Saradise Lost - Book 4 - Chapter 45 -- More Palin Handjobs Surfacing
After Sarah Palin's hand job to 500 or so teabaggers was revealed late last night, news and blog photographers from all around the world are taking a new, magnified look at their old Palin pics. Here are two of the best to surface so far:
Update - 7:00 p.m: Some commenters here apparently suffer from snark deficit disorder.
I saw one with the nuclear codes (one scratched out & replaced)
okay, I think it is time to step away from the sharpie.
Funny how the elitist Left attack people who don't use teleprompters.
"How dare working class people write words on their hands...why can't they use proper teleprompters like our Ivy League elite ?"
@4:47 - Funny how the "populist fringe Right" defend morons who can't even remember simple vague phrases and have to cheat by writing them where they don't think anyone will see them--inside her left palm. And then she waves it all around.
Maybe she thinks she's Obi Wan in "Star Wars," and she'll just tell folks not to see it and they won't? Or is it more like a scene from "Wizard of Oz": "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
Todd, have you seen Todd?
Anon 4:47 - Dude, do you REALLY want someone to run things who cannot remember 3 simple effing things and has to write them on her hand? And damned rich that she was trashing Obama on the prompter when 1)she read from paper 2) she read from her hand and 3) her freakin hero Reagan coudln't do anything without the prompter.
Memo to " anonymous " 4:47
Multi-Millionaires who own 4... or is it 5 Houses ?... ARE " Elitist ".In case You DIDN't know.
That is one of those confirmed ' common sense solution ' Facts.
Are you denouncing Palin for writing notes on her palm? You really think if she does that she's a "slut?"
What's your rationale? Why's that cheating? What's the difference between notes on her hand and notes from a prompter? (if it were me I would have used 3 X 5 cards, but so what? Who cares?)
What are your standards? What's she supposed to do to satisfy your standards of "ethical speech delivery"?
Must she memorize everything? And if she doesn't memorize everything she's a slut? Only people who memorize their speeches aren't sluts? Perhaps you should tell orchestras to memorize your compositions and not read them during concerts-- if they don't you'll call them sluts too. Instead of calling them a Symphony, you could call them a Slut Symphony. Seems only fair.
@5:36 - the only one talking about a "slut" is you. Or do you know something about Sarah Palin that we don't?
Cheating is when you pretend you've memorized your "3-point plan," but you have to read it from your palm. Yeah, that's not real. See, she doesn't know it--she doesn't even know what she stands for. That's why she's faking. Do you get it yet?
It has nothing to do with memorizing. Either you're real in your convictions or you're not.
You seem to be criticizing Palin for not memorizing her speech.
If there is anything more to your criticism, please let me know what the hell it is.
Why can't she use notes on her hand, or on her butt, or on her forehead backwards looking into a mirror, or on 3 X 5 cards, or on a prompter? As a consequence of writing notes on her palm she's a slut? Really?
Perhaps back in Salem in the old days they would have hung Palin up for such an offense. I wonder if you'd do the same today if you could.
Buzz off
Clearly Madam Palin does not wash her hands after going to the toilet.
@5:53 -Dude, the only one using the disrespectful word "slut" is you. Do you know something about Sarah Palin that you're trying to convey to a broader audience?
Munger called Palin a slut:
What are you talking about? I didn't bring this up. He did. Read the post.
@6:02 - that's not this thread.
anon @ 5:36,
At least you have a tiny sense of humor, from time to time.
Palin is a slut less than she is the biggest pathological liar currently active in American political life, and the biggest joke in Alaska history.
But she's still a slut, in the teabaggerfest appearance, for 1) making a speech that had one slutty high school level putdown after another, 2) thanked nobody sincerely, 3) offered no realistic solutions, 4) was just another speech like her last one, 5) wearing clothes that - once again - were meant to give hard-ons to the old farts in the first three rows (did you note how many people who had the seats in the front rows were middle-aged males?).
I've called lots of guys in politics male sluts before. This is the first time I've ever written that term referring to a woman's conduct.
I could have done it when she wore a mini you could look right up at the Atwood at an event that was in part honoring our troops. I could have written it when, a few days later, she wore an even shorter skirt to a somber event in Fairbanks, honoring slain soldiers. I could have written it dozens of times when she acted somewhere between a vacuous slut and a scheming whore.
But I didn't.
Regarding writing music about Palin, I started a piece, but decided to quit about two/thirds of the way through. May I pass the ball to you to finish it?
Well, I would like to see an actual hand attached to a recognizable Sarah. While I don't doubt she would do it, I'm not blindly accepting that those are her hands until I see the whole photo.
Okay, I know those comments on the hands had to be a joke. I've just been reading too much of this stuff, and my brain gave out.
Anne in Texas said...
" Anon 4:47 - Dude, do you REALLY want someone to run things who cannot remember 3 simple effing things and has to write them on her hand? "
Well, Anne , I guess you had no problem voting for a man who needs a teleprompter to talk to school kids, who thinks the USA has 57 states and says 'corpsemen" when talking about corpsmen ? Hypocrisy, thy name is Leftist !
"the old farts"
That's rich coming from some bitter sixties relic who is still stuck in the 1920s when it comes to his attitude to women.
Face it, dude, your obsession with Palin is seriously messing up your judgment. Your sexist insults show you've lost the plot. Resorting to crass sexist name-calling is so pathetic.
It is fine for Palin (or anyone else) to use notes for speeches, no matter where they chose to place those notes.
Let's go back and read what you said again:
"This is cheating. Had she done that in my class at UAA, she would have been ejected from the University. Politics isn't quite the same, though."
Let me see if I get this right-- as a professor, you would have ejected her from the university for writing speech notes on her palm?
Really? Should I contact the chancellor and she if University of Alaska policy agrees with your statement? Frankly, I suspect you would have been censored if you had attempted to expel a student from school for placing speech notes on her palm.
Could you be more specific about the nature of the accusation that you published on your blog? What would have gotten Palin expelled from college? Since you are an entrusted professor of my State's university, I'd like to hear more about the basis for your claim.
I doubt any college would expel Palin for writing notes on her palm for a speech. Despite you, we haven't reached this level of fascism yet.
Show me the college that would do that. Not even the far right religious colleges would do that.
Too the person who got mad a Phil for calling $arah a slut...get over it!!
TMZ is calling it a "handjob" and it is Phils blog, if he wants to call her a effing retard or slut he can!!
Don't like it go elsewhere!!!
I will take this this elsewhere. First thing in the morning.
Mr. Munger:
As a professor, may have claimed a student would get thrown out of the University of Alaska for writing notes for a speech on her palm:
"This is cheating. Had she done that in my class at UAA, she would have been ejected from the University. Politics isn't quite the same, though."
I wonder if you are speaking on behalf of the University of Alaska.
I will contact the University and seek further clarification about your remarks.
"TMZ is calling it a "handjob" and it is Phils blog, if he wants to call her a effing retard or slut he can!!"
haven't called her an effin' retard yet, crystalwof, but as a musician, I can say she is in a permanent Ritard poco a poco.
Sorry, I always miss typos. I meant to say "you may have claimed a student would get thrown out of the University . . ."
anon @ 6:56,
"I wonder if you are speaking on behalf of the University of Alaska.
I will contact the University and seek further clarification about your remarks."
please do. if you have any questions as to how to do that, feel free to contact me. my phone number is in the Wasilla phone book.
"TMZ is calling it a "handjob" and it is Phils blog, if he wants to call her a effing retard or slut he can!!"
Behold the progressive American Left.
"Retards", "sluts", "handjobs". Good to see liberals taking the higher ground. Oh, and guess what, "crystalwolf" as long as this blog invites comments, we can say what we want too...if you don't like it , tough !
Oh the trolls are throwing threats!
Granny grifter, lies and lies, owes taxes, needs to answer big questions how she purgered herself in trooper gate and van flea too...
You bots...want to threaten people...on your stupid blogs, and yet come on someone's else blog and throw threats around. Sarah is a grifter, a slut, a liar! Its only a matter of time now before the R's take her out! Not a slut? There is a rumor of a sex tape? Maybe a false rumor but if its true...she is history, the R's have everything on her including how mentally unstable she is. She is griftin' all the money from them and they don't like that, she ain't running for nothing...not even dog catcher!!! She just wants the money. The R's see that, she is history now that she has chosen the Teabaggers...! Get over it...
She's going down! I love how you assholes say 1st amendment rights but when it goes against what you want to hear or see, you want to complain and whine, just like your grifter hero.
WV: Fradu play scrabble? Fraud!!!
Anon 7:01, love to see Rushbo throwing the retard word 35+ times and little grifter queen couldn't tell him he was wrong...Hey don't sit down and shut up? Why didn't she tell Rush and call for his job??? hmmmm? Pot call kettle.
She is a fraud. A fake.
She's history, the R's have her now. Bye buh!
"I love how you assholes say 1st amendment rights but when it goes against what you want to hear or see, you want to complain and whine, just like your grifter hero."
Translation, anyone ?
"Anon 7:01, love to see Rushbo"
Excuse me, but if you calm down you would see that that the comment @ 7:01
is from the "author" of this blog not "anon".
Is "crystalgirl" the new voice of the reasonable Left ? Is claiming that the Republicans are going to whack Sarah Palin the new slant from the Daily Kos?
Mr. Munger:
As you probably already know, as an Alaskan I can figure out for myself how contact the Chancellor, the President, and the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska, and I can figure out how to provide them with a link to your blog where you may have indicated (as a Professor) that you might try to get a student expelled from the University of Alaska if she used notes scribbled on her hand for a public speech. (Perhaps, as an additional "bonus," you might also characterize her as a "slut").
They can read your article for themselves and they can reach their own conclusions. I just want to be sure they read it.
I don't need your "help," I doubt they need your "help," and for that matter I doubt anyone else needs your "help".
But thanks for the "offer."
Anon7:30 oops I made a time mistake, hey maybe I should of written it on my hand to get it right?
You know damn well who I was refering too...
As far as Daliy Kos...whatever...I don't know what the "slant" is, but I can see the writing on the wall(and hand)
Your little chippy is history...
Anon@7:26..sorry I did not write in word salad grifter apologies, I'm sure everyone else here knows what I mean.
Not anons!
"I'm sure everyone else here knows what I mean."
I wouldn't count on it.
anon @ 7:32,
OK. Can't wait to hear from my many bosses on this.
anon@7:56 yes I'm sure you didn't understand...
here's for you:
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."
I know you understand Grifter word salad?
But I'm sorry you are on the wrong blog for need to go to to ocean, but you are already from there...
I'd speculate you may hear from a couple (or one) of your bosses, but I doubt you'll be hearing from many of them.
I'd speculate you may hear from a couple (or one) of your bosses, but I doubt you'll be hearing from many of them.
Again, I just can't wait.
Obviously this hand job has embarrassed the Palin fans. They are losing it.
Add to it the pass Sarah gave Rush over her child. No wonder the sky is falling & threats are made. Shame.
Look forward to hearing more about your UAA class expulsion policies.
Again, would you, as University of Alaska staff, advocate the expulsion of a student from the University of Alaska for using written notes on their hand during a speech?
Feel free to explain, although your previous words speak for themselves.
I would think its up to the teacher/professor to make the rules...just sayin' hand writing not allowed. Palinbots think anything the griter does ok...she could behead TriG in national TV and they would cheer...sick...!
If Phil is the prof he is in charge ashhats!The teacher is the rule!!! Probably why she got booted out of so many schools...research needed!!!!
What a bunch of childish snots defending poor Sarah. You have no idea how ridiculous you sound, it's flat out hysterical. The problem with Sarah, as usual, is that she has to tear down anyone she can to make herself feel special. Always, always, always. She is so predictable and so catty.
The professional speech giver uses a teleprompter. It's the whackos that started this ludicrous dialogue and you are are beginning to sound insane rather than just stupid. All of this to cover Sarah's lie about the RNC teleprompter - it's her MO to go on the offense when she's really on defense.
If she were smart, and she's not, she would use one of the best tools around to get her gibberish out on the airwaves without becoming a laughingstock, once again. She is nothing but a caricature anymore - the poster child for a vacuous and mean spirited demagogue.
If the Twit hadn't criticized others for using a tool that is perfectly acceptable, we all wouldn't be spitting our coffee and wine on our monitors over her stupid hand job debacle. They just add up, one after another, Sarah the Stupid strikes again.
Palin is bringing the worst that America has to offer out of the woodwork to support her.
When I say the worst that America has to offer I mean those that view higher education as something that is an elitist ideal that they are "too good" to strive for.
Granted, we need plumbers and roofers and oil field workers. We need all those things. We need house builders and cleaners and manual laborers to keep the machine that is America running.
What we need more of right now, at this point in time, are more children focused on higher education; becoming those "elite" beings that their parents fear so much. We need more of them to prevent our country from being what China is to us right now. Before we know it, China will have WalMarts with fantastically cheap goods Made in America, by Americans working for $3 an hour and lucky to get it. Then the Chinese will be going into credit card debt buying cheap American goods to fill their houses, which will grow larger and larger each and every year. China soon will be the home of the cheaply built McMansion; filled with cheaply made American rugs and dishes and furniture and stuff.
nonymous said...
Again, would you, as University of Alaska staff, advocate the expulsion of a student from the University of Alaska for using written notes on their hand during a speech?
Feel free to explain, although your previous words speak for themselves.
February 7, 2010 9:09 PM
I will write in retard speak...
R U Serious????
You think someone putting cheat sheets on the hand is ok?
Fuckin' RETARD!!!!
nonymous said...
Again, would you, as University of Alaska staff, advocate the expulsion of a student from the University of Alaska for using written notes on their hand during a speech?
Feel free to explain, although your previous words speak for themselves.
February 7, 2010 9:09 PM
I will write in retard speak...
R U Serious????
You think someone putting cheat sheets on the hand is ok?
Fuckin' RETARD!!!!
Sorry for the double post?
Snowing in Alaska & AKpetmom,
Thanks for the posts!!!
crystalwolf, petmom, snowing, etc.:
I don't need to defend myself . I'm not a fan of Palin. I asked her to resign when she was governor.
What I don't like is when the other side (my side) is just as bad or worse. Mr. Munger doesn't speak for me. Sometimes I'm embarrassed with what he says. I often ignore him but I keep an eye on this blog and I'll step up and disagree with him when necessary. Today it was necessary because I think he was simply wrong. I won't hesitate to disagree with him in the future.
"I'm not a fan of Palin"...concern troll...
you are a fan or else you wouldn't be so "concerned"!TROLL!
I guess trolls are people who don't always agree with you? Whatever I am, I haven't called you any names or characterized you.
I've been watching politics for a long time and never have I seen anyone on the national scene who comes close to comparing to Palin in stupidity. I get embarrassed for her then it quickly turns to disgust.
I can't imagine who in Washington is backing her but it's plain to see it's only being done because she is too stupid to ever figure out the game. They'd just have to give her unlimited charge accounts and plenty of mirrors and she'd be happy. A slut? I'm thinking that might be a compliment.
Sharon in FL
Aw shucks. Mrs. Palin is just jealous because the first Eskimo Olympic athlete is sucking up her media attention in Alaska news.
The world has progressed to the point where one can write as much as they want on their palms and still not solve the problems facing the world and this country.
It would take both hands, both arms, and both legs to even get close to scribbling enough solutions. A torso might have to be involved as well, making the reading of the scribblings difficult at best.
Cheers to all of those that have chosen the new far right as their beacon of hope. I know for certain I'll be able to type "so how's that workin' out for you"? in either months or years. Best of luck; I know you and work with you but will never ever ever agree with you.
Thanks, Sharon in FL.
Palin was a slut when she demanded my friend John Stein produce a marriage certificate to his wife Karen Marie, both dear friends.
Palin was a slut when she accused John of being a "secret Jew."
Palin was a slut when she hacked Randy Reudrich's computer and complained about him doing the same things she had been doing, was then doing and is now doing.
Palin was and is a slut for claiming that she slew Randy, when the reality is that he was then and still is head of the AK GOP. She's in constant contact with this guy she claims to having slain. THAT is sluttish.
Don't even get me started on the present century.
It's retarted when someone writes on their hand. (I think Rush Limbaugh once said that!).
It is obvious many trolls here have never attended a university or done any sort of serious educational work.....I would never write words on my hand while giving a speech.....juvenile, embarassing, UNPROFESSIONAL,DO YOU SERROR SUPPORTERS KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO BE PROFESSIONAL. It looks like you have not done your work, you're unprepared, you're a slacker...Serror is not used to having to perform at the top of her game, cuz she could always wink, tilt her head, stroke her leg, to win sheeple over....Part of getting an education beyond high school is to teach you to be professional/respectable/responsi
ble in your endeavors, to be able to put together a few sentences and speak coherently, if she went to another country and they photographed that we would be the laughing stocks of the f***king world..the rest of the world respects hard work, education, looks like she didn't care enough to prepare or have the respect for her sheeple, she knows you'll all swoon if only she tilts her head, throws back her hair, winks, strokes her legs, wears shorter skirts than a woman approaching 50 should wear,.....
How would your boss react if you were giving a presentation to a fortune 500 to sell your product and he noticed that you looked down at your hands repeatedly and saw you had written notes on your hands for the presentation....I think you might be an embarassment to your boss, your company and the others may not respect you as much, if your boss noticed you looking at ink writing on your hands the person you are trying to convince to buy your product so you can earn a paycheck will probly think you are a dimwit and why should he buy a product from a most likely would not make the sale, you look unprepared, unable yo handle that minor task, how will you handle your other responsibilities for the customer, the customer will feel you have not taken his business needs seriously enough to be prepared, obviously you can;t hadle the job!!!!
That's why you have a brain, notes(you could see Serror got lost reading her notes) for someone speaking to large crowds a teleprompter is the best way to go....obviously you have no experience with speaking to an audience....I would not want to be associated with any school that thinks it's okay to write notes on your body while giving a speech, taking a test As a teacher I have not allowed students to write on themselves, this is not appropriate behavior, for one thing the skin is the largest organ of the human body, everything placed on the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream
Ink is very toxic, not good for the youngsters to repeat Serror's behavior...Serror as a Christian right to life person I think you would respect the human body
Serror is a fraud, she is a tax evader while you and I pay, pay pay. She didn't mind seeking earmark funds while being a half-guvnor, she'll take tax money from others but she won't pay...SHE IS A TAX EVADER, SHE IS A PRETTY PACKAGE THAT'S ALL. THE PACKAGE IS TO LURE ALL YOU SHEEPLE....THEY WOULD NEVER MAKE IT TO THE WHITE HOUSE WITH TAWD'S PARTICIPATION IN THE AIP.....AIP'S purpose is to leave the USA and set up their own guvment. the AIP doesn't like to pay taxes either
Serror also abused her powers while being a half guvna or should we say a third guvna, from the emails that surfaced it looks like the place was a three ring circus while she was in office.
The Beauty Queen doesn't last long, we need real substance, a person who can walk and talk without ink stained palms, a person who can represent themselves and our country and not emarass us.....The pretty package may lead us to disaster....
BAHAHAHAAAA!!! That was a huge, high-paying gig, not a grocery trip or grade 9 civics exam! If she used a teleprompter (you know... that thing she was reading off of in the podium?) I would respect her. Instead, she makes a point of making fun of Obama for using them, then refers to notes ON HER HAND.
I could remember three things for $100,000, without insulting someone for the same shit I do myself! Comparing her hand note to Obama's teleprompter is really the best her defenders have. They must be going nuts, day after day, trying to rationalize her irrational behavior - not paying property taxes for years, emailing her whole family about government issues, forgetting her own baby's birth (April 17th? 18th? Who cares, wink wink!). She's a complete disaster.
The fact that Palinbots keep comparing her to the President to defend her actions, as if the league she's in is anywhere the same, is hilarious.
I will disagree with 11:57 ON ONE THING.... SHE IS NOT A PRETTY PACKAGE.
Well as a republican woman born and raised in Wasilla, I am embarassed Sarah sells herself to the highest bidder. I am amazed how far she will go to awash her own values for money.
It certinally puts the question out there; did she ever have any values and/or beliefs to begin with? Or was she lying? To Sarah Palin, the highest bidder wins! So yes, she will need a telepalmer. If anything, to keep track of the paid belief system she upholds.
The lower 48 people will learn soon enough that Sarah Palin is the worst kind of slut ever to braze the palm of our men.
It isn't a liberal thing, it is a women thing. Thankfully, she will serve as a role model to many young, educated, pretty, republican women how NOT to sell yourself out to old shriveled up republican men.
Wow. It looks like old man Munger has set the bar about as low as he can go on this thread. What is fascinating is reading the hysterical comments from his fellow travelers on the Left. It seems that by old man Munger using the word "slut" all the pent-up bile of the left can now come spewing out against Palin. I guess they kinda held back before but now grandad has unleashed the hate they can all go for it.
Most blogs would be ashamed to host the kind of pure misogynist hatred revealed here but the anti-American Left has forgotten what shame actually is.
"Ink is very toxic,"
Best quote from this thread of insanity ! No, sunshine, what is "TOXIC" is the bitterness you guys have towards a woman who has driven you all insane with envy. BTW if ink is toxic how many kids die each year from writing on their hands !!! Ha, ha, PA - the gift that keeps giving.
" crystalwolf aka caligrl said...
"I'm not a fan of Palin"...concern troll...
you are a fan or else you wouldn't be so "concerned"!TROLL!"
Sadly for you , "crystalwolf", there are people in this world who realize that by using words that are sexually abusive against women we are hurting ALL women.
Obviously Mr Munger has serious issues regarding women and it's sad that not one "liberal" on this page has had the guts to call him on it.
Mr Munger should really work out his hatred of women in private or in therapy but since he has chosen to expose all of us to his inner demons it would be nice if some of you attempted an intervention on his behalf. Angry people need help, they don't need to be encouraged in their rage.
@8:19 - the writing on her hand is a sign of mental incompetence. No, I do not envy that.
All I care about is how much she has deteriorated in terms of intellectual capability in the past year.
"Palin was a slut when she demanded my friend John Stein produce a marriage certificate to his wife Karen Marie, both dear friends."
Then why didn't use use that term against her back then ? If you think it's appropriate to demean her with that name now , why not back then? I guess you weren't that much of a friend if you save "SLUT" for some harmless handwriting but didn't use it to defend your friend.
"@8:19 - the writing on her hand is a sign of mental incompetence. No, I do not envy that."
No, thinking that four words on a hand is a sign of mental incompetence
is the true sign of mental incompetence. If you seriously think (But hey, you're a leftist ) that four words on the palm of your hand will get you through a one hour speech then you have obviously never given a speech in your whole life.
"She's in constant contact with this guy she claims to having slain. THAT is sluttish."
HEY ! Obama said he didn't know Bill Ayers but then he admitted he did ! WHAT A SLUT ! Obama said he would let C-SPAN show the Healthcare debate and then he didn't ! WHAT A SLUT ! Hey, Obama took donations from Wall Street
while he attacked them in public ! WHAT A SLUTTISH WHORE !!
Is this how you guys want it to be from now on ? How much lower do you want to go ?
@8:35 - I guess math was not your strong suit. It was more than four words on her hand.
Hey 7:31 am - thanks for speaking the truth.
I feel kind of sorry for Mr. Anon who's posted the last few remarks 'cause I'm pretty sure I know his type: middle aged white male who has an unhealthy fascination with Mrs. Palin.
It's okay. Lots of middle aged white Alaskan men did too back in 2006. Then she single handedly (well she did have help from our spineless Legislators) set our State's economy on a collision course of ruin and guess what? Those same weak-kneed gushy guys that voted for her in droves back in 06 are NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. Well, you can find them - but let's just say their sentiments have dramatically changed. Men don't like to be made fools by their silly infatuations with pretty girls.
And pity the nation if the men can't locate their backbones and stand strong against Sarah's physical wiles and charms.
She tanked our economy. Please Mr. Anon - isn't it kind of too late? Please just try, in the privacy of your own head, to be honest with yourself. You're better than this.
'"cause I'm pretty sure I know his type: middle aged white male who"
Ho, ho. Look at the "progressives" and their "post-racial" reality. Ageist, racist, sexist - the tolerant Left.
To all the trolls on this blog, Mrs. Palin is a slut and a whore so get over it, it's true.
- an unintelligent girl with low self-esteem that will do anything for attention and the approval of others
- a bitch that keeps on giving
- a female that has no self-respect
- dresses very trashy and doesnt have any class
- a woman who thinks with her vagina instead of her head
- man's best friend
- "slutty", characteristics of a slut, often in reference to style of dress or behavior
- a girl who has no respect for herself. She basically has "open for business" or "available" stamped on her forehead
- slut" is not to be confused with "whore", as a whore is a person who may exhibit slut-like behaviors, but does so for financial gain
- one whose brain is closed shut, but whose legs are wide open
- an individual who compromises his or her principles for personal gain
- a woman or girl who sells herself for something, might be money or jewels, etc.
- a term used to describe someone who commits to an activity so much that it begins to piss** people off
- a girl who gives hand job
If you don't like it, take a hike.
"If you don't like it, take a hike."
Don't you just love the tolerant Left !
When the responses tout a lefty or liberal intolerance of Palin, I've got to laugh because that argument is so flawed.
Palin is a republican problem. Having known Sarah, she likes being a problem.
If she attempts to fun for the republican Presidental ticket, IT WILL BE A BIGGER REPUBLICAN PROBLEM.
Having leftist views, being a liberal or a democrat has nothing to do with Palin's decisions or lack there of.
It is strickly a republican problem.
Good luck republicans, THE SLUT is heading your way.
Watch your children! This guy is a child molester!
BeeFL, kind of a cheezy way to combat the slut factor going around on this blog.
Sure the level is low, but you just lowered the bar to repulsive. You must be a old republican, eh?
Mr. Munger must be so pleased with his "followers" ......40 years of women's lib thrown down the drain because of the fact one woman wrote notes on her hand. Frightening!
Is this guy Munger teaching young women? Does he think they are sluts if they dress too "sexily"?
Phil, I'd like to know why do you let these retarded people post on your blog but we can't post on their blog.
Well Phil guarantee that the pissed off trolls here are from the ocean of evidenced by their latest "Foul mouthed Alaskan Democrat in new low" and warning them at the sea, that you post as guest. It seems that First amendment rights only apply to them, Palin, limpballs and they are the "word" police.
Whine, Whine, spin, spin....
Poor $arah the effing retard slut!
@anon you, I become frustrated with the trolls. While its true that we are not permitted to post on any of their blogs...and..we get called all types of vile names, I like the fact that Phil...and Grypen allow all posts.
It does get maddening...and somedays I just want to knock some sense into people....but Phil's way is best.
However...folks like beeFl do not deserve to have their posts acknowledged. What an ignorant person that is.
Laurie-Ann...that person was from the CONSERVATIVES4PALIN SITE!
Just b/c they are so effing retarded there.
Aghhh, c'mon, give the trolls a break. They often get bored on their own sites, with all the verbal incest, who can write the most grandiloquent praise of the SLUT. I wonder how many of them keep from their spouse hidden pictures of the half gov. They are just looking for something a little stimulating, sad they are out of their league.
I can still see the sparks flying out of Crystalwolf's comments. Go Girl.
"I can still see the sparks flying out of Crystalwolf's comments. Go Girl."
You guys need to seriously step up your meds, please. Don't you realize that you're turning this blog into a laughing stock ? Your kind of rants are better suited to being screamed in your own basements in the middle of the night as opposed to being made public via this blog.
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