But over the weekend, while the MSM press first string is usually gone from the job in Alaska, a challenge to our veracity, professionalism, memory and intelligence that dwarfs even the Ted Stevens indictment, has occurred.
Reporters from around the country are interviewing Rick Steiner, the UAA professor whose battle against the Palin administration last year over state correspondence on the status of Polar bears, the Anchorage Daily News consigned to the Alaska Ear column. A reporter is flying here from the UK to - among other things - interview John Stein, the Wasilla Mayor who built the city government structure Palin got credit for. A blogger named Jane Hamsher is getting into more details about Palin's past vindictiveness than our local reporters have yet scratched since the Monegan fiasco began. Sam Stein, a Huffington Post columnist, was able to determine from a few hours of basic research, that the McCain team had not investigated Palin's Wasilla administration's history in the Frontiersman. I was thinking of checking on that Tuesday, but Stein had it figured out by Friday!
I could go on and on with examples like this. The important point on the above instances is that these reporters and writers are doing a good job, by and large. I've had to answer many questions about Alaska and Palin based on misunderstanding, ignorance or prejudice toward the governor or the state, but the best of these people try to get it, and want to understand us.
Alaska progressive bloggers, especially in dealing with comments to our national-level essays, or in observing the media and blogs throw out one inaccuracy after another about our state, and about Sarah Palin or the Palin family, have to stand up against false information and false impressions.
My feelings about Sarah Palin have always been mixed. I find her totally unsuitable for this job possibility. Yet, several times this weekend, I've found myself defending her and Wasilla, in comments about her potential candidacy.
Robert Dillon pointed out the growing insidiousness in left blogs, grasping at anything they can find, to slime a person and family with a rumor, that, remarkably enough, started early last spring, in far right Alaska GOP circles. Yet Dillon was careless in attributing the DailyKos story to Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, which is untrue. The story was penned by a DailyKos diarist, named ArcXIX.
I've already written that I feel this choice of Palin is dangerously irresponsible. I'll continue to fight it. With the truth.
In a way it is scary. I've been critical, upset, angry, goddam mad and over the top about a lot of Alaska politicians, talk show personalities and editors, in the 10 months of Progressive Alaska. But, I have to say, there's something about Sarah Palin that makes some nutty people in the Valley way more nutty, in what they would do to stick up for her.
image by Dennis Zaki, who is busy, busy, busy....
Boy, I'll bet Dennis is busy, busy, busy.
Thank goodness for bloggers like yourself, and Dennis, and CD, who are out there 24/7 making sure everything is pure and good.
You should do a story about how busy Dennis is.
Great post about an interesting phenomenon. Vermonters can relate from our experience with Dean's candidacy 4 years ago, although this must have been infinitely more sudden and compressed intrusion.
I'd like to ask you about the baby rumors. As a profoundly disappointed former Edwards supporter, I am not as quick as I once might have been to dismiss whispers that are lurking at the tabloid level, and I have a new appreciation for the role, and maybe even responsibility of bloggers like that person at DailyKos who posts unsubstantiated, circumstantial clues before they reach verifiable status, so that we can look into it more and decide for ourselves. Either way, I'd like to know the truth, as I would have even for my former candidate.
So, surely there must be someone in Alaska who can put this crazy rumor about the Palin baby to bed?Right?
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