Activist actress Ashley Judd, the wife of 2007 Indianapolis 500 winner Dario Franchitti, praying for him, during the race:
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the wife of 2007 Alaska Iron Dog winner Todd Palin, praying for him during that race:
Judd and Franchitti, after the 2007 motor race:
The Palins at the 2007 snowmobile race finish:
Sarah Palin throwing out a hockey puck in October 2008:
Ashley Judd in a hockey Jersey:
Hockey mom not for Palin last September:
Ashley Judd on Larry King Friday Evening:
Michael Phelps' new cereal box:
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Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the wife of 2007 Alaska Iron Dog winner Todd Palin, praying for him during that race:

Judd and Franchitti, after the 2007 motor race:

The Palins at the 2007 snowmobile race finish:

Sarah Palin throwing out a hockey puck in October 2008:

Ashley Judd in a hockey Jersey:

Hockey mom not for Palin last September:

Ashley Judd on Larry King Friday Evening:
Michael Phelps' new cereal box:

bottom image - darkblack
So....Ashley Judd is your hero?
Classic progressive
I wouldn't call Ashley Judd my "hero." I do find the emerging image of Judd vs Palin fsscinating, though. How about you, anon @ #1?
Ashley Judd is an idiot
Ashley Judd has become an embarrassment to the state of Kentucky. If you have ever watched Jerry Springer or America's Dumbest Criminals, you realize how difficult that is to do. She has stopped drinking the cool aid and started eating the powder straight from the package. In September she declared that “a woman who votes for McCain-Palin is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders.” Now she is in an ad for a far left animal rights group protesting Governor Palin´s support for aerial wolf hunting. Ashley Judd seems to still be suffering from Palin Derangement Syndrome.
I believe Palin is the only one suffering from Palin Syndrome.
(aka: Narcissism)
Actually, Ashley Judd is the most intelligent of the 3 Judds, mom and 2 daughters. She got out of the singing gig and went solo as an actress, another career at which she is quite capable.
Intelligent Redneck is an oxymoron in every possible sense.
Ashley Judd = just another actor attempting to inform the uninformed masses without research in what she most likely perceives as her own cause célèbre. Pretty much.
She's intimidated by SP. As are most left leaning women. Or trying to boost her own celebre using SP's current star power.
Watched the video of Ashley Judd complaining about wolf killing. Seems she isn't so concerned about killing wolves but about the aerial hunting.
Alaska manages its wildlife on a highest sustained yield basis. This means it actually manages it like you would manage a garden.
You need to keep the predators down to ensure a good prey population. Predators kill 70% or more of the moose and caribou population. Hunters kill about 3% of the population. The rest are killed by accident or weather.
High predator mortality can keep both the prey and predator populations at a lower level than the habitat can support.
Predator control has been proven to increase the population of prey species in a given area.
The question is the method of predator control. The only method that makes sense is aerial shooting...its not hunting. This is a controlled method of targeting the correct species in the correct area.
Ashley Judd just doesn't know what she is talking about. Why don't she and her husband volunteer to remove the wolves by live capturing them and putting them on their farm.
Wow, Phil out come the trolls!
PDS, from redneck who has Palin asskissing syndrone,
Actually there are more caribou in Alaska than people and Alaskans have voted against the barbaric act, of Aerial wolf killing, but Palin continues to Staff Dept. of fish and game with her hunter cronies, instead of having a balance of wildlife conservators and hunters. Its Kill,baby kill, typical (repub) now called American Taliban, talk.
caligrl great name, carries a lot of weight in Alaska.
Barbaric act, huh? Which method of killing would your prefer? Or are you against all killing? Or are wolves the only ones with the right to kill?
Do you kill anything caligrl? Yes you do, if you think about it. Why do those that you kill have less of a right to life than a wolf? Is it because a wolf has fur?
Good Grief! This country has turned into a bunch of caligrls!
Somehow you up there in Alaska think your not a part of the USA...And forget your DumbAss gov. campaigned for VP of the USA!
And your implying I kill things without fur? What a complete ASSHAT.
American Taliban.....
Pack Moose chili where the sun don't shine....!
The only correct use of 'your' in your above rant was in your second sentence. The other two times should have been 'you're'.
Pack Moose chili? Never heard of it.
A married woman posing bottomless in a hockey poster. Niiiice. She'll be lunching with Paling in six weeks. Palin has to be flattered that Judd is attacking her. More press. They may have orchestrated this.
As Judd that pretty? You don't need eye bleach after looking at her, she shaves, but she's not THAT amazing.
There are legitimate concerns about the ecological wisdom of attempting to sustain consistently high numbers of game. Unfortunately, Defenders of Wildlife distracts from that discussion by putting out pure Hollywood propaganda, which in Alaska only creates more reactionary knee-jerk proponents of predator control. Making it an argument between those people who are only okay with killing animals so long as it's sanitized and out-of-sight and doesn't look their pet, and those hunters who see wolves as dishonorable competitors stealing kills in their 600,000-square mile game garden only ensures that whatever the outcome, wisdom will not prevail.
Did you read the article on Alaska Dispatch / Talk of the Tundra by Ethan Berkowitz? It was about energy, of course, but with the economy and oil prices the way they are going, AK is going to be screwed if it doesn't start putting those kinds of ideas into practice. You should start pimping him for guv in 2010.
I believe "pack moose chilli" is akin to the slope term "pound sand".
Also, the KY hockey poster was 10 years ago, as noted by the dates 1998-1999 season. Long before Judd married Franchitti. And at least she is not trying to call our salmon "sea kittens".
I don't believe wolves should be shot from the air. But trapping them isn't so great either. Can we sterilize them, is that possible? Is there a better way to manage the wolf population? Let's face it, the videos of wolves being shot from the air puts a black eye on the whole State of Alaska.
fukalunatic - I'll write more about Ethan soon. I hope it will be very, very positive.
He will not begin winning elections, though, until he can transparently show mainstream Alaskans what this company he has been describing for over 2 years - the energy consulting company - actually does, and shows some tax returns.
Give me three reasons you think Ethan can beat Sarah in 2010.
off2fish, you are right about the pound sand...
There is a article somewhere that they did try sterilizing the wolves and that kept their population down but I believe allowed to many sick moose around.
Shannyn Moore has a excellent article on Huffpo about the situation.
She has a link to a article that the lack of moose were directly linked to overhunting not wolves.
If you go on HuffPo you will find Shannyn has quite a bit of info on
gov. grifter.
Off2fish & annon.
Mr. Munger has plenty about gov. grifter here too! Go back and read Saradise lost from the beginning.
This is the first Alaskan progressive blogger I found, after grifter was "tapped" as VP. And thank god I found this site.
Because I learned a lot about grifter here and other progressive Alaskan blogs.
And Yes I can't wait until FEDS come down and do RM "scrub,rinse, repeat" with the whole leg. and gov. griter and dud.
Wolves are just about my favorite wild animal. They are not as tasty as moose but other than that I like them better.
But, in certain parts of Alaska there are too many of them. In those places they need to be thinned just like you would thin a forest for its own good.
Its called management folks. It seems that people have a false notion that mamma earth will make all things right and that humans are the only species that can overpopulate.
Anyone who really studies the issue without emotional sunglasses will realize aerial shooting is the best method of managing wolf populations. Poisoning is no good, sterilizing them is "unproductive", trapping them doesn't work.
Oh...and caligrl. Are you saying that you don't kill any animals? You must live in a very sterilized society.
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