Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Julia and Alex are home for Christmas. We are all healthy, happy and safe. What more could we ask for? World peace would certainly be nice, especially for our kids' kids' kids' kids, when and if that occurs.

Pray for peace.


Anonymous said...

Happy Winter Solstice Holidays! My celebration comes in another 15 days or so with the moon changing phase. Yeah, the world has many celebrations linked to this time of year..

Let's work hard towards peace. :)

Anonymous said...

Peace and joy to you and your family,Phil. And may we
all experience a better America and world in the coming year.

Suzanne said...

wee fish ewe a mare y grist moose panda hippo gnu deer

AKjah said...

In the hamlet the coffee throng storms the beaches. What the hell Phil helps us teach'es. To you an yours i would add a solid quiet nite. B.

AKjah said...

Sorry i didn't finish the rhyme in that. But you got that rap beat stuck in my head from the post last night. Cant seem to get it out of my head even tho i want to hear the Grateful Dead.

HarpboyAK said...

Merry Christmas to all of you! It's wonderful that the kids can be home for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Here is to you and yours. Health and happiness to all and thank you for filling our year with all sorts of knowledge, it is appreciated.
Enjoy and we ARE praying for peace AND understanding.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and Judy and the rest of your family, Phil. I hope 2011 brings you many blessings.


Anonymous said...

pray? who do you pray to?

Philip Munger said...

God. Sometimes on my knees.

Anonymous said...

oh my...philip bows to someone besides the mirror?