Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congratulations, Mayor, Uh - SENATOR - Begich!

image from firedoglake


tw3k said...

woot Begich!

Anonymous said...

Well Done Alaska!

Congratulations on your new blue Senator ;)


Anonymous said...

Do you suppose the Hollywood crowd has his "honey-do list" ready for him. He sure won't be opening up ANWR anytime soon nor will he be working for Alaska. He will be working for the left wing special interests though because he is bought and paid for.

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose the Hollywood crowd has his "honey-do list" ready for him. He sure won't be opening up ANWR anytime soon nor will he be working for Alaska. He will be working for the left wing special interests though because he is bought and paid for.

Anonymous said...

Anon #3 and 4
Wow, some pretty sour grapes there bunky.

Anonymous said...

I fear that anonymous is right-- but give the guy a chance. If he works for Hollywood and Nancy Pelosi, even Alaskan Democrats will vote him out. It'll be tough on a junior senator. I can promise you this, Mark is less of an attention whore than our governor and he will be getting things done and giving straight answers.

I'm excited for him. Good luck, Mark!

Philip Munger said...

I'll be watching Mark just as critically as I've watched Sen. Stevens.

clark said...

you guys need a new tactic. the fear bombs are all turning out to be duds. truth is, about half of the democratic party isn't standing behind pelosi than you are. the first thing she said two years ago when the Ds took congress back was, 'impeachment is off the table'.
is this how you guys treat a friend? dress her up as a commie scarecrow?

erica said...

Senator Begich will not be answering to Pelosi no matter how progressive his politics are in DC, nor is he expected to have any kind of professional relationship with her. Why, you ask? Because Pelosi is in the House of Reps., and Begich will be in the US Senate. The respective branches of government aren't even located in the same building, and the chances that they will even meet in anything other than a social setting is highly unlikely. Please, people, get it straight, and then stop demonizing people just because you don't necessarily agree with them. And stop automatically grouping people in imaginary societies based on perceived political allegiances. Besides, last I heard, Begich supported opening up ANWR, just like most Alaskan politicians. I for one salute Begich's win, and I'm sure he will learn a lot of new political tricks (the good kind) while he is there. Let's hope it is a long run!