Monday, January 14, 2008

Alaskans For Clean Elections Celebrate!

I just got an e-mail from Michelle Meyer, the Campaign Director for Alaskans for Clean Elections. Here's what Michelle says:

THANK YOU everyone
who helped us take this first step towards Clean Elections in Alaska.

Alaskans for Clean Elections turned in over 32,000 signatures to the Division of Elections today and thanks to a whole host of volunteers, we had already verified 23,920. The total we needed to get was 23,831. So barring any unforeseen occurrences, we'll be on the 2008 ballot.

There will be much work ahead, but tonight we would like to celebrate so please join us if you can:

6pm Whale's Tale in the Captain Cook Hotel downtown at 939 West 5th Avenue.

To everyone outside of Anchorage please know that we'll be thinking of you and we thank you again for your hard work. We needed to get a significant percentage of signatures in 30 out of 40 state house districts and we did it in 34 districts!

To your credit, we anticipate that a full third, or 11,000 signatures, have been gathered by volunteers.

I think this might be a new high number for volunteer participation in initiative signature gathering in Alaska!

We could not have done it without you.


This is an important event, an important milestone for Alaskans. I don't think people can yet tell quite what effect this will have on the November 2008 election, but I am hoping that the presence of this initiative on the ballot will help to draw more young people, more disenchanted independents, more disillusioned Democrats and who knows what else out to vote - all of whom will help 2008 be the best year in recent memory for Progressive, Liberal and Moderate Alaska voters and candidates. It helps frame our side as positive, earnestly seeking change from a corrupt regime that has hurt our state and its citizens. Which is the way we should be seen.

photo - Michelle Meyer with staff and petitions. Do they look happy? Duh...

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