Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mooch the Cat is Sulking

Our little cat, Mooch, had his annual at the vet yesterday. He reacts more strongly to vaccinations than any animal we've ever had. He cuddled up to this little stuffed moose all morning. Now he's sleeping it off on our bed.


Anonymous said...

what is it about liberal bloggers that makes them think that readers are interested in their cats? sorry i came to this site. sincerely, harpo

Ishmael said...

We're sorry you did too, Oprah.

Poor kitty! Hopefully he'll be up and at 'em again soon.


Anonymous said...

Actually, that is an Alaskan voter hiding in the corner after last week, using antlers over the ears to avoid any more news whatsoever. The sleaze is going to get worse once they start airing Ben Stevens laundry, isn't it? Good grief.

Philip Munger said...


if Mooch could vote, he'd go for the Black cat...

Tea N. Crumpet said...

Poor Mooch! Does he react to catnip? He needs a little to ease his pain ;)

Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

Our cat does the same thing after lots of vaccinations. Antibiotics tend to knock him out too.

Harpo: there's lots of conservative bloggers that post pics of cats too. Perhaps you should just stick to those ones, eh?

Philip Munger said...

AK Dave du - and a lot of conservative blogs post pictures of yellow elephants like Rush, Sean, Dan Fagan, etc....

Tea N. Crumpet said...

"AK Dave du - and a lot of conservative blogs post pictures of yellow elephants like Rush, Sean, Dan Fagan, etc...."

I chastise you for being mean spirited. . . but that is funny! hahahaha

I want to smooch Mooch and make him fell better. Poor cat! ;]

Philip Munger said...


Mooch is cuddled up wit the dog Strider, watching "There Will Be blood."