This is one of the bib signs from a team of women skiers at last Sunday's Alaska Ski for Women. Judy was one of the team.
Super Bowl Sunday isn't just a day when many millions of American women would just as soon get out of the house. It is the single most violent day of the year for American women, in terms of domestic violence.
The Alaska Ski for Women raises a lot of money for anti-domestic violence programs and other great groups. Here's a description of the ski event's rationale, from their web site:
The Alaska Ski for Women (ASFW) was started in 1997 by the Event’s Founding Mothers Ann Mize and Sally Burkholder, both of whom are very accomplished skiers. Ann and Sally noticed a lot of women skied on the wonderful Anchorage ski trails but did not come out to join in the local ski races.
They set forth to create a fun event that would eliminate all of the excuses women often come up with to not participate in ski races; for example, not having a partner to ski with, the men are too aggressive in races and my skis aren’t waxed. The ASFW therefore requires a partner to ski with, it is just for women, free ski waxing is provided and it is a fun and relaxing atmosphere in which to participate.
Believe it or not the Founding Mothers did not intentionally select Super Bowl Sunday for the first year's event date. Anchorage is blessed with many wonderful Nordic ski races so when they reviewed the racing calendar they simply picked the only available date – Super Bowl Sunday. It wasn't until well after the event was planned that the Founding Mothers realized what date their new event was on. After the inaugural year, it is now tradition to always hold the event on that famous football date.
Here's a picture of Judy and her friends in their Obamanable Snowgirl's outfits from last Sunday:
Here's a link the the 2009 Alaska Ski for Women's picture page. The pictures are great!
And Obama's name isn't just on ski jersey bibs. Ben & Jerry and their ice cream company have come up with their Obama ice cream product and its name:

The name of a product exemplifying the Bush-Cheney years is still up in the air, but here are some of the suggestions:
The Housing Crunch
Abu Grape
Cluster Fudge
Nut’n Accomplished
Good Riddance You Lousy Motherfu***r… Swirl
Iraqi Road
Chock ‘n Awe
Impeach Cobbler
Heck of a Job, Brownie!
RockyRoad to Fascism
The Reese’s-cession
Cookie D’oh!
Nougalar Proliferation
Death by Chocolate…and Torture
Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream
Chocolate Chip On My Shoulder
Credit Crunch
Mission Pecanplished
Country Pumpkin
Chunky Monkey-in-Chief
Chocolate Chimp
Bloody Sundae
Caramel Preemptive Stripe
Stop Phil SOTP!!!! You're KILLING ME! Oh...Jesus H Christ! You gave me a frickin' ASTHMA ATTACK! I laughed until i cried!!! Did you make that shit up??? I am not any longer going to check your site right before bed. FUCKQ! Thank you for the laugh out loud fun! G'Nite!
i attended dimond and dick mize was our principal and he and jim burkholder and many of the other teachers helped build the trails at kincaid in the '60s and '70s. mize is an amazing man, i recall reading in the '90s that he was still out there racing and kicking the butt of people 25 years younger [though i'm sure he didn't think of it that way]. what a fabulous heritage. i still go to kincaid park during the summer and just wander around. i get my best thinking done there. it is the absolute jewelpiece of anchorage.
I love the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream List...Now that is good.. that's a tough many names so little ice
Phil! Who knew you were so funny!
Cluster Fudge and Impeach Cobbler. Nice!
I didn't make up those ice cream titles. If I would come up with ice cream titles to commemorate Bush and Cheney's work they wouldn't be so funny. They'd be like:
I Hated Your Goddam Fucking War
Your Soul Toasts in Hell
Those are good, too!
I KNEW you were this funny...sheesh! See you soon.
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