Monday, December 27, 2010

Joe Miller is Still Fundraising - "Click Here to Donate"

I got this in the mail around midnight. Fairbanks divorce attorney Joe Miller is still asking for money - for his legal defense fund, so he can press on.

Click to enlarge:


Anonymous said...

Joe Miller is one step up from a child molester. He's begging for money. Get on your knees, Joe, and ask nice!

Anonymous said...

Divorce attorney? Was that how he listed it in his campaign biography?

What was he doing for FNSB when not on his lunch break? Working the child support beat?

How soon does he announce his own reality TV show?

Anonymous said...

hey--us divorce attorneys do not want to be associated with this gas-bag--it actually takes some skill and empathy to successfully negotiate the end of a marriage--Joe belongs to the scorched earth, nothing is too trivial to be fought over school of family law which makes the process much more painful all around than it needs to be--but is a good way to generate larger fees

Mark said...

He was kind enought to name all his clients in his Senate Secretary discolsure form. Might still be on his website lol

Philip Munger said...

"Joe belongs to the scorched earth, nothing is too trivial to be fought over school of family law which makes the process much more painful all around than it needs to be--but is a good way to generate larger fees."

--- that's priceless!~

honestyingov said...

Uhhh... Memo to Joe Miller: ( since He brought it up ) Please explain how that " INTEGRITY " fits in when you were doing that ' computer hacking '... also too.
I hope someone gave Him a Dictionary for X-mas? He doesn't know the definition of some of the words he uses.

Anonymous said...

How did this guy make it through Yale Law?