious signs with each of the kids.
My kids are straight arrows and straight A students, but if they were raised in those circumstances, it would not have been so. For some reason it just wasn't a priority for that family. They have the right to live that way, but we have the right to say we expect a higher standard for the highest offices in the land.
And no, conservative women are not held to any special standard that liberal women are not held to. It just looks a lot more hypocritical when you're out there preaching about "morality" and "family values" when your own personal life doesn't measure up to the rules that you want everyone else to live by.
Does anybody but me notice how often the Palin/Heath/Johnston extended family has encounters with law enforcement and the court system? I've been in a courthouse two times in my life. Once as a witness to a marriage, and once as a witness to a minor ticket incident. It cracks me up that this woman is the supposed "Queen" of the anti-tax, anti-government Tea Party Movement. If we all lived that way we'd have to double the size of law enforcement and quadruple our court systems. akbatwoman
Good grief Jessie Cornish, Palin is a mess. Politically, socially and mentally.
Thank God she quit, because she was a total embarassment in the job.
The rest of the nation can have her. Not many up here want her anymore.
With me it has nothing to do with hatred, but more of embarassment. Considering she considers herself a Alaskan.
First off, I contend that only Governors with Presidential aspirations have to worry about being "high profile" enough to make the national news when their minor daughter becomes pregnant. There are less than 700,000 people in Alaska and we've been pretty much off the radar of the rest of the country for most of our "statehood". (For instance, right now I absolutely could not tell you for sure if Sean Parnell, who I went to school with, has two or three children, and if they are female or male, though I'm guessing female). And I can tell you that a Wasilla teenage pregnancy would not have been considered much of a big deal locally, and not even statewide, because Palin had kept her fundamentalism very low key at that point.
Secondly, I don't give a hoot which parent is the breadwinner and which is the childcare provider, or if they split it up evenly. But when one parent is physically not present (as in working and sleeping 700 miles away), then you kind of assume that the other parent is "on the job" with the kids. Sarah Palin admitted that her son asked her not to run for office. Within a couple of years of that he was in Big Trouble. It didn't happen instantly, he worked up to it. There were signs. There were obvious signs with each of the kids.
My kids are straight arrows and straight A students, but if they were raised in those circumstances, it would not have been so. For some reason it just wasn't a priority for that family. They have the right to live that way, but we have the right to say we expect a higher standard for the highest offices in the land.
And no, conservative women are not held to any special standard that liberal women are not held to. It just looks a lot more hypocritical when you're out there preaching about "morality" and "family values" when your own personal life doesn't measure up to the rules that you want everyone else to live by.
Does anybody but me notice how often the Palin/Heath/Johnston extended family has encounters with law enforcement and the court system? I've been in a courthouse two times in my life. Once as a witness to a marriage, and once as a witness to a minor ticket incident. It cracks me up that this woman is the supposed "Queen" of the anti-tax, anti-government Tea Party Movement. If we all lived that way we'd have to double the size of law enforcement and quadruple our court systems. akbatwoman
You may contend whatever you want. Tabloids and cable news love sensationlistic stories like these. They make nobodies into national figures. It is not beyond reasonable speculation that such a "scandal" would be picked up by the mainstream media resulting in a frenzy by the press.
Now, I've observed the Palin family for some time now. They don't seem like a bad lot. The only thing you could really point out is that Bristol Palin was pregnant out of wedlock, an unfortunate incident that caused many to look upon the Palins unfavorably. Currently she is trying to make the best out of a bad situation. If you want to throw all of the children under the bus for that, then I cannot stop you. I can tell you it's not right.
Another thing you(and so many others) mention is how we conservatives go out there and just preach about morality and personal conduct. Now while some of us do, I really don't see that happen all that often. Name for me when Palin got up on a national stage and just pontificate about "family values". Name one. I just think it is a liberal straw man. Democrats talk about values too, just their methods are different.
And I have never been to a courthouse at all before, so I guess I've got you beat.
Mr. Cronish wrote: "And I have never been to a courthouse at all before, so I guess I've got you beat."
No one wants to hear about your personal life.
Here, JC: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94258995
Read that again (from 09/08) and then tell us that Palin has never pontificated on "family values."
I've always thought it extremely odd how the rumors of Palin's "non-pregnancy" were handled by the McCain campaign. Instead of addressing them head-on and honestly with birth details and BC of Trig, they shoved a vulnerable 17 year old pregnant teen out on the stage to take the bullet for her mother right before the convention.
I suspect that "anonymous" up thread is right in that McCain WAS in possession of the real details of Trig Palin's birth and had to find a way to put the rumors to rest without actually revealing anything about the circumstances of Trig's birth. I don't believe the McCain campaign would have blatantly lied about this matter which was a discoverable matter. As an example, in emails released from the campaign between Palin and Schmidt, Palin wanted the campaign to put out a lie about her husband's affiliation with AIP but Schmidt wouldn't allow it and, in fact, called it for it was (lying) and felt that it was obviously disprovable and would reflect poorly on McCain. No way was he going to allow discoverable lies about Palin to besmirch McCain.
It's the only logical way to view the campaign's handling of this bizarre situation.
I don't know what the true story is but I have little doubt that it's not what everyone has been led to believe. It will eventually come out. It always does.
Anonymous said...
Here, JC: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94258995
Read that again (from 09/08) and then tell us that Palin has never pontificated on "family values."
Perhaps you would like to point out the specific part where she said the offending words?
Maybe because she's my neighbor, I see the preachy stuff more often? You know, like "I'm the first Christian mayor this town has ever had".
And you seriously think the tabloids would have leapt all over the teenage pregnancy when the whole world said "WHO?" when McCain announced Palin for VP?
I don't know where you live, here or Outside, but I can guarantee you that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the Lower 48 who could name a past Governor (other than the now infamous Palin) of this state.
You know, I agree with you. For the most part, the Palin's aren't a bad lot (except for the vendetta thing that Todd and Sarah have). But are you serious? The only moral blip on the radar that you've noticed is the teenage pregnancy? So you never heard about underage drinking parties, vandalism, drunk driving, drug addiction, drug dealing, illegal hunting/fishing, burglary, stalking, and nasty custody battles? How about the ethics violations? (Only the one's they were found guilty of, of course).
You know, one of the presidential nominee candidates that I preferred to Obama was John Edwards. Yeah, I'm totally embarrassed about it, can't believe I even considered him now. But you know what? That's the thing about some people.................when we see a problem with our candidate, we dump them. On the other hand, Palin followers don't seem to be swayed from their devotion no matter what comes out. I'm almost convinced that the woman could commit cold blooded murder and they'd still support her.
I guess what I'm saying is.........................I know you won't change your mind, in which case this conversation is pointless, and I'm tired of talking about the shenanigans of the Palin family. I don't blame the kids, they are a product of their upbringing, and while they may make some pretty dumb choices about how to spend their spare time, they don't appear to have any evil intentions towards anybody in this world. Yes, a nice bunch of kids, some of which fell in with a bad crowd (sometimes repeatedly). akbat
Jesse Cornish wrote:
"However, whether or not Sarah Palin gave them a prepared statement or a prepared press release is irrelevant. It is a red herring to distract from the fact that the McCain campaign did not consult Sarah Palin about releasing such information to the public."
Palin DID know about the release beforehand. As she stated on the November Oprah show, the McCain campaign brought her their press release about Bristol's pregnancy first, and she rewrote it. From the transcript on Greta van Susteren's site:
PALIN: And I read it, and it was the, "we're giddy happy," basically to become grandparents. And I said, "No, no, no. Look, here's our opportunity. Let's try to help tackle the problem of teen pregnancy in America."
WINFREY: That is what you said, but that is not what you put out.
MS. PALIN: Right. Rewrote it, and then a couple hours later, news scroll across the screen, and there it is, the message that I didn't want sent, and just a little bit of an indication of problems to come about what I would be able to say and how I would be able to speak or not speak my heart and my values, and seize opportunities to communicate better.
She said Bristol called and was "quite devastated" and embarrassed that not only Wasilla but the whole world knew she was pregnant.
WINFREY: But did you not think, though, that the pregnancy might be an issue with the campaign?
MS. PALIN: I thought it might be an issue, but again, that it could show some realism in an American life, in a normal American family.
You make my point when you state: "The world was going to know one way or the other. Do you think that such a story, a governor's daughter being pregnant was going to be hidden from the prying eyes of the press forever?"
Exactly. Yet she claims she was merely "naive" about the response, as if the media wouldn't have covered over a pregnant unwed daughter of an Obama.
Palin also said: "I wasn't given that, I guess, that privilege of being able to protect my kids, my family."
Nobody GIVES a parent the "privilege" of protecting her family. That is a parent's obligation, and one she failed at miserably even if she were merely "naive." She certainly could have graciously told Sen. McCain, "Thanks, but the time isn't right for my family."
Instead, she didn't blink (or she talked to her family first--whichever version you believe).
I agree that conspiracy theorists probably wouldn't be satisfied with a birth certificate. I thought Obama shouldn't "show weakness" either. However, he did offer his birth certificate for public scrutiny, authorities confirmed it, and only nutcases continue nattering about it.
It's not important whether conspiracists would be satisfied with Trig's birth certificate. What matters is that reasonable people would have accepted any real evidence that she produced and then ignored conspiracists.
Instead, every time Mrs. Palin's words contradict her deeds, her accounts conflict with each other, or a blog like IM turns up photographs that cannot be explained easily, someone like me wonders what she's hiding and why. The fact that she has such a vague relationship with the truth doesn't help.
Again: Palin deliberately and knowingly chose to subject her daughter--and Levi--to a public ordeal for the sake of her own ambitions. Whether there's anything to the Trig-truthers' case or not, that fact remains. She convinced me that she has no integrity whatsoever, something I had already begun suspecting during Troopergate. She has done nothing since the election to demonstrate otherwise.
JC: 70% of the transcript on NPR is about her family and their values. Is your reading comprehension that bad?
Anonymous said...
Maybe because she's my neighbor, I see the preachy stuff more often? You know, like "I'm the first Christian mayor this town has ever had".
From what I heard, a TV program referred to her as that, and Palin did not speak the words herself.
And you seriously think the tabloids would have leapt all over the teenage pregnancy when the whole world said "WHO?" when McCain announced Palin for VP?
I cannot say for certain. That's the problem with what-if scenarios. You can never take into consideration all the factors.
I don't know where you live, here or Outside, but I can guarantee you that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the Lower 48 who could name a past Governor (other than the now infamous Palin) of this state.
Probably right. No one really does care about Alaska much accept as a tourist destination. It is a sad reality. That's before Palin though; Alaska has become a little less isolated in recent months.
You know, I agree with you. For the most part, the Palin's aren't a bad lot (except for the vendetta thing that Todd and Sarah have). But are you serious? The only moral blip on the radar that you've noticed is the teenage pregnancy? So you never heard about underage drinking parties, vandalism, drunk driving, drug addiction, drug dealing, illegal hunting/fishing, burglary, stalking, and nasty custody battles? How about the ethics violations? (Only the one's they were found guilty of, of course).
Many of the things you mention are rumors, and there is no need to discuss them. Let's stick to the facts please.
The facts also state that the Alaska Personal Board dismissed all the ethics charges made against Palin.
You know, one of the presidential nominee candidates that I preferred to Obama was John Edwards. Yeah, I'm totally embarrassed about it, can't believe I even considered him now. But you know what? That's the thing about some people.................when we see a problem with our candidate, we dump them. On the other hand, Palin followers don't seem to be swayed from their devotion no matter what comes out. I'm almost convinced that the woman could commit cold blooded murder and they'd still support her.
It would be unwise to compare Edwards to Palin.
I guess what I'm saying is.........................I know you won't change your mind, in which case this conversation is pointless, and I'm tired of talking about the shenanigans of the Palin family. I don't blame the kids, they are a product of their upbringing, and while they may make some pretty dumb choices about how to spend their spare time, they don't appear to have any evil intentions towards anybody in this world. Yes, a nice bunch of kids, some of which fell in with a bad crowd (sometimes repeatedly). akbat
Your opinion. So be it. Like I said, I don't like peddling in rumors. You just end up getting burned.
Congratulations , Mr.Cornish. You single-handedly wiped the floor with the anti-Palin haters on this thread. Your civilty when confronted with the usual leftist insults speaks volumes about you and , sadly, about the Left in America today.
"I don't moderate or delete comments here unless they are truly nasty or untruly nasty,"
You expect people to believe this?
To Bluedog Alaska:
Palin DID know about the release beforehand. As she stated on the November Oprah show, the McCain campaign brought her their press release about Bristol's pregnancy first, and she rewrote it. From the transcript on Greta van Susteren's site:
PALIN: And I read it, and it was the, "we're giddy happy," basically to become grandparents. And I said, "No, no, no. Look, here's our opportunity. Let's try to help tackle the problem of teen pregnancy in America."
WINFREY: That is what you said, but that is not what you put out.
MS. PALIN: Right. Rewrote it, and then a couple hours later, news scroll across the screen, and there it is, the message that I didn't want sent, and just a little bit of an indication of problems to come about what I would be able to say and how I would be able to speak or not speak my heart and my values, and seize opportunities to communicate better.
She said Bristol called and was "quite devastated" and embarrassed that not only Wasilla but the whole world knew she was pregnant.
WINFREY: But did you not think, though, that the pregnancy might be an issue with the campaign?
MS. PALIN: I thought it might be an issue, but again, that it could show some realism in an American life, in a normal American family.
You are leaving out a critical part of the story. First the McCain campaign released a statement about Bristol. Sarah Palin saw it on TV and wasn't happy about it. She did the re-edit and sent it through but later she saw on TV again that the same old message was being played. The campaign never went with her version.
You make my point when you state: "The world was going to know one way or the other. Do you think that such a story, a governor's daughter being pregnant was going to be hidden from the prying eyes of the press forever?"
Exactly. Yet she claims she was merely "naive" about the response, as if the media wouldn't have covered over a pregnant unwed daughter of an Obama.
They might have. But Obama said to stay away from his family, and guess what? That is what the media did. Nary a word about Obama's family.
No single reporter from any news agency or even tabloid had to report on Bristol's pregnancy. They could have left it alone. It would have been the decent thing to do.
Palin also said: "I wasn't given that, I guess, that privilege of being able to protect my kids, my family."
Nobody GIVES a parent the "privilege" of protecting her family. That is a parent's obligation, and one she failed at miserably even if she were merely "naive." She certainly could have graciously told Sen. McCain, "Thanks, but the time isn't right for my family."
Instead, she didn't blink (or she talked to her family first--whichever version you believe).
Would anybody be asking this question if Sarah Palin was a man? How many people have asked any male candidate to go home and be a dad?
Face it, any politician thrusts their family into a spotlight by virtue of their profession. We as a people though can respect that family's privacy. It's only decent.
I agree that conspiracy theorists probably wouldn't be satisfied with a birth certificate. I thought Obama shouldn't "show weakness" either. However, he did offer his birth certificate for public scrutiny, authorities confirmed it, and only nutcases continue nattering about it.
Trig Palin wasn't running for office.
It's not important whether conspiracists would be satisfied with Trig's birth certificate. What matters is that reasonable people would have accepted any real evidence that she produced and then ignored conspiracists.
Reasonable people have looked at the evidence and come to the only sane conclusion: Sarah Palin is the mother of Trig.
Instead, every time Mrs. Palin's words contradict her deeds, her accounts conflict with each other, or a blog like IM turns up photographs that cannot be explained easily, someone like me wonders what she's hiding and why. The fact that she has such a vague relationship with the truth doesn't help.
Yeah, the post about the ears that sources doctors he cannot name? That's credible.
Again: Palin deliberately and knowingly chose to subject her daughter--and Levi--to a public ordeal for the sake of her own ambitions. Whether there's anything to the Trig-truthers' case or not, that fact remains. She convinced me that she has no integrity whatsoever, something I had already begun suspecting during Troopergate. She has done nothing since the election to demonstrate otherwise.
Why don't you maintain some intellectual consistency and say that Barack Obama has opened up his own family to attack as well to further his own political ambitions.
I remember very well some people said some rather unsavory things about his daughters and these people were sharply criticized.
There is a double standard. Obama's family is protected by the press while Palin's is fair game. It is another disgusting display of the liberal, sensationalist media.
@ Anonymous 2/27 1:08 PM
"Anti-Palin haters" is a double negative which ironically turns out to be the only correct thing you posted.
Obama never threw a baby blanket across an obviously pregnant bellied and gigantic bosomed teenager, paraded her across a stage in front of 300 million people (plus the rest of the world who was interested in the long awaited Republican VP announcement) and hoped that nobody would notice.
Nor, when the gig was up, did he then hunt down the other teenager involved, shave him, put him in slacks and a sweater and bring him up on the stage and say, "Hey look, he did it!"
Nor has Any Other candidate in the history of the United States ever done such a thing to a child of theirs. It would have been so easy to just say, "My son Track and my daughter Bristol could not be here tonight, blah, blah, blah". Any other candidate would have. Like I said, I don't know the number, names, ages or sex of nearly any other politician on the face of the planet (including John McCain) except for the Obama's (because he's President of my country) and Prince Charles two kids (only because of the celebrity of their own mother). Palin does this to her own children. She wants the spotlight on them, but only wants us to notice what a good looking bunch of kids they are, not the rest of it. akbat
And you have totally put words into my mouth by saying that I think Palin should go home and be a mom. I'm saying that One of those kids parents should be making sure that they are not running rampant around Wasilla. Todd is "retired", but the third kid has apparently now gotten in trouble breaking into a house, participating in an underage drinking party, and trashing said house. (Way to go, when your sister was apparently pursuing a career as a real estate agent. I wonder if the house was one of Kristan Cole's listings? Perhaps this is why Bristol is now pursuing being a reality TV star instead.) So Dad doesn't seem to be capable of keeping track of the kids on his own too well. So get Grandma and Grandpa involved, hire somebody, whatever it takes. But if someone can't manage their own family well, how can we believe that they can even remotely manage the White House?
As far as your argument about dealing with rumor; Todd and his brother were both convicted of drunk driving I believe, as well as his sister for burglary, as well as Sherry Johnston for drug dealing. The Troopergate transcripts are chock full of interesting stuff too, and much of the testimony was given by the Palin/Heath family in interviews to law enforcement officials, so I'm assuming there's some truth to it (but not all of it because it's really obvious that Palin was lying in several spots, especially when she and Track didn't get their stories matched up ahead of time). The Branchflower Report, which was the only ethics investigation that was conducted by people who were not appointed by the Governor, found Todd and Sarah guilty of ethics violations. In fact, it was initiated by a legislature which has a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. Palin also was found guilty of grifting and had to reimburse the state for the luxury trips she was taking her kids on.
Yes, the stuff about the kids are rumors, due to the records being closed because of their ages. But much of it's well known locally (especially when they post pictures on the Internet) and I happen to have heard an earful From An Actual Relative.
As far as I'm concerned the kids are all theirs biologically until somebody proves that wrong, and I haven't seen anything "proof-like" yet. The Wild Ride is just another example of both Palin's having really bad parental judgment, until someone proves there was something else going on.
And the reason that I compare Edwards and Palin, is because he is the only candidate that I've ever supported who turned out to be even remotely as screwed up as her. Also, both of them have had their family skeletons featured in the National Enquirer!
My only regret about Palin not being elected to VP, is that the kids (before they broke up) were planning on getting married at the White House. I know, I know, McCain would never have allowed it to happen, but wouldn't it have been something? All those Wasillabillies partying all over the Rose Garden............. what a sight! akbat
Who does Jesse think he's fooling?
Okay, Anonymous 1:08, whatever you say.
Obama never threw a baby blanket across an obviously pregnant bellied and gigantic bosomed teenager, paraded her across a stage in front of 300 million people (plus the rest of the world who was interested in the long awaited Republican VP announcement) and hoped that nobody would notice.
Nor, when the gig was up, did he then hunt down the other teenager involved, shave him, put him in slacks and a sweater and bring him up on the stage and say, "Hey look, he did it!"
Sarah Palin did not want her daughter's pregnancy revealed the way that it was. The ensuing furor in the media was unfortunate, but not unexpected.
Second, no one forced Levi to do anything. He went to the convention of his own free will. He probably had a good time too.
Nor has Any Other candidate in the history of the United States ever done such a thing to a child of theirs. It would have been so easy to just say, "My son Track and my daughter Bristol could not be here tonight, blah, blah, blah". Any other candidate would have. Like I said, I don't know the number, names, ages or sex of nearly any other politician on the face of the planet (including John McCain) except for the Obama's (because he's President of my country) and Prince Charles two kids (only because of the celebrity of their own mother). Palin does this to her own children. She wants the spotlight on them, but only wants us to notice what a good looking bunch of kids they are, not the rest of it. akbat
I've seen candidates with their children on more than one occasion. It is not uncommon. The media just wouldn't leave Bristol alone in this case. If they had, then maybe we wouldn't be talking about this now.
And you have totally put words into my mouth by saying that I think Palin should go home and be a mom. I'm saying that One of those kids parents should be making sure that they are not running rampant around Wasilla. Todd is "retired", but the third kid has apparently now gotten in trouble breaking into a house, participating in an underage drinking party, and trashing said house. (Way to go, when your sister was apparently pursuing a career as a real estate agent. I wonder if the house was one of Kristan Cole's listings? Perhaps this is why Bristol is now pursuing being a reality TV star instead.) So Dad doesn't seem to be capable of keeping track of the kids on his own too well. So get Grandma and Grandpa involved, hire somebody, whatever it takes. But if someone can't manage their own family well, how can we believe that they can even remotely manage the White House?
Again, you peddle more rumors and take potshots at the Palins parenting abilities. You consistently speak from a position of ignorance regarding both.
As far as your argument about dealing with rumor; Todd and his brother were both convicted of drunk driving I believe, as well as his sister for burglary, as well as Sherry Johnston for drug dealing. The Troopergate transcripts are chock full of interesting stuff too, and much of the testimony was given by the Palin/Heath family in interviews to law enforcement officials, so I'm assuming there's some truth to it (but not all of it because it's really obvious that Palin was lying in several spots, especially when she and Track didn't get their stories matched up ahead of time). The Branchflower Report, which was the only ethics investigation that was conducted by people who were not appointed by the Governor, found Todd and Sarah guilty of ethics violations. In fact, it was initiated by a legislature which has a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. Palin also was found guilty of grifting and had to reimburse the state for the luxury trips she was taking her kids on.
Todd Palin was arrested for drunk driving but I don't believe he was ever convicted of a felony. Maybe a misdemeanor, but I'm not sure. Also, Sherry Johnston is not a member of the Palin family.
The Alaska Personal Board is composed of members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the legislature.
Two of them were holdovers from the previous administration. Attempts to purport some sort of bias for Palin on their part would be unfounded.
Additionally, when she reimbursed the state, there was no admission of wrongdoing on her part nor was she found guilty of an ethics violation:
Yes, the stuff about the kids are rumors, due to the records being closed because of their ages. But much of it's well known locally (especially when they post pictures on the Internet) and I happen to have heard an earful From An Actual Relative.
Yes, I'm certain you know many people who know so much information of great importance.
As far as I'm concerned the kids are all theirs biologically until somebody proves that wrong, and I haven't seen anything "proof-like" yet. The Wild Ride is just another example of both Palin's having really bad parental judgment, until someone proves there was something else going on.
Well, at least we agree that Trig is Sarah Palin's son.
And the reason that I compare Edwards and Palin, is because he is the only candidate that I've ever supported who turned out to be even remotely as screwed up as her. Also, both of them have had their family skeletons featured in the National Enquirer!
My only regret about Palin not being elected to VP, is that the kids (before they broke up) were planning on getting married at the White House. I know, I know, McCain would never have allowed it to happen, but wouldn't it have been something? All those Wasillabillies partying all over the Rose Garden............. what a sight! akbat
Edwards disgraced and dishonored himself as both a man and a politician. Sarah Palin has not, and will never reach his level.
Wow, you've done several embarrassing things in your day, Jesse, but this one sure takes the cake. Could you at least pretend to cover your tracks next time?
To: Jesse Cornish
Hope you are still around, Jesse, because you need to know that a birth certificate will not work. Sorry, we need DNA!
The e-mail akbat is talking about, is from the SOA, Benefits Div. For some reason, they are requesting a b/c.
Sarah has a b/c because all the invoices submitted to her insurance are in her name. They have to be or the SOA wouldn't pay them.
The dr. or hospital must have put her name as the patient when Trig was born. This info is also sent to the Bureau of Vital Statistics which means a b/c is on file.
Now, Jesse, you can see why it is important we have DNA.
Jesse wrote; "The Alaska Personal Board is composed of members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the legislature."
I believe that would correctly be "Personnel Board", but I kind of like your version better. Yes, Governor's Personal Board is much more apropos.
I know one of the "holdovers". He would never admit wrongdoing by any member of the Republican Party, no matter what they did. He's such a partisan hack that he even spent all of his spare time (for several years) engineering a Republican Takeover of his community council, which around here, are generally attended by ~5 steering committee members and one or two meeting attendees, approximately eight times a year. They talk about the potholes on Abbott Road and how many horses and chickens people should be allowed to have in their backyard. Amazingly, it turned into a Battle Royale with control going back and forth between the warring parties. I believe that for awhile they actually had 15 people a month showing up for the meetings.
He was about as qualified for that job as Palin was for VP.
And yes, I'm sure that innocent people (especially AIP Members, NRA Members, and Tea Party types like the Palins) often hand over large sums of money to the Government when they are not guilty of anything, just out of the kindness of their hearts.
Jesse also said; "Yes, I'm certain you know many people who know so much information of great importance."
As opposed to you, who perhaps lives several thousand miles from here but seems to consider yourself an expert on the doings of my neighbor? AKbat
Oh look, a new study is out!
(CNN) -- Political, religious and sexual behaviors may be reflections of intelligence, a new study finds.
Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national U.S. sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs. This applied also to sexual exclusivity in men, but not in women. The findings will be published in the March 2010 issue of Social Psychology Quarterly.
"The adoption of some evolutionarily novel ideas makes some sense in terms of moving the species forward," said George Washington University leadership professor James Bailey, who was not involved in the study. "It also makes perfect sense that more intelligent people -- people with, sort of, more intellectual firepower -- are likely to be the ones to do that."
Religion, the current theory goes, did not help people survive or reproduce necessarily, but goes along the lines of helping people to be paranoid, Kanazawa said. Assuming that, for example, a noise in the distance is a signal of a threat helped early humans to prepare in case of danger.
"It helps life to be paranoid, and because humans are paranoid, they become more religious, and they see the hands of God everywhere," Kanazawa said.
Participants who said they were atheists had an average IQ of 103 in adolescence, while adults who said they were religious averaged 97, the study found. Atheism "allows someone to move forward and speculate on life without any concern for the dogmatic structure of a religion," Bailey said.
"Historically, anything that's new and different can be seen as a threat in terms of the religious beliefs; almost all religious systems are about permanence," he noted.
The study takes the American view of liberal vs. conservative. It defines "liberal" in terms of concern for genetically nonrelated people and support for private resources that help those people.
"Liberals are more likely to be concerned about total strangers; conservatives are likely to be concerned with people they associate with," he said.
Given that human ancestors had a keen interest in the survival of their offspring and nearest kin, the conservative approach -- looking out for the people around you first -- fits with the evolutionary picture more than liberalism, Kanazawa said. "It's unnatural for humans to be concerned about total strangers." he said.
The study found that young adults who said they were "very conservative" had an average adolescent IQ of 95, whereas those who said they were "very liberal" averaged 106.
Neither Bailey nor Kanazawa identify themselves as liberal; Bailey is conservative and Kanazawa is "a strong libertarian."
So who do you want running your enormous country; the Conservative religious gal who is apparently paranoid and only cares about the people close to her, or, the Liberal, who is smarter, has innovative ideas, is not afraid of change and cares about total strangers? Wow do these descriptions sound like anyone we've heard of?
That should keep Jesse busy for awhile, I'm outta here. akbatwoman
Fear not, Ginger; Jesse will NEVER go away, despite how unwelcome his presence is. He man has no shame. NONE.
He is a spamming TROLL!
I've been checking this page and he just won't shut up...I guess he is trying to get Sister Grifter's attn. so she will hire him or whatever...lol, like RAM did...loser!
How can anyone take seriously the misogynists of the Left that flock to this site whenever Palin is attacked. Their talking points are the rantings of the hate-filled, anti-American Left. Their idea of discussion is vomiting up some of the most vile, sexist comments I've seen on any blog. The recent round of attacks against Pain show how obsessive these people have become in their crusade against a woman whose politics they don't agree with. The one saving grace of their behavior is that it has no effect on the real world. But one must fear for their sanity if Palin continues to attract as much attention as she does at the moment.
To: Jesse Cornish
Hope you are still around, Jesse, because you need to know that a birth certificate will not work. Sorry, we need DNA!
The e-mail akbat is talking about, is from the SOA, Benefits Div. For some reason, they are requesting a b/c.
Sarah has a b/c because all the invoices submitted to her insurance are in her name. They have to be or the SOA wouldn't pay them.
The dr. or hospital must have put her name as the patient when Trig was born. This info is also sent to the Bureau of Vital Statistics which means a b/c is on file.
Now, Jesse, you can see why it is important we have DNA.
Don't you kind of prove what I've been saying? The birth certificate will never be enough for you people, so why provide it in the first place?
Anonymous said...
JC: 70% of the transcript on NPR is about her family and their values. Is your reading comprehension that bad?
Point out the parts you don't like and we will talk.
Anonymous said...
Jesse wrote; "The Alaska Personal Board is composed of members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the legislature."
I believe that would correctly be "Personnel Board", but I kind of like your version better. Yes, Governor's Personal Board is much more apropos.
Everyone is allowed a misspelling now and then.
I know one of the "holdovers". He would never admit wrongdoing by any member of the Republican Party, no matter what they did. He's such a partisan hack that he even spent all of his spare time (for several years) engineering a Republican Takeover of his community council, which around here, are generally attended by ~5 steering committee members and one or two meeting attendees, approximately eight times a year. They talk about the potholes on Abbott Road and how many horses and chickens people should be allowed to have in their backyard. Amazingly, it turned into a Battle Royale with control going back and forth between the warring parties. I believe that for awhile they actually had 15 people a month showing up for the meetings.
He was about as qualified for that job as Palin was for VP.
I presume you can provide documentation for that?
And yes, I'm sure that innocent people (especially AIP Members, NRA Members, and Tea Party types like the Palins) often hand over large sums of money to the Government when they are not guilty of anything, just out of the kindness of their hearts.
Yeah, I do that every year. It's called paying taxes.
Jesse also said; "Yes, I'm certain you know many people who know so much information of great importance."
As opposed to you, who perhaps lives several thousand miles from here but seems to consider yourself an expert on the doings of my neighbor? AKbat
Sarah Palin is your neighbor now?
Addressed to the last post by akbatwoman:
Here is some further reading on this study, and these are not conservatives:
If you had read one of my previous posts, I told you that I have a cabin on Lake Lucille, so yes, the Palins are indeed my neighbors. And the new additions are not the most pleasant view, thank you very much.
"The e-mail akbat is talking about, is from the SOA, Benefits Div. For some reason, they are requesting a b/c."
I really have no idea what this quote is referring to. I am not demanding dna or any other kind of evidence on the biology of any Palin. I personally think that the Wild Ride story is rather unbelievable. As to what the real story is...........I have no idea. If some kind of newsworthy event someday ever comes out about it, you can bet I'll be reading it, but I'm certainly not pursuing it.
Anon 9:14 This is only about the 3rd or 4th time I"ve ever gotten sucked into making comments at Progressive Alaska in the last couple of years so I don't think I qualify as a Palin Serial Hater.
Did you hear about the latest Dittman poll? Something like 17% of Alaskans think Palin should run for President. Wow, now there's a shift if I've ever seen one. I wouldn't believe it except that Dittman is the Republican pollster in town. akbat
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