The Republican vice presidential candidate attracted criticism for accusing Mr Obama of "palling around with terrorists", citing his association with the sixties radical William Ayers.
The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric.
But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further.
The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.
Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: "Why would they try to make people hate us?"
The revelations, contained in a Newsweek history of the campaign, are likely to further damage Mrs Palin's credentials as a future presidential candidate. She is already a frontrunner, with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, to take on Mr Obama in four years time.
Details of the spike in threats to Mr Obama come as a report last week by security and intelligence analysts Stratfor, warned that he is a high risk target for racist gunmen. It concluded: "Two plots to assassinate Obama were broken up during the campaign season, and several more remain under investigation. We would expect federal authorities to uncover many more plots to attack the president that have been hatched by white supremacist ideologues."
The campaign vilification of Barack Obama has, especially since his January inauguration, been ramped up. All along, almost on a monthly basis, Palin has continued to make statements designed to stoke the resentments which keep the hatred directed toward the president simmering. This past weekend, evidence continued to mount that this could boil over:
Alaska's bloggers will continue to highlight Palin's connection to her base base. This next week, we will be hosting bestselling author and documentarian, Max Bumenthal, for a short visit to Anchorage. Max was up here last year, investigating the Palins' past ties to groups which seek to quietly undermine American democracy as we know it:
• On September 26th, Max Blumenthal will be live in the KBYR studio with Shannyn Moore on her weekly show, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• On September 26th at 8:00 p.m, Max will give a multi-media lecture on his book, Republican Gomorrah, at the University of Alaska Anchorage Fine Arts Building Recital Hall (Arts 150). I am producing this FREE event, with the help of Alaskans for Peace & Justice, and my fellow Alaska bloggers.
• On September 27th, at noon, Max will address the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
More details coming here and elsewhere, including a request to help fund Max's Alaska trip, beginning Friday.
image - DarkBlack; hat tip - Shannyn Moore
Thought-provoking graphic at the top of the post; I had a visceral reaction to it.
I've been concerned for some time about the issues brought up in the video clips. As you can imagine, President Obama has vocal opponents in my state, as well as lots of sheeple latching onto Fox hate.
I'm a longtime supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. They're being kept extra busy keeping up with the growing numbers of haters.
Annoy-mouse, my wonderful foster mom, made me watch these. Quyana...
"I'm a longtime supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. They're being kept extra busy keeping up with the growing numbers of haters."
Another tax-payer funded Leftist hate group determined to stamp out opposition to the One.
"Sarah Palin attempted to distance herself from the hate, racism and malevolence her campaign rhetoric had stirred up"
Hmm, what "racism" did she stir up ?
Frightening how you liberal-fascists are seeking to create a race war in America. Still, you're probably all safe in your lily-white neighborhoods and don't care less about the harm you are doing to this country.
Oh and BTW, Obama WAS pals with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and his charming wife who once boasted that it was COOL that the woman who murdered Sharon Tate had finished the job by sticking a fork in her belly. Ayers also published a book dedicated to the killer of Bobby Kennedy. And these were the kind of people Obama chose to befriend. But for daring to point that out Palin must be a "raaacist" !
"Max was up here last year, investigating the Palins' past ties to groups which seek to quietly undermine American democracy as we know it:"
Umm, don't you mean digging up dirt in an attempt to vilify Sarah Palin because she was telling the truth about Obama ?
LOL = to the two posters before me...
America can't help it if "the little shop of horrors" polarized the racist hate groups.
Anonymous @ 11:41 ...are you referring to our President as a "little shop of horrors" ? Isn't this kind of comment the very racism that is causing the problem?
" Palin has continued to make statements designed to stoke the resentments which keep the hatred directed toward the president simmering. "
I can't believe a grown man kind make this kind of statement. In politics you are allowed to criticize the policies of your opponent even if they are a President who is black. Or are you saying that black people can't handle criticism ? Do you think black people should be protected from negative comments because they can't deal with it ? You don't have a very high opinion of black people do you ?
As for Palin's comments this year please give ONE example of racial abuse towards the president. If you can't maybe you should stop trying to stir up a race war.
Palin wouldn't know a policy if it hit her over the head. She apparently has sold herself out as a Facebook billboard.
And yes, the Sarah Palin billboard IS trying to polarize America. Death panels? Puh-leeze!
" Palin has continued to make statements designed to stoke the resentments which keep the hatred directed toward the president simmering. "
Yes, the Sarah Palin Facebook billboard has been making statements trying to scare people and keep people afraid and angry at the President. She particularly targets fears of the elderly. It is you, anon 11:49, who is now interjecting all kinds of commentary about race and race wars.
"little shop of horrors" is the description a upper McCain campaign staffer called Palin....
Check salon.com for the story and quote.
Palin had a huge effect on polarizing the racist hate groups... She could of told the chanting "kill him" folks to tone it down. But that is not what happened, she continued her polarizing hate speech till the bitter end.
Look Palin had a chance to make real change, but that's not her style of public service. tsk tsk
Shout out to Ben Stevens who called it in July 2004. The Valley Trasher was the secular elite Republican who shit on the little guy and gave rise to the Sarah Palin victimhood.
SP is a great equalizer for the downtrodden masses. Divorce will be another opportunity for Palin fans to see her overcome personal tragedy
Ben, she couldn't have done it without you
Hey Phil, looks like you hit a nerve with the name calling hateful crowd - Palin sure brings 'em out of the cupboards like roaches, doesn't she?
Yep, she's a divider and not a bright one at that. She's drunk on the adulation of hate filled people. I know it's tiring to write and talk about the Crazy Woman - but we appreciate you for remaining vigilant. Everything about her is just so wrong, and apparently her little gang o' thugs gets drunk in return for just that reason.
They will never get it, and will remain a ridiculed minority because of it. They are stuck in the Groundhog's Day loop to obscurity - doomed to repeat their daily hell over and over because they do not learn from their mistakes, or hers.
A. Thank you God, Gays and Diversity!
B. Kill Him
Thank the heavens! We have choice and change!
(I choose A)
Snowing, I was going to say exactly that. Phil has obviously hit a nerve.
Yup, you hit a nerve, or as Shannyn might say 'the flack gets thick when you are over the target.
Things are getting nasty though.
These poor, dumb Joe Sixpacks just follow Palin around like lovesick puppydogs. It's rather pathetic. She's dumber than a box of rocks, greedier than Bernie Madoff, and as much of a sociopath as Mechele Linehan. And just like Mechele, the only thing she's got going for her are her ASSets. Let those mindless lemmings follow her off the cliff. Darwin rules!
Jeepers Phil..that is one really scary picture of Palin. lol...right before bed too!
ugh...trolls..out in force. You must have hit a nerve Phil..keep up the good work.
All the misogynists that show no interest in PA's other posts all crawl out of the woodwork when they can get their two minute hate on for Palin.
Of the sad misogynists piling on the hate "Snowing In Alaska" seems to have the most issues...let's dissect the bile shall we ?
"Hey Phil, looks like you hit a nerve with the name calling hateful crowd "
Repeating Daily Kos talking points becomes kind of pathetic when you then call people "cockroaches", "crazy" and "gang o' thugs". Maybe "Snowing" should take a look in dictionary and work out who the "name calling , hateful " one really is.
"not a bright one at that."
Considering the above paragraph, "Snowing" really needs to be careful . "Pot.Kettle. Black.
"Everything about her is just so wrong, and apparently her little gang o' thugs gets drunk in return for just that reason."
What does this even mean. Besides the infantile insults what does "gets drunk in return" actually mean ?
"They will never get it, and will remain a ridiculed minority because of it."
55% of Americans now oppose Obamacare ....are they all "racist thugs" ? Only 12% of Americans believe opposition to Obama is "raacist". Whose the minority ?
"They are stuck in the Groundhog's Day loop to obscurity"
Another meaningless statement...can a "loop" actually go anywhere, let alone to "obscurity" ?
"doomed to repeat their daily hell over and over"
But conservatives are having a great time right now. ACORN is imploding, Van Jones has gone, Pelosi is having a nervous breakdown, the liberal MSM are losing viewers and are running round screaming "raacism" like headless chickens, Obama acts like he's still campaigning but every speech he makes to his echo chamber brings his poll numbers down. Sure it isn't great that Obama crawls on his belly to Iran & Russia but watching the left disintegrate makes up for that.
Finally, it's really, truly sad that none of the comments above
realize that they are just proving everything I already said. The Left only knows how to hate and your desperate efforts to demonize over half the country and to start a race war because you can't bear hearing your Messiah criticized is going to backfire on you. You're not "progressives"...read the rants y'all posted above about Palin...you're just bitter, angry people and I thank God I'm not like you.
It is important that "Alaska's bloggers will continue to highlight Palin's connection to her base."
Sarah ought to know that you cannot keep people in a prolonged state of fear and expect no one will be hurt or killed.
Whether she does not know or doesn't care or is purposely trying to incite her base only Sarah knows. But the onus is on us to tone it down because she won't.
It is important to note that when we disagree we can still be civil toward one another.
Those who cater to Sarah Palin's divisive ideology have forgotten we are Americans, not enemies.
"All the misogynists that show no interest in PA's other posts all crawl out of the woodwork when they can get their two minute hate on for Palin..."
Poor, misguided little troll just keeps on trying...LOL. Absolutely hilarious!
"Sarah ought to know that you cannot keep people in a prolonged state of fear and expect no one will be hurt or killed."
And yet the Democrats have been calling 50% of the American people "Nazis", "racists" and "evil-mongers" for almost two months now. Try looking "HYPOCRISY" up in the dictionary.
As for "fear" why does Obama keep saying that more Americans will die if Obamacare isn't passed ...isn't that "fear" ? Hypocrites.
@12:51 - You've been here for 2 months with your whip-snap wit, decrying all things "left." All you have are the same points you've had all year long. It is tiresome to hear you sing that same old worn out song.
Anon@12:51 - http://apocalyptictheocracy.blogspot.com/2009/09/time-line-of-racist-bullshit-about.html
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