Sunday, January 13, 2008

ethics, Ethics, ETHICS!

A couple more items before I head out to a full work week.

Last week I was volunteering for the Mat-Su Democrats, as we prepare for the February 5 District and State Caucuses. On Friday I went into state Democratic Party HQ to see if they have posters and other stuff we can put up on the walls for the caucus.

I was immediately struck by how many young people were in the state HQ. And they were busy. They were also helpful, informed and on-topic. But what impressed me the most was how pumped they are. It wasn't just youthful enthusiasm. I got the feeling that they know they've got a major role in rebuilding the Democratic Party in Alaska this year, and that they're looking forward to the work and to the results.

And they'll have their hands full! The GOP party members outnumber Democrats in Alaska almost two to one. But both party's memberships are dwarfed by the numbers here with no affiliation. Robert Dillon published an article in the Fairbanks News-Miner today that looks into what pollsters think will be driving voters to the polling booth in November. Corruption, ethics and Ivan Moore's quaint term, "electability," top the pollsters' lists.

Tomorrow, Alaskans for Clean Elections will be turning in their petitions for a voter initiative designed to revamp election financing here.

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