Monday, January 14, 2008

Erin and Hig nearing Eureka

Erin McKittrick e-mailed me Sunday evening from a cabin just east of Eureka. As she put it, "so, as often happens with us, things took a bit longer than expected..."

Well, Erin, that's part of the territory when you do what nobody in the history of the human race has done before.

Soon after she and Hig leave Eureka, they'll be reaching the headwaters of the Matanuska River. From there to Palmer, it will be all downhill. OK - and uphill, but mostly downhill. I'm not sure how much pack rafting they'll be able to accomplish on the Mat River in mid-winter, but I'm sure they'll be able to decide what's best.

I'm hoping to participate in hosting a slide show about the progress of Hig and Erin's trip from Seattle to Unimak Island at UAA on the 29th of January. More on this as it develops.

Update - Monday 10:00 a.m: Just off the phone with Erin. They'll be hitting the trail again this morning, and hope to be getting into the Sutton area in about a week.

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