Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Best Local Solstice Eclipse Photo Yet

--- from the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman's facebook photo wall


Anonymous said...

Nice compilation. Thanks!

HarpboyAK said...

Unfortunately, in Our Fair Capital City, it started clouding over about 6 p.m., and cleared after 3 a.m., so the eclipse was barely visible, at least from downtown.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Thank you Phil.

clark said...

watched the eclipse in homer. souldn't stop looking, outside for 90 mins. in eight degrees... wow. never seen anything like that. like what i expected at first, then flaring, then a sort of green and red aura, transitioning to a burnt orange disk. and a murky, weird darkness that dimmed all the surrounding lights and changed the normal relationship of contrasting forms, somehow.
what a show.