Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big Valley Democratic Party Happenings Today and Thursday --- BE THERE

Four offices for Democratic candidates are opening in Palmer today and Thursday. Barack Obama and Ethan Berkowitz today; David Cheezem and Erick Cordero Thursday, all within walking distance of each other.

If you bring your umbrella or raingear...

Three of the four candidates will be there. Senator Obama will be elsewhere. He'll be ending a visit to Berlin on Thursday, after giving what I predict will have been one of the most important speeches by an American in Europe in a while.

David Cheezem is running for the Alaska House District 13 seat, now held by one of the least energetic Republicans currently sleeping in occupying a chair in Juneau - Carl Gatto.

Erick Cordero is running against Linda Menard, who has already scared Lyda Green out of the 2008 race. Lets hope Erick, perhaps the most meteoric and progressive new political candidate in the Mat-Su Valley, can scare Linda at least as much. I think he will.

They'll have adjacent offices to AK-AL U.S. House candidate Ethan Berkowitz, who is running what savvy Alaskans feel to be a rapidly tightening primary race against Diane Benson, one of the most progressive and courageous candidates in Alaska history.

The Obama opening is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 268 E. Fireweed Avenue, Suite 5.

The Berkowitz event is from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday at 836 South Colony Way.

The Cheezem and Cordero
events are from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Thursday at 836 South Colony Way

Erick and David are far more viable as candidates than some believe them to be.

Bring your checkbooks for these guys!

I'll be at all the openings.

images - Erick and David


  1. David is fantastic. I don't know much about Erik at all, but David owns the Fireside Bookstore and anyone who owns a bookstore with so much character is my kinda guy!

  2. Erick doesn't stand a chance, but more power to him for spending time and other people's money in running for the Legislature.
