Steve at What Do I Know? takes a close look at ex-head of the Alaska GOP, Jim Crawford's op-eds in the Anchorage Daily News and Fairbanks News-Miner (the earlier Fairbanks version, as Steve notes, is slightly different). Crawford has a real estate background, and tries to lay out two false arguments regarding the US DOJ indictment of Stevens on failure to report substantial gifts.
Crawford calls the indictment "partisan." I agree with Steve, that watching the prosecutors handle some of these cases already in the courtroom (I've only watched the Kohring case, but Steve has been following all the Anchorage Corrupt Bastard cases closely), one does not come away feeling that this is a "partisan" machine. These are some very conservative, highly professional law enforcement attorneys.
Once again, Steve has written a detailed, reasoned and highly readable analysis that is blog writing at its very best. And, Steve is more
By the Way, Crawford's two headlines are:
Anchorage --- Girdwood Numbers Just Don't Add Up
Fairbanks --- Stevens Under Political Attack

Howie Klein, at Down With Tyranny! has written a lot about Alaska politics recently. Friday, he covered the addition of the Florida deal to the Feds' case against St. Ted. And Talking Points Memo Muckraker has been back onto Ted a lot recently. At 3:45 p.m. Eastern time yesterday, they posted an article called Ted Stevens Talked To Grand Jury Witness - Feds.
To the best of my googling, this hasn't been picked up in Alaska yet. Here's what Ted said to a grand jury witness, before he or she testified, "I hope we can work something out to make sure you aren't led astray on this occasion."
The Ester Republic blog covered aspects of the Stevens case multiple times this past week. Deirdre is good at discovering what the foreign press writes about Alaska politics.
Steve Heimel at APRN will have Sen. Stevens on his statewide call-in program, Talk of Alaska, this coming Tuesday, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. I hope Steve asks Ted about Wally Hickel's statement, last week, as reported in the brand new Alaska Dispatch, that "[Stevens'] has served Alaska for 40 years, but his time is over.”
Part Two - Parnell vs Young:
This race is going to be close. Nationally, the GOP wants Parnell to win. Statewide, the GOP machine is reluctant to help anyone tied to Sarah Palin, but they must be having remorse at some levels. Young's campaign's strength has surprised me. This is more than a bit due to Parnell's pasty, lackluster performance in all the campaign forums.
Young has a chance to really nail Parnell in this coming week's KSKA/KAKM/APRN Running episode. Sometime between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. KAKM will run the U.S. Senate candidates, the AK-AL U.S. House candidates, State House Districts 33, 34 and 35, and State Senate District Q.
Good fucking grief!!! It is really difficult to size up these people on the issues in the KAKM format. It goes so fast, and is usually so utterly predictable.
Going back through the various forums and debates in their varied presentation venues, it seems to me the two best involving U.S. House candidates were the Hispanic Affairs Council of Alaska candidate forum in May, and the Diane Benson-Ethan Berkowitz matchup on KUDO earlier this month.
Progressive Alaska covered the silliness of Sean Parnell's and his Club for Growth backers' Coconut Grove assertions earlier this week.
Part Three - Benson vs Berkowitz:
Even by Ivan Moore's sometimes marginal political poll accuracy history, his Benson-Berkowitz poll, giving Ethan Berkowitz more than twice as many votes in the August 26 Democratic primary is somewhat startling. Looking into its details, it does look sound, though.

I can't find any information indicating Moore has created any fundraising tools on the web for any candidate but Mr. Berkowitz. If anyone knows of any, please let me know so PA can correct the matter.
And, how do you feel about Mr. Moore's lack of disclosure of his direct involvement in Mr. Berkowitz's fundraising?
Disclosure (posted from time to time): The author has volunteered for and donated to the 2006 and 2008 campaigns for Diane Benson (multiple donations), and to the 2008 Ethan Berkowitz campaign (multiple donations).
Ted Stevens - Joe Conason
Ted Stevens' Florida condo - via Mudflats
Ivan Moore - KTUU TV
Personally, I think it's rather disingenuous of Ivan Moore to pass himself off as an unbiased pollster when he's actively supporting and even fundraising for Ethan -- especially if he doesn't have links to the websites of the other candidates at any of his sites.
And I stand by what I originally said. His methodology may have been okay, but he's been wrong so many times before. I'm not sure what to think about this poll, other than I don't trust it.
I'm also curious,since he polled on how Don Young OR Sean Parnell would match up against Ethan Berkowitz, why didn't he poll how those two would match up against Diane? And for that matter, as long as he's giving Don and Sean equal time, why didn't he include match-ups with Gabrielle?
I'm still inclined to believe that Diane would perform just as well or better against the Republicans in the general as Ethan would.
If Ivan Moore wants to be a truly independent pollster, he will do these additional polls and let us know the results.
I suggested that to Ivan back on the Tuesday after the Memorial Day weekend. He sort of scoffed at the idea.
Well, then I scoff at his poll. :)
The Dems and the MSM are salivating for McCain to pick Romney and are utterly terrified of McCain picking Palin!
Diane E. Benson (D)
Industry Total
Casinos/Gambling $25,800
Retired $18,422
Securities & Investment $5,100
Civil Servants/Public Officials $3,900
Education $3,650
Democratic/Liberal $3,350
Other $2,750
Lodging/Tourism $2,750
Non-Profit Institutions $2,550
Accountants $2,550
Women's Issues $2,250
Candidate Committees $2,000
Printing & Publishing $1,990
Special Trade Contractors $1,850
Computers/Internet $1,730
Home Builders $1,500
Lawyers/Law Firms $1,250
Misc Business $1,250
Real Estate $1,150
Misc Finance $1,000
Don Young (R)
Industry Total
Sea Transport $67,000
Lawyers/Law Firms $57,000
Lobbyists $43,097
Transportation Unions $37,000
Casinos/Gambling $31,000
Fisheries & Wildlife $30,646
Real Estate $24,450
Air Transport $22,550
Oil & Gas $22,250
Food & Beverage $21,708
Construction Services $21,500
Building Trade Unions $20,500
Business Services $16,600
Retired $15,550
Leadership PACs $13,000
General Contractors $11,550
Trucking $10,750
Misc Business $10,400
Candidate Committees $8,000
Insurance $6,600
Ethan A. Berkowitz (D)
Industry Total
Lawyers/Law Firms $73,070
Retired $37,950
Securities & Investment $31,500
Misc Business $17,750
Business Services $16,900
Real Estate $13,550
General Contractors $10,900
Health Professionals $10,800
Civil Servants/Public Officials $10,599
Misc Finance $10,550
Democratic/Liberal $10,025
Leadership PACs $10,000
Education $9,600
Candidate Committees $9,000
Accountants $5,650
Printing & Publishing $5,600
Lobbyists $5,000
Computers/Internet $4,800
Other $4,250
Construction Services $3,500
What does Diane Benson and Don Young have in common? Why?
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