Saturday, October 23, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect


Anonymous said...

That's the first sleezy thing I've seen come out of Scott McAdams' campaign. Guess he was trying to fool us when he presented himself as being above such crap.

Melissa S. Green said...

I notice that Anonymous at 12:33 AM misspelled sleazy. Wonder how he or she will do any better in writing in a candidate's name.

Merrycricket said...

Anon @ 12:33: I find nothing sleazy about this. You have no sense of humor. This ad is quite amusing and a refreshing change from the vitriol of late.

Anonymous said...

That's a great ad! Clever and doesn't sling mud.

Anonymous said...

That's a very clever ad. I can't imagine any Alaskan who wouldn't get a laugh out of it except for Joe Miller, Sarah & Tawd.

WakeUpAmerica said...

What's sleazy? That's funny as hell, and being from California, I don't have a dog in this fight. BTW, please send your posse down to pick up the Tundra Turd. We pay good taxes to keep our air clean, and she's polluting it. Someone? Anyone?

frsbdg said...

Anon @ 12:33 - This ad didn't come out of the McAdams campaign because I made it myself. And I took great care not to sling any mud at anyone. If folks really want her to be their Senator, then by all means they should vote for her. This video was intended for Dems and Independents who wouldn't have dreamed of voting for her if Joe Miller were not in the race.

Glad other folks enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

I am loving this !
Thank you!
Had already picked up it was not a sanctioned campaign ad for Mr McAdams.
Needed some laughs after getting bombarded with LM mailers and a stupid, stupid phone call from her campaign...
Someone tell me why her campaign would call a Democratic household and inform them that LM is running against JM and not say one frickin word about Mr McAdams? Not one word?


Anonymous said...

I love it-- there's nothing sleazy about this. It's good humor. What I love is how the Democrats are on an even keel. Both republican candidates have talking points that their supporters throw out, the Democrats are more diversified and have their own ideas and ways of expressing the same things. It's great!

Anonymous said...

Vote Scott McAdams! Yes, I enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

What a great ad! Will this be televised?


Bonsai66 said...

Now this is a great ad!!!

Hope you don't mind if I spread it around the internet. It's funny as all heck.

Philip Munger said...


Anonymous said...

I'm very glad to find out that Scott McAdams did not sanction this ad. It is beneath him.

Anonymous said...

It's not an ad. It's a joke.