But there are a lot more out there like them, and some might be more intelligent, more cunning. They are learning from this, and are reloading, so they can take aim at more targets, another time.
Some of those who have already gone over the edge, most notably the man who attacked guards at the NYC Holocaust Museum, killing one, were inspired by Sarah Palin.The next ones to want to do violence to our President, or to elected officials or party functions and functionaries from either major party, or to bloggers who stand up for the truth, and cite Palin as an inspiration, can thank the editors and the publisher of the Anchorage Daily News for totally failing to tell the full story of Palin's vindictiveness, racism and divisiveness over the years, thereby helping provide them their inspiration. Had the ADN editors or publisher done that, beginning back in 1996, Palin wouldn't be where she is right now, feeding this often vile hatred.
The negligence of the ADN editors and publisher over the years on this may end up costing somebody his or her life before this is over. In a sense, they already share a fraction of the responsibility in the Holocaust Museum shooting.
I'm going to write about this often.
Until the ADN finally honestly addresses this issue. It is important to Americans and to the world.
Your utterly dreary predictability is refreshing. In a world of constant surprises it's good to see that whatever the Left's talking points of the week are, then this blog will dutifully report them (albeit always a day or two behind the curve). It was always on the cards that once Obamacare was exposed to the light of day that the Dems and the MSM (but I repeat myself)would seek a way to shift the focus away from the sheer bloody awfulness of the Bill. That they have chosen to smear the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin with this disgusting lie about "inspiring violence" is despicable.
The vile attempt to link Sarah Palin to the unhinged ambitions of a Militia group are equivalent to saying that Obama's attacks on the insurance industry are encouraging left wing nutters to kill the CEOs of Blue Cross etc.
I understand your frustration that although you've waited for years for a grassroots democratic revolution against the US government but when it arrived it arrived in the shape of the Tea Party. That must be bittersweet irony for an aging leftist.
But when you start trying to gin up a race war in this nation and when you start holding politicians responsible for the acts of lunatics then you have admitted you have lost the debate.
Please quote ONE THING from Palin's address this weekend that was racist or would inspire violence and that no other normal politician would say during a speech.
You have constantly written in admiration of Dem pol Grayson who accused the Republicans of wanting Americans to die. Now if I was told that someone wanted me to die and was actively conspiring to kill me I would want to harm them. If an unhinged liberal took Grayson at his word and killed a Repub politician in "self defense" would Grayson be responsible for the violence?
Were you whining about violence when leftist demonstrators attacked Republicans attending the 2008 Repub convention in St.Pauls and put several elderly conservatives in hospital? Did you complain that the same leftists dropped heavy bags of sand from Freeway bridges in an attempt to kill people ?
I thought not..your selective outrage at so-called political violence would be laughable if it weren't so irresponsible.
Jesus you're blind...what do you see in Scarah anyway? She's an ugly hateful monster.
"These people may have hoped to kill our President. They failed. They don't exactly look like winners, do they?"
Please quote ONE news source (and not Daily Kos) that says these nutters were intending to kill Obama. They wanted to kill police officers. Please try and get basic facts correct.
"They don't exactly look like winners, do they?"
Ah, the soft bigotry of the Left. You would never dream of saying like this that about similar mug shots of jihadists, would you ?
"But there are a lot more out there like them, and some might be more intelligent, more cunning. They are learning from this, and are reloading, so they can take aim at more targets, another time."
Hate to burst your little bubble of hysteria right here (maybe you should stock up on smelling salts) but the accused didn't actually take aim at any real targets. The FBI said the Militia were "plotting" and hadn't carried out any attacks. Everytime the Bush-era FBI arrested US born Jihadists , the Left would squeal "We question the timing...what real proof do the Feds have?...these men are innocent until proven guilty" Strangely the same questions don't seem to apply to white Christians. Having said that, if they're proven guilty in a court then throw away the key.
"Some of those who have already gone over the edge, most notably the man who attacked guards at the NYC Holocaust Museum, killing one, were inspired by Sarah Palin."
Utter bullshit. He was inspired by the National Socialists. He was also an enthusiastic "truther", who denied that the al-Qaida attacks on New York and Washington had surprised the conspirators in power (sounds like a Leftist to me). He hated Bill O'Reilly of Fox News (or Faux News as you would say) and neocons as much as the New York Times and Obama.
"The next ones to want to do violence to our President, or to elected officials or party functions and functionaries from either major party, or to bloggers who stand up for the truth, and cite Palin as an inspiration, can thank the editors and the publisher of the Anchorage Daily News for totally failing to tell the full story of Palin's vindictiveness, racism and divisiveness over the years, thereby helping provide them their inspiration."
What a perverted leap of logic. One could just as easily say that James Cameron calling for the deaths of Global Warming deniers or Dems calling for the "wiping out of the Republican Party" should be held responsible for any violence.
"Had the ADN editors or publisher done that, beginning back in 1996, Palin wouldn't be where she is right now, feeding this often vile hatred."
Then why didn't you report on Palin back then ? You are just ranting and have no evidence or proof that Palin has incited anything other than your own obsession with her.
"The negligence of the ADN editors and publisher over the years on this may end up costing somebody his or her life before this is over. In a sense, they already share a fraction of the responsibility in the Holocaust Museum shooting."
Possibly one of the dumbest things I've read on this blog. One might as well say that the Left's incessant hatred of Israel caused the Holocaust Museum shooting...meaning that everyone on the Left is responsible.Yes, that's ludicrous but no more so then your comment above.
"I'm going to write about this often."
"Until the ADN finally honestly addresses this issue. It is important to Americans and to the world."
How about YOU trying to honestly address this issue. Please show us the exact RACIST & VIOLENCE INSPIRING comments that Palin has made. And was she the one who said "And if they bring a knife to the party, we'll bring a gun ?" How irresponsible was that ? Who will die because of those words ?
"She's an ugly hateful monster."
Pot.Kettle.Black. Please explain why a politician saying what all politicians say is "hateful"? And BTW just because she doesn't swoon at the sight of Obama doesn't make her "hateful".
On Saturday, March 27, 2010, Sarah Palin gave a screech in Searchlight, Nevada. Curiously, she added a new line to her tired overused script, stating:
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"
It is not funny that she made this remark, especially considering that the political road rage incident in Nashville, Tennessee occurred two days earlier on Thursday, March 25 in which a nut rammed a man with his 10 year old daughter in the car because he had an Obama bumper sticker. Palin makes it pretty obvious that she had heard about the incident and found it amusing. And Sarah, just how do you suggest to stop a driver with an Obama bumper sticker? Ram them? Run them off the road? Or into oncoming traffic? - just so one of your unhinged acolytes can ask your cutseypie question????
So, Harry Weisiger, how is that felony reckless endangerment chargey thingy workin’ out for ya? Wink wink!
Actually, having had my Subaru recently "stopped," probably by a Palin supporter, I found that comment interesting, even after she later stated that she "likes Subarus."
I'm remembering the transformations leftist factions underwent in the 60s and early 70s. The Weather Underground splintering off the SDS, the SLA ...
MSM was rightfully indignant and outraged though generally woefully negligent in the end by portraying all so-called leftist thought as radical and dangerous.
While I'm not ready to make some of the leaps you do here I am agreeing with you that the ADN has failed miserably to fully report SP's public behavior for far too long. The Up and Down thingy is a sophmoric catalogue at best as is the tepid editorial stance on her wilder antics.
It is the lack of reporting through time which is most unacceptable.
The splintering off of the far right , as it relates to SP, has as much danger for us all as the leftist wingnut fractures did.
The ADN has a part in allowing it to gather steam under radar and out of sight .
I worked in the media at the beginning of the 70s, and the alternative media outlets for whom I worked tried to cover both the negative fallout from leftist politics in the Seattle area, and other important issues, fairly and comprehensively, at least to the limits of our resources. So my experience was with media that seriously tried to cover the entire spectrum of functional and dysfunctional political affairs in Seattle at that time.
"MSM was rightfully indignant and outraged "
They weren't THAT outraged this time around when it turned out that Obama WAS palling around with two known terrorists...Bill " I've got a rich Daddy" Ayers and the delightful Bernadette " Wasn't it cool the way they killed Sharon Tate" Dorhn. The MSM deliberately ignored the fact that Obama was good friends with people who had plotted to kill US servicemen and police officers. Strangely , this blog neglected to get too wound up about that either. I also don't recall PA or other "progressives" getting upset that members of an extremist group were intimidating voters during the election (or that the Justice Department refused to press charges in what a liberal group called the worst voter intimidation case since the 1960s).
Taking the above into account, the selective outrage at an unproven link between the righteous anger of the American people at Congress riding roughshod over their wishes and militia violence is laughable. The attempt to create a climate of violence against Sarah Palin isn't.
Geez, Durruti, you had me going there. I actually thought you were a real pro-Palin person until that last one, but then you just had to drag out that old canard about William Ayers being "good friends" with President Obama, a story that's been debunked by every fact checker that's looked at it, including the New York Times, the New Republic and Factcheck.org. But then, they are all card-carrying members of the main-stream media, and we know they are all out to get you. Still, nobody who supports a candidate with the John Birch Society, the Alaska Independence Party and Rev "Witchslayer" Muthee in her background would resurrect a discredited lie, so I have to assume you are a troll. You did have me going though.
"but then you just had to drag out that old canard about William Ayers being "good friends" with President Obama, a story that's been debunked by every fact checker that's looked at it, including the New York Times, the New Republic and Factcheck.org."
Poor old Mike, do you really believe that the NYT, New Republic & Factcheck are unbiased? What am I saying...of course you do. How funny that you're willing to trust the dinosaur media so completely. You would have loved Pravda.
The facts are that Obama lied about his friendship with Ayers and the lovely Dorhn.
"Just some guy in the neighborhood" turned out to have worked in the same office for years. Obama and his wife were associated with Ayers and his wife from at least 1995 when Obama was hired to run the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (for which Ayers wrote the grant and served on the board) to 2001 when Ayers was serving on the board of the Woods foundation with Obama. Ayers launched Obama's political career with a party at his apartment.
Before you embarrass yourself again with your obvious lack of knowledge, Mike, I strongly suggest you do some real research and not just run to the liberal MSM for your information. Trolls are those who just launch ad hominem attacks and have no real knowledge of their subject matters.
And when we've finished with your "truth" about Ayers maybe we can talk about Obama's other friend...the Rev Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright. Better check with the NYT to make sure that Obama sat through 20 years' worth of hate-filled sermons but didn't hear a thing. :0)
Will PA honestly address this issue ?
"Indicted Militia Member A Registered Democrat. “Jacob J. Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio, voted as a Democrat in the 2004 and 2008 primary elections, and in 10 other elections since 2000.”
Keep up the good work!
I'd bet they would team up with the radical Muslims in this country and work together.
You won't admit to that though spineless one.
The ADN also failed to condemn child rapists today. Does that mean that they support child molestation?
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