6a - 6:30a - Intro
6:30a - 7a - Sean Parnell
7a - 7:30a - Gabrielle LeDoux
7:30a - 8a - Don Young
8a-8:30a - Diane Benson
8:30-9a - Jake Metcalfe
Candidate Berkowitz has to help with his kids that morning - it's finals week at UAA, and Ethan's wife is a prof there - and the invitation was issued to all the candidates only yesterday afternoon.
Unless Jake Metcalfe has emerged from the dugout to make some public or media appearance this week I'm unaware of, or has something scheduled tomorrow, Carrigan will be getting the first shot at Metcalfe's side of the story told in Robert Dillon's Sunday Fairbanks News-Miner article. Jake's campaign office hasn't returned my calls.
Putting Carrigan's opening schedule up at PA IS IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER an endorsement of the changes being made there this week.
There's a grassroots movement growing in the broadcast community that is hoping Shannyn and C.C. will hold out on the new regime at KUDO until they at least get better pay. You'd think Don Young and Jack Abramoff's CNMI slave empire buddy, Tan, was running the place instead of the IBEW.
altered image of a Singapore beer billboard by Steve Aufrecht, who will be returning soon
Update - Tuesday @ 10:30 p.m: Jake has emerged from the dugout, saying, "I'm not the coach, I don't know all the players, some of them have peculiar names - maybe, but I'm not about to change the players around. Yet."
I'm paraphrasing...
Seriously, that CAN'T be the lineup for Careless Carrigan?
Please tell us that you're joking!
That fat slug won't have the gonads to show up. Not Thursday, not Friday, not ever.
This is a joke, right ?
I don't like the smell of this at all.
I got this same schedule from three credible sources. I suppose it is subject to change. After all, they could fire Cary tomorrow morning if they want. Maybe they already have, if he wants a decent salary from IBEW.
Could someone explain to me what happened to Rich McClear, who I thought was a part owner of the station (though I understood IBEW had financed it)?
And as far as those web sites go --- it occurs to me that maybe domainmonger.com might be one of those companies that buys domain names and then sits on them. Some have been known to put up embarassing info about persons or companies named in the domain names, in hopes that the targeted person will pay big bucks to buy the name and shut down the site.
Have any of the reporters and researchers actually called domainmonger.com and asked them why they are the domain holders, or if they want to sell the name?
I didn't think so.
Yes, the reporters and others have tried to call the folks at domainmonger.com. What I've heard so far is fucking hilarious.
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