Alaska progressive icon, Katie Hurley, is running to hold her seat representing Wasilla and the Susitna valley, for a second term. She is being opposed by former Mat-Sun Schools superintendent, Bob Doyle, who is being financed, in part, by the Republican Party, in this supposedly non-partisan race.
For the Palmer seat, incumbent Lazy Mountain carrot farmer Larry deVilbis is being challenged by Palmer attorney, Bill Tull. Tull is a moderate. DeVilbis has been and is very consevative when it comes to issues faced by MEA.
If you are interested in visibly supporting Katie and Bill, here's the present schedule for sign-waving for their campaigns:
Please join us Tuesday, 30 March, 4pm - 6pm.
Please come out to either the intersection of the Parks/Palmer-Wasilla Highway or the intersection by Carrs and the Palmer-Wasilla Highway in Palmer.
We'll continue next Tuesday and Friday, and every Tuesday and Friday thereafter till the election. The dates are as follows:
April 6 and 9 - Tues. & Fri.
April 13 and 16 - Tues. & Fri.
April 20 and 23 - Tues. & Fri.
Then, Monday, April 26, and
Tuesday, Election Day/Annual Meeting, April 27, from 4pm - 5:30pm
Katie Hurley, as MEA Board Member:
Exposed secrecy, special financial favors, and dirty tricks rampant in the previous administration
Successfully fought to clean house and bring about a new MEA administration
Did away with administration’s “Golden Parachute” and wasteful expenditures
Researched, selected, and encouraged hiring MEA’s new, effective general manager
Promotes openness, collaboration and accountability for the good of our co-op, without political agenda
Encourages mediation to solve problems, rather than expensive law suits
Actively works toward exploring all options, including local generation and proven renewable energy technologies, for providing low-cost, clean, and reliable power
Made MEA a willing participant in Railbelt issues and generation, a radical change from the way business was conducted the last 15 years.
Katie Hurley’s opponent is Bob Doyle, former Chief Financial Officer (aka Superintendent) for the Mat Su School District. Doyle’s administration brought about the damaging out-sourcing of our custodial staff, incurring costly legal battles.
Bill Tull
• Homesteaded in 1958.
• Practiced law for 38 years in Palmer.
• Served as Director of the Palmer Community College (which later became Mat Su College).
• First Director of Mat Su College.
• Board Member of Kiwanis, Lions, Palmer Chamber of Commerce.
• Organized the Wasilla Chamber of Commerce
• Founding Member of the Palmer Rotary Club
• Director of Bill Tull’s Big Band, routinely donating his musical talent to various charities.
• Organized the First Annual Mayors’ Charity Ball in 2010 to raise money for local food banks.
Bill Tull’s opponent is Larry Devilbiss, former School Board Member for the Mat Su School District. Devilbiss voted to support the damaging out-sourcing of our custodial staff. At MEA he has been a consistent anti-labor voice.
image - Katie Hurley