According to Gallup, the implications of their thorough poll:
The political landscape of the United States has clearly shifted in the Democratic direction, and in most states, a greater proportion of state residents identified as Democrats or said they leaned to the Democratic Party in 2008 than identified as Republicans or leaned Republican.

Land of the Free
The current congress with all green fanatics leading the rest of the green lemmings off the cliff will help to bring the midwest states back to the GOP.
All that crazy legislation hurts manufacturing.
Anonymous doesn't know much about the Midwest or economics.
i broke a promise to myself and listened to a little KUDO this morning, and there were nonstop conservative callers, droning on... with all their usual crap: carter and clinton ruined the country, FDR did nothing for the economy, only tax cuts will make any difference, history will prove the republicans correct and the country will swing back.
i realized i am surrounded by a bunch of ignorant people, who don't realize no one cares about their opinion anymore.
those bastards had us in a hammerlock for 12 years and look what happened. never again!
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