According to an ABC News/Washington Post survey, 71 percent of the public say the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve in the White House, with 26 percent saying the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee is qualified to be president. The 26 percent who say Palin is qualified is down 12 points from an ABC News/Washington Post poll from November.
Twenty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey from November indicated that Palin was qualified, with 7 in 10 feeling she was not qualified to be president.
The ABC News/Washington Post poll, released Thursday morning as Palin marks her 46th birthday, also indicates that even a majority of Republicans now view Palin as not qualified to serve as commander-in-chief. According to the survey, 45 percent of conservatives see her as qualified, down 21 points from last November.
The chart above isn't from the ABC/WaPo poll, but it shows how, with the exception of a short period after she quit her last political responsibility, her momentum has been down, down, down. In the ABC/WaPo her negatives are 45% higher than her positives.
How's that teabaggie, foxie thingie working out for ya, Sarah....?
She has been exposed for the self-serving grifter and empty vessel that she is. It's only a matter of time before Fox dumps her since she is unable to articulate any critical or original thinking, let alone remember the principles she supposedly stands for (just ask the hand). Happy Birthday, indeed.
Speaking of birthdays, when will be be seeing little Trig's birth certificate?
How's that misogynist attack on Palin working out for you, hot shot ?
Anonymous said...
How's that misogynist attack on Palin working out for you, hot shot ?
February 11, 2010 3:39 PM
Well, the poll indicates 86% have selected "slut" as their term of preference, with over 400 total responses. Based on that excellent participation rate, I'd say the poll is working out pretty well for Phil. And yes, I voted "slut". LOL
Love the "teabaggie, foxie thingie working out for ya?" line....good one Phil!
"Based on that excellent participation rate, I'd say the poll is working out pretty well for Phil. And yes, I voted "slut". LOL"
Yeah, if you see outting yourself as an hate site means things are working out pretty well. Add this to PA's favorite broadcaster Keith Olbermann and his comment that conservative blogger Michelle Malkin was "a messed up bag of meat with lipstick on" and you have the American left trying to outdo the Taliban. What next? "Progressive" Alaskans demanding women be stoned to death for wearing fitted dresses ? LOL
"What next? "Progressive" Alaskans demanding women be stoned to death for wearing fitted dresses ? LOL"
Yes, that is quite funny. I share your "LOL" at that ridiculous thought. Kind of like Southern Baptists insisting that women "obey and serve" their husbands. It's a wacky world we live in, isn't it?
I would say that the comments regarding half-a-gov Palin were spot on. She is an opportunist (aka political slut). Michelle Malkin, on the other hand, is just plan disgusting and stupid.
As she gains more exposure, she loses credibility.. that's why the Fox "News" gig may not work out so well for her.
Glad to see even her fellow Fox team members realize that she is chasing the money, and has little knowledge of political history or policy.
Yep, Palin is a shameless and tawdry hussy,
nothing new there.
You got any actual news to report, phil ?
Something with some substance ?
How about spending equal time on Alaska legislative issues ?
Give your readers something they don't already know....
Every now and then a public figure comes along that causes otherwise sane-minded and deep-thinking people to take off the gloves and say what they really think. Palin is that person and no derogatory comment, as it pertains to her, is too vile.
It's good for us pussy-footing libs to break free of the politically correct chains that bind us and verbalize what we are thinking. It's cathartic; it's cleansing, and very necessary at certain times.
(Just my opinion; not speaking for anyone else but me...)
I could almost live with her lack of knowledge of government, policy and history, if only Ms. Palin had shown a clear interest in learnig more.
It is her complete and total lack of interest in furthering her education and bettering her mind that makes me most ill. The woman exhibits no creativity, and no interest in the world outside her little bubble.
"Michelle Malkin, on the other hand, is just plan (sic) disgusting and stupid."
Ah, more reasoned left-wing debate. A female is now "disgusting and stupid" merely because she is a conservative. Gotta love the tolerance of the barely literate leftist mind. BTW how can someone who runs one of the most influential political blogs in the country, has a syndicated news column and has written several best-selling books be "stupid"? Wandering onto left-wing sites these days is like listening in on 13-year-old kids discussing the other kids in class "Eeew, they're disgusting", "eeww, they're stupid". "eeew, she's a slut". Any adults out there ?
"Palin is that person and no derogatory comment, as it pertains to her, is too vile."
Nice ! So come on then, AKPetMom let's see your best shot...Is "hang the bitch" getting close ? How about Sandra Bernhadt's little quip wishing for Palin "to be gang-raped in Central Park" ? Does that float your boat, Pet Mom ? How about calling her a "disgusting racist c**t"...that work for ya ? What about calling for her murder...is that on the table ?
You do realize, don't you, that you Alaska leftists are sounding seriously disturbed. God help you.
Let's see, over a year into the golden age of Obama and all this blog site can talk about is private citizen, Sarah Palin. Where are all the positive articles about the post-partisan America that Obama promised us ?
How's that hope and change working out for you, PA ?
Well...if the twatwaffle thinks she will get away with this I don't think so...Its on reddit:
No she can't sweep this under the rug and if SOA doesn't do something they will look like fools!!!
hey anon @8:40 and more...is that the best you can do? Ad homien attacks against Mel and akpetmom?
Trying to stifle free speech are we?
No going to work.
They won't Shut up and sit down.
Get over it.
Maybe you should leave and come back when you have something to say besides attacking everyone!
I voted in the poll and I voted slut.
Phil could of been more PC and used "Trollop" instead!
BTW I am a female I am not offended..if the naughty monkey fits...!
Or twatwaffle...I saw that above...I like that one too. Twatwaffle Palin.
I voted in the poll and I voted slut. I'm not from AK but I've got relatives in AK and I'm a REAL American. My REAL American family has been in this country since 1623 and I've got that documented. I'm also an EX-conservative and EX-Republican -- hate to have to admit that but will say I was NOT like the TeaBagger Palinbots of today. I'm one of those folks who've been completely and totally turned off by the stupidity of Palin and her right-wingnuts. I'll give her that -- she's done a helluva job of turning people off by the millions. Keep it up Sistah Sarah.
Phil Munger and the other Alaska bloggers have done and are doing a fantastic job of outting Palin. They are the heros in this sad story. I've been watching politics for many years and never NEVER have I seen anyone so stupid, so lazy, so uneducated, so dishonest, so much of a ... slut ... as Palin is. And I won't even get into what I think of her as a mother or as a wife or as a grandmother. She can stay on FoxNews the rest of life for all I care. She, Beck & Rush and FoxNews all have a place in this society - that place is to wake people up out of their lethargy (like me) and make them see that hey we better get out and vote before these psychos take over the country.
Have a nice day TROLLS - your friends are waiting for you under the bridge.
Just home from one of my best days teaching this semester. I love those kids!
Loved to see the results of the new poll. The more Americans see of Palin, the less they like.
My local news (solidly red state) replayed the clip of Palin at the Teabag party where she wrinkles her nose in distaste and says sarcastically "How's that hopey changey stuff workin' for ya?" The station asked for opinions on their website. Wow! Most of those opinions were turned off big time with her childish and disrespectful attitude.
Palin can try to run and hide from that perception but it's on video (along with her stupid palm notes) and it will be replayed forever. She doesn't have feet of clay. She has feet of concrete.
Anons@ 10:10 &11:56 Awesome posts!
"My REAL American family has been in this country since 1623 "
Another liberal racist. Sorry us Americans whose families didn't arrive in 1623 aren't "REAL". Bigot.
Phil - while I am only an occasional reader of your blog I have been reading the posts over here since you published your article and poll. I have much admiration for your willingness to publish the sane and rational opposing viewpoints. And I would say that whether I agreed with you or not.
I also want to add that your Anonymous commenter is hilarious. As I read each of his/her posts it is clear that this person is only here to antagonize. In reacting to others posts, this individual just keeps making wild assumptions and "makin' stuff up." This type of discourse is the classic style of very angry, hateful people and it is neither intelligent nor helpful, IMHO.
So Phil, do you continue to allow this because this person exposes their own flaws (ala Palin) or just because it's so damn funny?
Susan in MD
Susan, can you be more precise. Not all of us Anonymous folk are one and the same.
"So Phil, do you continue to allow this because this person exposes their own flaws (ala Palin) or just because it's so damn funny?
Susan in MD"
"Susan, can you be more precise. Not all of us Anonymous folk are one and the same."
First, the latter. If I block anonymous commenters, some of them accuse me of censoring. Heh... So I let them all in, which can lead to a helluva a lot of confusion when there are dozens of comments, most from anonymouses.
Susan in MD - both, plus free speech.
Hand on heart, I have to say that however much Mr.Munger kinda annoys me with his politics and his name-calling , I have to admire his real commitment to frank and open discussion. And I can't believe I just said that.
anon @4:52,
Hand on heart here, also - Thanks!
My bad, I was referring to Anon 8:58 (their last post on this thread). I can tell it's the same Anon every time they post because it's an angry attack that isn't based on what anyone actually said, but rather, this persons hostile interpretation.
And thanks Phil, my question at the end was pretty much tongue in cheek. Glad you got that!
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