Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”
Many suspected that when Ms. Palin retired as the governor of Alaska last summer she was doing so to pursue some sort of career in television. The Fox News deal, however, would not seem to be all encompassing, and would appear to give her room for other pursuits, as well.
The deal could be formally announced as early as this afternoon. Robert Barnett, Ms. Palin’s attorney, did not respond to a call for comment.
Any guesses as to what kinds of programs they'll be having the Crazy Woman create or host?
A commenter at Andrew Sullivan's blog, The Daily Dish, teaches a class in which "The subject matter includes lots of critical thinking. Politics is a common topic. We have frequent opinionated political discussion which usually feeds rich, committed writing."
The teacher writes that witnessing student reactions to Sarah Palin has been baffling:
They succeed and come off as smart, articulate, mature, and balanced.
Except when it comes to Sarah Palin.
My conservative students can't discuss or write about Palin to my satisfaction. These conservative kids can be intelligently critical of Obama and his policies; of the wars; of Bush and torture and the Constitution, and so on. They can make arguments that touch on religion and social issues they care strongly about without sliding into emotion or fallacy. They can dispute with the other students in a thoughtful and orderly way over most issues.
But when Palin enters the conversation, they become adamant, unthinking partisans. The eyes go blank. They seem starstruck and smile a lot (girls and boys.) They do not dispute evidence that she was unqualified or ill informed; they just ignore it. When they returned from an appearance Palin made nearby, four of my students behaved like they'd seen Miley Cyrus, not a potential leader of the free world. When it comes to Palin 2012, they tend to nod knowingly with a little secret smile and say "You'll see."
The information on Palin, as portrayed in Sunday's 60 Minutes episode, would be devastating to most American politicians. Or commentators, for that matter. Why does anyone want to have anything at all to do with such a proven, untrustworthy, pathological liar?
As of next month, I will have been observing Palin's rise in politics for 19 years. As much as I've gotten to know her, the roots of this unseemly national fascination with Palin remain a mystery to me. I'm as baffled as the teacher quoted above.
image - Zina Saunders
Somewhat off topic, but the Zina Saunders picture reminded me:
The myth is out there that Sarah Palin is a hunter and able to "field dress a moose", and this has been promoted as part of her qualifications for higher office.
I've learned that there are very little sources out there other than Sarah Palin herself that this is a real story, not myth. In fact, what I've read and seen proves the opposite.
There aren't many pictures of Sarah Palin hunting, but what ones there are show her kneeling or standing over the body of a dead caribou (no moose!) and there is nary a rifle in sight. You'd think if she had shot the beast herself she would have her rifle near like Zina Saunders' portrayal of her.
Then, there's that ridiculous picture (and video) of the Army guy showing Palin a rifle used for target practice, and she's holding it in a way that would break her collarbone if it went off; her eye isn't anywhere near the scope eyepiece; AND SHE'S GOT HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER!!
Man, I'd love to see someone try to compile all the visual evidence into one place that proves Sarah Palin is not what she's talked up to be, whether it's what she's said or what others have dreamed up.
That series of pictures of her Hawaii vacation is a snarky start.
(my WV is "suirce")
I'm not surprised to see that the ADN, as usual, has disabled comments on their report of this story.
"Man, I'd love to see someone try to compile all the visual evidence into one place that proves Sarah Palin is not "
Or you could try getting a life...
"As much as I've gotten to know her, the roots of this unseemly national fascination with Palin remain a mystery to me. I'm as baffled as the teacher quoted above."
Says the obsessive who only gets any comments on this blog when he runs yet another predictable attack on Sarah Palin.
"Why does anyone want to have anything at all to do with such a proven, untrustworthy, pathological liar?"
Because he's the President of The United States !!
"When they returned from an appearance Palin made nearby, four of my students behaved like they'd seen Miley Cyrus,"
Interesting to see the leftist bigots of academia sneering down at their students because they don't swallow the Obama Kool Aid.
That's not at all what's being said.
But anon 2:09's (and the prev anon) obvious lack of reading comprenhension skills helps explain how someone like Paylin gets followers.
"But anon 2:09's (and the prev anon) obvious lack of reading comprenhension (sic) skills "
But anon 2:16's spelling skills explain how a lightweight like Obama gets followers.
Speaking of Obama and liars...who was it who promised that the Healthcare debate would be on C-SPAN but then refused to allow it ? Why that's right ! It was Obama...that man with the lack of a "Negro dialect" (Copyright : Harry Reid - Democrat)
elites still need the peasants to be distracted long enough that they vote against their own self interest. $350 fee to hear Sarah Palin how to tea bag
I knew it all along; it's mind control. She's a Vulcan!
"$350 fee to hear Sarah Palin how to tea bag"
Translation anyone ?
The so-called "teacher" quoted from Andrew "Ghostwriter" Sullivan's blog says this about his students..
"They succeed and come off as smart, articulate, mature, and balanced.
Except when it comes to Sarah Palin.
My conservative students can't discuss or write about Palin to my satisfaction."
Get that ? These "smart, mature, balanced, kids" can't write about Palin TO HIS SATISFACTION ! What a bigotted creep...like most Leftists he expects EVERYONE to think like him otherwise they must be deranged.A classic example of the liberal mind in action...frightening that so many of our kids are subject to this propaganda every school day
heteros tea bag convention $350
Speaking of Bush/Cheney/Rove(aka Turd Blossom) and liars..... or did you forget about the eight years of prevarication that ran this country straight into the sewer. Obama has been here for one. I think I'll put my money on him to help this country.
shannyn announced today that she got her weekday radio show on KUDO back!! 11 to 2 mon.-fri. beginning the 18th.
can't wait to listen.
Fox is perfect for Sarah Sulahi Gosselin Heene Palin-----Grifter Extraordinaire and husband/family.
Getting paid after so much lying ---to lie some more. I am sure we will hear many more lies--death panels, etc., etc., etc.
"Obama has been here for one. I think I'll put my money on him to help this country."
Are you talking about the same guy who has just tripled our national debt, has increased unemployment by 4,000,000 and has cut Medicare by billions of dollars ? Why not just flush your money down the toilet ?
This is great news !!! Clever move by both Sarah Palin and FOX. This way Palin gets more exposure without being ambushed by the Democrats Media Machine....and FOX consolidate their Number One spot as the nation's leading News outlet. It's a win, win situation !!
Anon@6:36 PM,
No, we're not talking about ex-president Bush, who railroaded an unfunded Medicare Rx plan through Congress, forcing our current President to attempt to patch all the holes in the economy dike Bush neglected.
Does "anon" who's in love with Palin actually say anything about why he likes her, why he supports her? Let's hear it anon. Let's hear about how intelligent she is and how coherent she is when she speaks. Do you honestly think that 100% of the negative things written or said about Palin from the McCain camp (especially recently) is false? Every. Single. Thing? Do you believe that every single negative telling piece of insight from someone who worked with her (pre-McCain) is false? So nothing that anyone says about her that isn't 100% glowing and positive makes you think that there might be one iota of truth in there? If that's how it is, it's a bizarre thought process. It's blind belief with no basis in fact or even something less static, like deductive reasoning. If you found that trait in someone who glorified Obama, you'd say the same thing I'm saying. But people like you who support Palin are, for the most part, unreasonable in your support, seeing in her NO faults at all, whereas I, for example, like Obama but see many blunders and room for improvement. You can't get away with saying "I've never said Palin is perfect" because you so clearly, by your posts, are exactly like 99% of the C4Pers, who can't fathom for one moment that even ONE detail that they don't like spoken about Palin, could actually be true. It would shatter your view of reality to have to admit you'd been 'had' by a woman who is only in it for herself, who is an intellectual featherweight and cares ONLY about fame and money, and absolutely nothing else. For one moment, imagine that Palin really did not understand much about any previous world history or why we are in Iraq, or her inability to grasp foreign policy, even if just slightly so. Imagine if she really was "unresponsive" in a bizarre way that Schmidt described. I don't think you can admit it publicly, because it will make the whole facade of Sarah Palin disappear from your and her carefully constructed reality.
Do you not question yourself as to why you "believe" in her the way you would let faith guide your religious belief?
I'll never understand anyone who thinks Palin is intelligent in domestic and world affairs or that she could have an open Q&A with reporters or people from both sides of the political aisle (this will NEVER, EVER happen... mark my words) It's as foreign a thought to me as putting Paris Hilton in the White House.
Interesting rant, Postergirl. My question back to you would be why do you and the other ranting Leftists hate Palin so much. She is no more honest or crooked as any other politician. Why do you not turn your ire against Chris Dodds who is possibly the most corrupt politician of the last 25 years ? Why do you continue to treat the painfully inexperienced Obama as some kind of God ? Is your liberal racial guilt really so deeply ingrained that you had to vote for him despite his cover-ups, his lies and his woeful inability to run anything ? Where is your disgust that he attended a racist Church for 20 years but claimed he didn't hear any of the bad stuff that Rev.Wright preached ? Where is your concern that all Obama's university records have been sealed ? Why do you not question how a below average student from Occidental College miraculously got granted admission to prestigious Columbia University ? Why are you not aghast that Obama was close friends with a man who plotted to kill American troops and cops ? Why are you not sickened that Obama betrayed an African-American woman to get his first seat in office ? Why are you not curious how Obama got such a good deal on his house in Chicago ? Why are you not angry that Obama cheated Hilary Clinton out of the Democratic Primary ? As a woman why are you not sickened by Obama's repeated opposition to the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act and how he lied about it ? Why are you not upset that Obama lied about the Healthcare debate being on C-Span ?
Do you not question yourself as to why you "believe" in him the way you would let faith guide your religious belief?
"No, we're not talking about ex-president Bush,"
That's right, we are NOT talking about ex-President Bush. We are talking about the incompetent, inexperienced, bumbling, Chicago hack who is destroying the American economy with his failed Stimulus, his
quagmire of a Healthcare plan, his trillions of dollars of increased debt and his crew of corrupt cronies (including the hapless Harry "No Negro dialect" Reid). Face it, this is the most useless administration in recent history...they've ticked off our friends and emboldened our enemies. The Joker is in the White House.
Her higher calling was for her higher tax bracket by taking the money from people with mostly less than half the income she started with. God told her to plunder the wealth of the very gullible people. After all it works for Beck why not her. She is like a televangelist do as I say not as I do, and by the way send me your money so I can continue to fool you to send me more money.
It's very disturbing that McCain and his staff found out the truth about $P and did not send her packing right back to AK. They cared so little about this country that they continued the lie themselves that is $P.
"Her higher calling was for her higher tax bracket by taking the money from people with mostly less than half the income she started with."
Can anyone translate this into understandable English ?
"and by the way send me your money so I can continue to fool you to send me more money."
Hey, isn't that the Democrats' slogan for California ?
If you disagree with the Blog and all the commenters, why are you here?
You'd fit in real nicely at RedState or WingNutDaily.
Sarah is going to be a guest, now and then. She might occasionally host a show. But Murdoch has already had some experience dealing with her, and isn't about to sign her to a contract that puts any dependence on her showing up or contributing anything of substance.
"If you disagree with the Blog and all the commenters, why are you here?"
To bring you a glimpse of the real world outside the Palin-bashing hate-fest you bitter Leftists congregate in. I think of it as part of my duty as a humanitarian.
at 1/11 8:13: a lot of those are wedge issues you guys brought up before the election [more than a year ago, when your party lost in a landslide]. to bring all that up again now seems a little, uh, crazy and pointless.
Hey guess what, Clark...I think that was the point that anon @ 8.13 was making. Why do you guys keep bellyaching about Palin and going over the same points when there are much huger issues facing the country ? We're watching the country implode under an unpopular, corrupt government that refuses to be transparent or listen to the people and all you do is bitch about Palin. Some people love her, you don't...get over it !
palin 'quit' her job.
Most definitions of the word 'retire' mention age or health as a reason.
Unless of course, you are referring to her mental health health, and then indeed she retired as Gov.and sane lady
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