As I was fueling up the snowblower, I heard a diesel truck idling at the bottom of our driveway. People sometimes come up the long, narrow, hilly driveway in error, and get stuck trying to back out, so I went out to check.
There were two guys outside of a big red Dodge 3/4-ton crewcab. One appeared to be taking pictures of the driveway, the back of my shop, boats and vehicle. When they saw me coming, they ran to the vehicle, which was already turned around, and quickly left.
It was about 12:15 p.m.
A while later, I read a comment at PA (and a couple of emails from friends, alerting me to it) that states this:
Uh Oh Phil...The Urine of Sea has got you in their sights. Saw this comment today:
Can we get his address and post it on the web....along with a picture of him, his house, and the car he drives?
Today, 10:26:54 AM
– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
Phil, you know better than to poke "The Crazies"(hey, isn't that a movie coming out soon?)
Here is the link:
Apparently, they have taken down that comment. Note the time the comment had been posted. I don't know what time zone they get tagged at, but C4P certainly isn't an Alaskan blog.
Anyway, earlier in the morning, I had taken a number of pictures of the fresh snow:

Secondly, when I came upon these two guys, they were not on our property, just right next to it, in the cul-de-sac. It is not illegal to photograph somebody's house or property, so I don't see what reason I have for a complaint to law enforcement. Please remember, I worked in law enforcement and public safety for over 13 years and have a fairly well-trained bodyguard when I need him.
annoymouse, if you are reading:
I hadn't heard what had been done to you and yours by Palinbots out here:
Phill, that guy you call annoymouse had some pretty rough stuff done to their house by a person living in Wasilla.
Apparently some Palin lover saw the sign on top of his woodshed and made a visit.
Charges were filed about this last fall, distruction of personal property and assalt. Guilty and Guilty. Now annoymouse is going after damage costs. Dead show dog and all. The family is in grief over the loss. Has been for about 5-6 months.
Please accept my sympathy and condolences!
Phill, that guy you call annoymouse had some pretty rough stuff done to their house by a person living in Wasilla.
Apparently some Palin lover saw the sign on top of his woodshed and made a visit.
Charges were filed about this last fall, distruction of personal property and assalt. Guilty and Guilty. Now annoymouse is going after damage costs. Dead show dog and all. The family is in grief over the loss. Has been for about 5-6 months.
Be careful!!!
anon @ 2:32 p.m:
I didn't know that. That's awful!
What these guys did here wasn't illegal, just interesting at this point.
That comment is still up there. Diff timestamp but same thing.
Can we get his address and post it on the web....along with a picture of him, his house, and the car he drives?
Today, 09:26:54 – Flag – Reply
Liked by William Henley
No. We don't do that crap. Much as we'd like to, Philip Munger is a pathetic assclown who, despite his efforts to destroy Sarah Palin, is a private citizen.
Today, 11:20:51 – Flag – Reply"
Wow, these people are seriously deranged. Never again venturing over to the Sea of Pee. Never, never, never.
William Henley constantly advocates violence (at c4p) and brags that he took a gun to the Sports Center book signing and would be anxious and ready to use it to protect the crazy woman.
I would not take this lightly, Phil. Others have been threatened - two have stopped blogging due to the violent threats.
That's because $arah Paylin stirs up the crazies and foments violence. She is as guilty as the perpetrator(s) for these criminal acts. And she smugly enjoys it.
But don't worry, $carah's smug little grin will be turned upside down when she meets her maker. The pearly gates are going to slammed shut in her face and she'll join her X-tian pals in the fire below. Rupert Murdoch will not be able to buy her way out of that one.
Call the cops Phil and at least make a report that someone came to your property and was taking pictures. Also note the vehicle.
I'd do it if nothing else to make a point and to cover yourself in case anything happens.
Stay safe the closer you all get to the truth the more frightened and dangerous Palin and her crazy followers become.
Obama's the messiah in our eyes huh? Didn't hear ONCE, not once about anyone attempting to hurt, follow, intimidate, out, scare, etc. any non-Obama supporters, but with Sarah it's in the name of God so all is good.
Stay Safe and carry your camera everywhere from now on. Next time take their pic and post their vehicle to your site. That's what they really need and try to get their plate in the shot too.
Killed a dog?????
Assholes!!! Did they catch him?
Along with Henley there is Kenton, he threatened me on the peeblog!!!
Phil, please turn them into the police. And let us know what happens about your friend. People who kill animals are abusers, and cowardly, prey upon elderly and woman, and animals. If someone killed my dog I would hunt them down and kill them!
This is the kind of shit palin inspires, niiiiiiice.
Yes, Phil, please report to law enforcement and take pics if at all possible in future as above poster encourages. Be aware of anyone who may be following you in a vehicle, too. Be aware at work and let some colleagues know to keep an eye out for stalkers or worse. Some hidden web cams around your property might also be smart. We want you to be safe. These folks are not just crazy, but dangerous too.
Henely lives in Wasilla, I beleive and Kenton Palmer (close enough)
hope you called the cops. got license plate. Pleas call the troopers maybe not WPD.
"That's because $arah Paylin stirs up the crazies and foments violence."
Hey, that's no way to talk about Progressive Alaska and it's followers.
Henely lives in Wasilla, I beleive and Kenton Palmer (close enough)
hope you called the cops. got license plate. Pleas call the troopers maybe not WPD.
"Didn't hear ONCE, not once about anyone attempting to hurt, follow, intimidate, out, scare, etc. any non-Obama supporters, "
You really aren't that well-informed are you ? You didn't hear about Sandra Bernhard wanting Palin gang-raped in Central Park ? You didn't see the two gay guys who hanged an effigy of Palin ? You didn't see the Democrats who produced "Palin Is A C**t" T-shirts ?
"People who kill animals are abusers"
So everyone who eats meat are abusers huh ? I think people who call women "sluts", "Bitches", "whores" and "effing retarded sluts" are pretty abusive too. What do you think?
As someone who spent 4.5 years being stalked by a crazy person who was 'on a mission from Gawwwd' to destroy me - I can only echo the warnings above. Carry a camera, stay alert and if you feel the need, arm yourself. I ended up putting the word out that I had a .357 magnum and I knew how to use it. It didn't stop the stalking but it slowed it down some. My stalker liked to start fires, kill dogs, damage cars etc. The more public you are about them, the less they can hurt you. At heart, stalkers, like the dangerous pee-ers, are cowards and do their best work when they can hit from behind and remain anonymous. Please start reports with law enforcement and take it seriously. Also, wouldn't hurt to forward the posting about getting photos etc of you to the FBI. Be pro-actively safe. And take care.
anon@4;12 yes FBI has files on people who kill animals, usually start as children and progress as they get older. I guess your Sarah could qualify as a psycopath...Its really funny Her and her worshippers can dish it out but whine when they get it back...makes me laugh everytime.
And really I don't give a flying fu*k what you think. As you say on the sea...The is a (anti)Palin blog why do they come here??? they add nothing to the conversation...
admit:? get rid of these trolls here...!
Uh too Phil, that is prob why they pulled the blog post...b/c they know one or more came up to your house.
Tell the cops maybe call the SS and mention the domestic terrorist blog conservatives 4 Palin! Love to see that fascist site shut down!
"Love to see that fascist site shut down!:"
Okay, I'm ready for a good laugh. So let's hear your idea of "fascism" and why C4P is a "fascist" site ? Oh, and BTW being a "effing retarded slut" doesn't make someone a fascist.
Anon at 4:07 - I never heard that Sandra B. tried to lure Sarah P. to the park or sent any rapists to her house - just used some entirely inappropriate words. I don't really care for Sandra B.'s brand of humor, but she's never been accused of assault.
Hanging in effigy is a time-honored protest - no attempts to harm an actual human or animal occurred.
And I never heard of a t-shirt stalking anyone.
I've also never heard of Palin-objectors showing up anywhere with guns, killing dogs, or causing major property damage.
Annoymouse had a sheet of plywood on top of their woodshed that said "impeach Palin".
It could be seen from a small runway off Fairview loop. First the woodshed was burnt and a big X on the house door with the word "branded". Leading investigators to believe the burning was deliberate.
While out fishing all day, upon returning home late, they noticed a truck exiting their driveway. Once they got to the house, motor oil was dumped on the porch, in the gardens and the dog missing out of the kennel, which borders the fenced in garden area. Annoymouse immediately got his teenage boys and himself on their dirt bikes to track down the truck. They did. Troopers or city cops found a reciept for motor oil in the truck. The dog was found a day later, in the woods on the back 10 acres. Shot.
Call the cops. Cover your ass.
I'll see if annoymouse will elaborate more, if anything to encourage you to think about safety.
By the way, I helped rebuild the woodshed. The sign now says "thank god she quit".
Well, I have to hand it to you folks up there at Progressive Alaska. Y'all have posted some weird shit of late but I have to admit that the last couple of days are off the scale! After an orgy of hurling around sexist abuse that came across like some demented stalkers - "a bitch that keeps on giving", "effing retarded slut", "one whose brain is shut but whose legs are opened wide", "a girl who gives hand-jobs", "whore" etc., etc., - y'all suddenly cower into victim status because of one dumb comment at another blog. From aggressive women-haters to "call the FBI" and "help, they're out to get us" in the space of a day !
I was also genuinely surprised that at the height of the abuse hysteria Mr.Munger didn't step in to take things down a notch. I've read stuff here that I never thought I'd see on a liberal blog. You've all done women in general a great dis-service over the last couple of days and only some lady called Mel had the decency to see that.
I'd kinda like to hope that when the dust settles, y'all might feel a little bit differently about what y'all have done but seeing as how that disgusting "Slut or Saint" contest is still here I doubt it. Peace.
Clearly Zip, you have been to Wasilla and seen the obscene supporters of Sarah Palin.
No, indeed I have not had the opportunity to visit Wasilla and seen Palin's obscene supporters. Just as I have not been to Chicago and seen the obscene supporters of President Obama.
Extremes of both sides are wrong and violence or threats of violence against anyone for comments made on a blog are clearly beyond the pale.
My point was that y'all are screaming abuse against Palin, talking about when she's gonna die and how she spreads her legs and all that nasty stuff...creating a real hateful micro-climate right here but then y'all get freaked out because someone on the other side posts a stupid comment about this blog. I went over to that blog and it was just one dumb comment an' the next poster told them to straighten up and fly right. And after that there was no more hate-talk...and yet when y'all were in the midst of your hateful feeding frenzy against Sarah Palin, I didn't see one of you (until much later that is) step in and say "cool it, folks, this is getting real nasty."
Anyway, that was my minute you're whipping up hatred 'gainst this woman and talking like stalkers and then the next minute you're talking about evil stalkers are. If we all could keep things civil like the President said, none of this shit would happen. And I for one would hate it if anything untoward would happen to Mr.Munger just because of stuff he posted here.Just as I hate reading insults towards women, whatever their views of the world.
Not to make light of the incident (or any of the incidents cited by others), but I can't help but be intrigued by the fact that the C4P website still continues to feature a photo of Governor (sic) Palin with her back turned to the people. Fitting, I would say.
Gregg in Wisconsin
Zip you have no idea! Look we can all state our tit for tat situations.
It is the exrteme that gets out of hand. While Obama has the extreme supporters, so does Palin. The difference is Obama doesn't fan the fires of their extreme supporters. Palin continues to and is proud of it.
With the women thing and namecalling, it does speak to money. Which is what Palin is about. The highest bidder gets the short shirt. Now if she had something to say while sprouting the continual short skirt, then perhaps women would have something to be proud of. But the substance just ain't there. Does it justify the namecalling, no. However if you have ever been to a Wasilla meeting with her present, you'd know she kind of likes it. I'm just hoping she'll gain the brain matter to realize such behavior is very damaging to women.
Anon@4:59pm Please give my regards to anonymoose about his dog.
I hope they are prosecuting these psychopaths!
These people are just like her, evil, vile mentally unstable!
Phil, call the cops hope you got pics
of the truck...I'm listening to her on KO, she is such a liar, and jealous of Obama, mad that a black man beat HER! Idiot.
Oh Phil, when you call the troopers don't forget to mention c4p I did see the post where someone wanted your address and I have been threatened by them Kenton.
I wish I would of taken a screenshot of it.
And the rest of you bitchin' its Phils blog, he can write whatever he wants...if you don't like it you don't have to come here period. Since when is c4p or paylin the blog police to censor???
Sorry its his blog he gets to write whatever he wants!
Its so funny you can dish it out, calling people names on the c4p and paylin can call people names and spout her crazy lies & sedition but you can't take it. Satire people, Satire....
"she is such a liar, and jealous of Obama, mad that a black man beat HER!"
"She is such a liar" ....hey, she's a politician you know one who isn't?
"Mad that a black man beat her" did she actually say that or is it just you projecting your inner racism on to her? Bigot !
"The difference is Obama doesn't fan the fires of their extreme supporters. Palin continues to and is proud of it."
So, Obama saying "Get in their faces" wasn't fanning any fires ? And as for Palin and the Wasilla stalkers , please provide documented examples of Palin actually encouraging their behaviour....
"With the women thing and namecalling, it does speak to money. "
Bullshit, it speaks to ignorance that people who should know better would resort to using sexist terms to attack a woman politician. There are plenty of terms for the Left to use to attack Palin without sinking to misogynist abuse like "bitch", "Slut" etc.
Phil i live in a small town and have been free to support whatever idea i wanted. Plastered proudly on the back of my truck. Now i have held back in fear that my wife may be attacked. Now i feel i need to keep my gun loaded. I dont WANT to live this way but the people out there make me. I dont trust these folks i dont think you should either.
Hey 6:14, watcha all anonymous over, come on outta the closet...
"sexist terms to attack a women politician."
Ah, you didn't hear what Wallace had to say about Palin? You know that guy at the tea bag nation when he was being interviewed by Imus?
Perhaps Palin should of spoke up about that? But that ain't how she rolls. Stuff like that would just be more male book sales.
Do I approve of such words that some use to describe her. No. I do wonder why she doesn't get all in their face for it. Again, that ain't how she rolls. She was known to like it back in the day, so why should people get all bent out of shape now?
Dear Zip,
Palin followers mantra, Guns, God, and Palin.
Been to C4P site and those folks are extremely nasty. Have you forgotten about the threatening the judges and putting their names, phone numbers out, etc. One of them ended up with state police guards. All this came from the C4P commenters.
Why don't you write Sarah a note and ask her why her daughter, Piper is not in school? And why she left clothes off her son Trig in the cold.
If your upset with Phil, go visit Wonkette, a satirical, political site out of DC that hits both sides of the aisle. But be way ready for some nasty language. It's called political satire.
Better still go the right wing conservative Website run by a a guy named riehl and another one by a guy with a name like Sarah's running mate last year. They will give you a real taste of hardened language. And they use it on everyone.
Sigh, y'all just don't get it do ya ?
Sure people use hardened language but there's no excuse to use sexist abuse against a female politician, especially at a site that calls itself Progressive Alaska.
What was the damned point of a women's movement and bleating about progressive values when y'all start talking trash about "sluts", "whores", "bitches", "hand jobs", "opening her legs"etc. ?
I'm guessing you ain't 15 year old kiddies so why are y'all acting like it. And instead of trying to make two wrongs right why can't y'all stick to the values you supposedly believe in.
This site and it's friends are against enhanced interrogation because "it makes us as bad as they are" and yet you use the kind of vile sexism that the right is supposedly rife with because y'all hate Palin. Sexism is plain wrong. OK ? And for y'all to tolerate it on this site because it's one or more of your own doing it makes it worse. Not one of you on this thread has got the courage of your progressive convictions to say "hey, Mr.Munger, do what you like but we kind of think this "slut or saint" poll is all kinds of messed up." Not one of you ! I don't expect Munger to drop the poll 'cos that would be him admitting he made a mistake but at least y'all could register your disagreement at his actions. Remember integrity ?
What a wonderful place? like the dangerous pee-ers, are cowards and do their best work when they can hit from behind and remain anonymous. Please start reports with law enforcement and take it seriously.
MBA Distance Learning
Went to your original comments about the contest. Interesting. I like your poll.
Palin changes her dress style to fit different people. As has been stated by others. Her brand is a veneer and needs to be broken.
I would never dress as she does for professional meetings or presentations. I see women in these situations and they never dress like Palin. She is playing a cunning game that is meant to make her physically (using her gender) attractive to the opposite sex. If she worked in a standard office position as a professional and dressed the way she does (short skirts, high heeled shoes, heavy makeup, etc., she would be called many names, and some women might file sexual harrassment claims against her.
A very observant statement that I can make about her is that she certainly knows how to use her gender and her sexuality to get ahead. As far as I can determine, she has placed herself in this position.
I think you poll is right on.
"If she worked in a standard office position as a professional and dressed the way she does (short skirts, high heeled shoes, heavy makeup, etc., she would be called many names, and some women might file sexual harrassment claims against her."
Ha ! Ha ! Yeah, sure they Victorian Britain !! Yet another misogynist proud to call themselves "progressive". This keeps getting better and better and meanwhile the cool guys at Hillbuzz blog have this little gem....
"Hi Mom.
That’s what Sarah Palin wrote on her hand today, technically, before speaking at a campaign rally for Rick Perry in Texas.
“Hi Mom” can also be loosely translated as “F-U, Lefties”.
Here’s what Sarah Palin did today, and why it’s not only brilliant, but it’s the chief reason this woman will be our 45th President.
She hit the Left back, in a subtle way that drives them crazy. THAT, friends, is quite an art form. We respect everyone alive who practices this sort of Fu.
Palin knew the Left, particularly the Huffington Post, has been trying to create an issue of several words Palin wrote on her hand before the Tea Party Convention speech yesterday: Energy, Taxes, American Spirit.
Palin is quick with responses to the lunatics on the Left, which is remarkable. She gets in front of a story before it becomes an issue. She hits back hard when needed, but can use more subtle smacks when those are more appropriate.
We think she effectively disarmed this issue, in a humorous, fun way that’s relatable to average Americans."
Stand by for a stream of anti-gay abuse from the progressive Left.
@7:53 - clearly, you don't even know exactly what Palin wrote on her hand on Saturday night, yet you are here to defend her. That is just sad.
"@7:53 - clearly, you don't even know exactly what Palin wrote on her hand on Saturday night, yet you are here to defend her. That is just sad.'
What is sad is that we are talking about sexist abuse and you are interested in what she wrote on her hand ? Get a clue. And, what , in my comment, gives you the idea I don't know what was written on her hand. Looking forward to an exact quote...but not expecting one. Care to try again?
The face that launched a thousand fists.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for all your comments. I've been thinking the same stuff but couldn't have said it as well. The time has come for folks to speak up and object to some of the things that are being said here, especially the degrading remarks. Do me a favor and keep an eye on this blog.
As an Alaska Democrat (there are close to 80,000 of us), I can say Mr. Munger doesn't speak for me and there are a many other democrats in my state who don't share his views.
"The face that launched a thousand fists."
Umm, who ? Mr.Munger ?
For the record, I don't like "potty language" myself, but whatever. The reality is that there is a certain type of personality that tends to follow Sarah Palin, and they can be scary and violent. Does Palin encourage it? I seriously doubt it. But she doesn't exactly ever attempt to stop it either.
We have a school principal who dresses a lot like Palin, only slightly toned down. And the women all talk about it and roll their eyes. It's not being sexist, it's just wondering if that kind of clothing is really appropriate in an elementary school. As I wonder if Palin's clothes are appropriate for a person who did aspire and currently appears to aspire to the most powerful and respected job in the land. bt
Good grief, SEX SELLS.
And it is kinda slutty to cater to it.
Don't you get it Zip?
Palin does.
And it has nothing to do with being progressive.
Phil, keep a camera & a gun handy all the time. Palin's people mostly run about a half bubble off plumb. Tighten up your personal security. Web cams are cheap. Cabela's has some nice motion-activated cameras that take good pics in the dark. A court will accept pics on a SIM card as evidence, if some asshat gets caught on camera damaging your property or killing your animals.
I'm a liberal who believes that gun control means being able to hit your target, and the conservative members of my community know that. Semper Fi.
Anonymous 7:53 wrote:
"Hi Mom.
That’s what Sarah Palin wrote on her hand today, technically, before speaking at a campaign rally for Rick Perry in Texas.
“Hi Mom” can also be loosely translated as “F-U, Lefties”.
Here’s what Sarah Palin did today, and why it’s not only brilliant, but it’s the chief reason this woman will be our 45th President.
She hit the Left back, in a subtle way that drives them crazy. THAT, friends, is quite an art form. We respect everyone alive who practices this sort of Fu."
And that "sort of Fu (sic)" is ever so mature. And advances the conversation in such an effective way.
Her behavior, dress, and rhetoric are all that of an 8th grade girl trying to get even with the popular kid. She knows she'll never have the brains (3.95), talent (I quit), or demeanor (mean girl comments) to really compete. So she appeals to the lowest common denominator by being snarky, hateful, and immature. If there was a politician on either side of the aisle with the guts to tell her to grow the $#%& up, we'd all be better off. And she would have to change her tune, and fast, in order to be taken 'seriously.' (And I use that phrase lightly, because without the mean girl persona, she is of absolutely NO substance. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.)
So she thinks the answer to solving problems is to tell the liberals "Fu (sic)." Huh. Speaks volumes.
Sorry, but I had to remove your comment. Even though it vaguely referenced where two local people who have stated they are extremely partisan toward Palin live - but didn't give addresses - I have looked at photos sent to me of both of those individuals, and they are not the ones who were photographing our place Monday, so there is no link between them and me that I know of.
Phil - No problem. This is your blog. I appreciate you allowing me to visit and comment.
P.S. I'm a regular reader of yours. Don't allow the C4Pers to question your motives or your blog content. You are a good man and support woman that are worthy of your support.
Take Care
"You are a good man and support woman that are worthy of your support. "
So now he truth comes out. Liberals only "support" women when they are deemed "worthy" of support. How enlightened !
She's just SUCH a f***ing retard!!
So after all that paranoia it turns out that there isn't a conspiracy to "get" anti-Palin haters
after all. You people are a joke.
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