Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Katie Hurley's Odyssey - The Current Chapter

Katie Hurley may be Alaska's greatest living Democrat. She is certainly the most inspirational, especially to women and young people.

Just two years ago, she trudged through another late summer like this one - so wet and chilly, it must have seemed at times she was swimming from car to household door. She campaigned, going from door to door in her Alaska House District, telling people she thought she was more fit for that House seat than a guy now entering the Federal criminal justice stream.

Katie is used to swimming against the current, against the tide, sharing her vision of a democratic and Democratic Party Alaska.

Katie gave the keynote speech at Wednesday's opening in Palmer of the new Barack Obama office here. So far, offices for the Illinois Senator's campaign have opened in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai - and Palmer.

John McCain has yet to open an office anywhere in Alaska, and his campaign has stated they have no plans to open one.

Katie spoke of how, just two or three years ago, she couldn't have imagined this opening, the enthusiasm in the room, this creative, hardworking positive energy, driven by a determination to drive out selfish, crooked politicians, mired in corruption and ineptitude.

Back in 2006, when Katie refused to let Vic Kohring run unchallenged, she knew she was running against an inept crook. The voters returned him to office anyway.

She sees things as very different now. She described some of the ebb and flow of progressive ideas in Alaska over the years, and vividly reminisced about meeting John F. Kennedy on one of his Alaska visits, in 1958.

Katie, in her 80s, is as sharp as a tack. And so are the people helping organize up here in the Valley. From our local victories on school board elections, local government elections and utility board elections, we've gone on to the huge February caucus turnout, our Area's impressive State Convention organizing efforts, and - to this.

I was so happy to be there!

image of Katie Hurley, and of about 1/3 of the turnout for the Obama opening


  1. She is so inspirational...and so much fun!

    I'm glad you were there too, Phil, and I wish we could have been!

  2. I love Katie! Thank you for doing such a nice post about her. it is great to see what she has been doing. Katie was my friend and political mentor when I lived in Alaska. I was a young mom with three little kids under the age of 3. I learned much of what I know from this incredible woman. If you see her again, please tell her Paula says hi and my email is -- thanks!

    Oh and as someone who's known Vic for 20 years (I'm married to his brother), I will say he is not a crook, he is inept however.

    Paula Rigby-Kohring
