Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell wasn't there, either, but his excuse - that he had to help his recently disorganized boss at the Governor's Picnic in Fairbanks - showed he's more interested in a particular woman, than he is in women who are organized.
Two guys did show up, though. Our Representative, Don Young (R-forced female slave labor in the Marianas), was there. So was Democrat Ethan Berkowitz. As the Anchorage Daily News noted today, Young and Parnell have yet to appear at the same candidate forum. Their last appearance together was the Alaska GOP Convention, where Young yelled to Parnell, ""I beat your dad, and I'm going to beat you."
I'm getting a DVD of the debate tomorrow, and was unable to attend yesterday's forum, so I've only been able to read the press, my incoming e-mails, get some anecdotes over the phone, and watch the Alaska Report clips. Hence, part One.
The most remarkable thing about the forum and its coverage that I've noted so far is succintly layed out in KTUU TV's online header to their story:
Congressional hopefuls address energy
The best images of the forum are at the Alaska Report, where Dennis Zaki features both video clips of all three candidates and still photos. The most comprehensive print story is by Sean Cockerham, at the Anchorage Daily News.
However, none of these three news sources refer in their forum stories to a single women's issue per se. It isn't that they've mischaracterized the forum very much, though, in their treatment. The forum itself was mostly about energy, campaign financing and the War. A few questions near the end, provided by audience members for the candidates were about issues of serious importance to women, and women in Alaska.
Diane Benson attempted to steer some of the questions, formulated by AWPC members and delivered by KTUU's Megan Baldino, toward women's issues, but as one longtime women's activist told me this afternoon, "It was disgusting - but not nearly as disgusting as Ethan's schmoozing with Don half the time."
image of Don Young right after he bumped his head on stairway at the forum - by Dennis Zaki
I thought as soon as I posted that picture 'I bet Phil will use this one'. Don came over pretty smooth at the forum. I was impressed. I hate to admit this, but I ran out of videotape towards the end when the gender questions popped up. I was surprised by the lack of questions on women's issues. I think there were two questions total. It was the audience that asked the questions. Dennis Zaki
I had to post that pic, when I found out where the curious mark on the right side of his upper forehead came from. A lot of people were asking today, "How drunk WAS Don?"
Don and Ethan hugging photos coming later tonight, folks....
Was Don sober, Ethan?
I was there for the first half and noticed too the overwhelming number of "energy" questions that were asked. Granted, it's a big problem, but there are so many more things that need to be discussed, and this would have been the perfect opportunity. Whether Don was inebriated or not, I can't say, but he did seem far more conciliatory than I've seen in the past. I nearly choked when he began scolding SUV drivers for wasting gas -- suddenly he's an environmentalist??
The horror !
Another photo of The Dom to scare the youth of Alaska away!
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