Sheep Mountain
Lower Kalskag
Scammon Bay
Probably - as far as the Young-Parnell race goes, more Young votes than for Parnell. More interesting are the remaining, yet uncounted absentee and questioned ballots.
The supervision of the Division of Elections is a responsibility of the person now behind Don Young by 145 votes. Robert Dillon from An Alaskan Abroad writes about what he has learned about the current status of the absentee and questioned ballots. I'll reprint his analysis, but insert Sean Parnell every time he wrote Division of elections:
Gail Fenumiai, director of Sean Parnell's Division of Elections, said they mailed out more than 16,200 absentee ballots and have received about 7,600 back. A good chunk of those were included in last night's count but there's still potentially 8,000 ballots out there.
Sean Parnell was also accepting absentee ballots from people around the state who could not make it to an official polling station. Those ballots are still being collected and a firm number on how many there are won't be known until Thursday.
There's also the issue of question ballots from each precinct. Sean Parnell will begin counting absentee and question ballots on Sept. 5. An unofficial final tally is expected that evening, Fenumiai said. State statute allows the Division 15 days to turn in a final count, but they try to do it in 10 days during a primary, Fenumiai said.
Sean Parnell won't begin counting ballots absentee and question ballots before Sept. 5. The only change in the count prior to that will be the nine precincts that didn't report last night.
As it stands now with 97.8 precincts reporting, Don Young has 42,461 votes to Sean Parnell's 42,316 -- a difference of just 145 in Young's favor.
There is no evidence I'm aware of that Parnell will attempt to influence the count. However, the state is already involved in answering questions and complaints regarding the Lt. Governor's office's ties to Parnell's campaign office.
I've yet to see a story about that in the media, but it is happening. Actions have been taken by the Attorney General's office in this matter. Strange how incurious the MSM in Alaska is about a story that is so easily investigated.
Sarah Palin shouldn't have been involved in KenDoll's campaign. Period.
Haha that's hilarious. Sean Parnell is involved in a tight election and he's the lieutenant governor.
Politicians should be required to resign from political office when they declare they're running for another one. Period.
"Politicians should be required to resign from political office when they declare they're running for another one. Period."
That means you could not have incumbents...which is fine with me.
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