Lately, here in the Palmer-Wasilla area, a new generation of homemade signs are being put up by progressive individuals and organizations, fed up with the continuing mismanagement, stupidity and criminality of the GOP power grabbers. Three years ago, when progressives and not-so-progressives banded together to defeat Coal Bed Methane Drilling, Version 1.0, homemade signs popped up here and there, condemning the drilling plans, and calling for the recall of Pro-Gun Ogan.
The defeats in 2006 and 2007 in the Valley of several wingnut candid

I'm going to be taking some pictures this week of some of the progressive signs being placed around the Palmer-Wasilla area by people representing progressive causes. The actions by local organizations calling for the recall of Matanuska Electric Association directors, and questioning the wisdom of the projected coal-fired power plant in Palmer, will be the focus. If you know of other progressive, homemade signs in Alaska, send me the pics or the links!
Oh, yeah - Ogan resigned, and Arvin lost by a landslide to Michelle Church, a solid progressive.
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