She is. And she does want to know and understand what other people think.
Since back around the time of Moore's Gilliard Award at Netroots Nation last summer, friends have asked me scores of times if I knew whether Shannyn might or might not be thinking of running against Sen. Lisa Murkowski this year. I've watched people ask Shannyn the same question. She has not said "yes." Instead, she has engaged people who asked her that, wanting to know what they think about the race.
Moore, who took the flak for what other bloggers had written or said last summer, over the 4th of July weekend, knows how to deal with opponents who want to marginalize or threaten her. She welcomes dialog with staunch conservatives like Rep. Bob Lynn, a retiring legislator who has come to genuinely respect her. Lynn, after a session on Moore Up North told me that Shannyn is one of the most remarkable journalists he has met.
On Moore's KUDO radio show last week, she effectively questioned the motives of Sen. Murkowski's stifling of a change to the liability limits oil companies have enjoyed since 1990, for their handling of oil spills they cause. Defending BP, whose chronic pattern of criminal negligence has most recently emerged (or not emerged) 100 miles SSE of New Orleans, Murkowski killed the bill. She claimed a change might hurt "Mom & Pop" offshore drilling operations. Moore, on her show, that is now sometimes being simulcast nationwide, observed that she'd like to know which "Mom & Pop" offshore drilling or oil exploration operarations Murkowski meant.
There are none.
All this while evidence is mounting that BP's fuckup will probably kill about 50,000 Mom & Pop businesses that don't drill offshore.
Moore is very knowledgeable about neighborhood, Anchorage, Southcentral, Alaska and worldwide issues. Perhaps more so than anyone else who might consider running against Murkowski this year.
Moore is unique, in that she is the first Alaska liberal or progressive who has gained a nationwide progressive audience. In 2008, that nationwide progressive audience delivered Mark Begich over $200,000 in campaign contributions. One source alone, Blue America, was Begich's biggest single cash cow. And Blue America, which is very progressive, didn't consider Mark to be particularly liberal when it came to assessing how he might have an impact on the Senate. They just knew he was viable and that he might defeat Sen. Ted Stevens.
Moore 2010 could easily raise four or five times as much off the web as Begich 2008. What Murkowski did last week to protect BP could work against the senator in Alaska just as well as it might Outside, by a well-run, focused campaign. If people here and in the lower 48 thought Moore were viable, she might raise up to $2,000,000 or more on the web.
Moore, with her powerful life story, Alaska roots, understanding of how to perceive both sides of issues, and ability to intensely focus, when compared to Murkowski's increasing parallels to the MO of her failed father, might be far more viable than most think.
Should we draft Shannyn Moore for the U.S. Senate Alaska Democratic Party primary in 2010?
DRAFT Shannyn Moore???
ABSOLUTELY!!! So long as she could keep her radio show! Shannyn would go right after Murkowski. She would pull no punches and say what everyone else is thinking.
Murkowski would have no place to hide.
I live in California and I would absolutely support Shannyn Moore!!!
Shannon Moore's one of the few people I can think of who might be able to avoid cognitive capture by lobbyists, but is also charismatic enough to possibly influence some things.
I doubt that 2010 progressive fundraising will be anything like 2008 though. After the disappointment of Obama, I'm going to be much more reluctant to open my meager wallet.
if shannyn's willing, i'll support her. and i'm from CA currently living in NC
You're shittin' me, right ?
I live in Alaska and would absolutely vote for Shannyn. Her mind is agile and open. She could revamp the view of Alaska women politicians. I think we in Alaska sometimes forget how many progressive and positive women are in our midst. Unlike Palin, Shannyn is not afraid to debate one on one. She is kind, respectful and most of all informed. Lisa is kind, respectful, informed but not particularly trustworthy.
Tired of trying to hold down a real job huh?
Hell, I might vote for the bird if she refused a paycheck except for a dollar a year.
Well, I wouldn't vote for her but it would be refreshing to see a lefty that wasn't making money off the rest of the world.
And don't tell me about the rich right considering anyone that voted for Oblahma are either extremely wealthy or receiving hand outs. Maybe both...
I would volunteer to work on her campaign. Love her, love her, lover her.
Whoops! ...just love her. What a typo!
I would vote for Shannyn in a heartbeat. But I don't know what I'd do with myself between 11:00 and 2:00 every day if she won.
Yes I would vote for her if she ran. But I think we need her to continue her job as journalist more. There are only a few real journalists left, Shannyn Moore is one, Amy Goodman from Democracy Now is another. Murkowski HAS to go! But there are more people qualified to do the job Murkowski was hired to do. It doesn't matter who runs though, because only the person with the big corporations backing is going to win. This country is no longer by the people for the people, it is by the corporation for the corporation! Murkowski obviously paid her dews this week!
I have been giving to one person instead of the democratic pary itself because I do not like all the democrats in congress and yes I would give to Shannyn(Gladly)
If there is a will there is a way. What does SM want to do? She would surely give a possitve showing and continue her progresive campaine on a much bigger stage.
The political will of the USA changes very slowly. SM has the smarts to speed up America...... and act like true leaders for the world.
America... the kindom of balance....SM would work for the truth, work for the common person, work for the future good of the planet, and work for the greater peace and health between all people.
Yes she would get my vote, but not my nebors that work in the north slope.
Well Sarah got a few votes for her good looks and I do not think it would be a crime if a few guys voted for Shannyn because she is ONE HOT Sexy Babe.
Best photo shoot wins.
It would be a lot more fun than Begich v Stevens
I am a Republican who will vote for Lisa in the General.
But, I think Lisa and the State would benefit from thoughtful and vigorous challenge. If we give Lisa a free ride she will not grow, will not have to get her hands dirty and listen to the people and will get to feel a little more omnipotent.
Run Shannyn Run, do the State a favor and who knows what will happen down the road
Noooo... Shannyn's smart, but not that smart. We don't need another Sarah out there representing Alaska.
Jon, how can you possibly compare Shannyn Moore with Sarah Palin? It would be difficult to find two more dissimilar human beings.
Hell ya i would vote for Shannyn. But is that what she really wants? I think her position now in the media is as/ifnot more important than office.
IIRC, Shannyn would not have to quit either of her shows - radio or TV - to run for the U.S. Senate. I suppose that, in the post-Citizens United world, all she would have to do would be to declare herself a corporation and it would be unconstitutional to stop her program's free speech.
Phil, I agree with your other comment that Shannyn's work as a journalist and broadcaster is likely the best option right now. Plus, I don't think Shannyn could beat Lisa, not even close, so one has to pick their battles and do good where they can. A senate run would definitely give Shannyn more attention and put her name out there...which would likely get more people interested in her show(s) and writings, which is a plus, but the downside is it would sure take a lot of her time away from other things.
anon @ 1:09 - different Phil
Yes, I would vote for Shannyn.
Though I think Shannyn has a more important job right now. The loudest voices heard coming out of Alaska right now are really not doing Alaskans any good. With the Quitter Palin and BP and big oil's personal Senate advocate Murkowski spewing there rhetoric all over national media. We need Shannyns voice inside and outside Alaska.
I'd have to make sure Digby and Amato are on board but I'm certain that Blue America would enthusiastically endorse her and help raise money for her.
Music to my ears. I'll pass that on.
Shannyn would obviously have my vote, but a statewide contest would take her out of the radio show seat, leaving us the vacuum that we're very much, and sadly, accustomed to. We need to work on cementing a sustainable progressive Alaskan infrastructure, and if Shannyn leaves her post at KUDO just as it is reaching a meaningful crescendo, I am at a bit of a loss as to how we keep the momentum going.
I guess that she's too good to fool around with such lower callings such as the Anchorage Assembly or the State House.
You are seriously off your rocker on this one Phil, I say go for it though, nobody listens to her on KUDO (certainly nobody is advertising with her, oops, except for the Museum Source) and her thing on KYES doesn't exactly air in a time slot that gives her great exposure.
Look how much trouble Begich had knocking off a corrupt Ted Stevens, and you seriously think that SM can raise that kind of money and profile to take out Little Murky ?
Bwahahahahaha......dude, I want what you're smoking.....
"If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve."
Gen. William Sherman
As I told you Friday, I have priorities that trump any sort of campaign for any office.
Whatever you do next, I'm supporting your efforts.
You're not even half as crazy as Gen. Sherman, but you're as good a strategist as he was, so keep campaigning, whether for office or for positive, liberal and progressive realities.
quick fact check: Bob Lynn is not retiring, he's facing a primary challenge from Steve Pratt.
I'm hearing otherwise, thank you.
Always the possibility - but if so, Pratt hadn't heard about it as of a fundraiser last week.
I'm with Jon. The only foundation SM has is SP. Sorry, but positive progressive media is not what she is doing. We do not need another journalist reporter cashing in on the SP cow.
The frenzy around SM is as alarming as the SP circus, and as frightening.
Lets look at this with some wisdom. Once Ms. Shannyn is compared with Mrs.Lisa, family value will come into play. A husband goes a long way not some live in woman friend. This is the American way and Ms. Shannyn will be seen as disrupting what God created. Ain't that right? WWW
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