Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter Fifty-Three -- Fuck You, Eddie Burke!



CelticDiva said...

Oh my God, I second this, third this and vote a resounding YES, YES, YES!!!!

I'm off to support the "Gays" as Kathy Griffin would say! See you at the rally at noon!

I talked to Harriet Drummond last night, she believes it's gonna be HUGE!!!!

CelticDiva said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bigot Burke needs to come to terms with his long-suppressed homosexual tendencies.

Say a prayer for Poor Eddie, he needs your compassion more than your rage right now.

Philip Munger said...

anon @ #4 - He's testing a lot of peoples' patience. Thanks for reminding me to be peaceful, though...

Anonymous said...

I wish this post had a different heading - it's important to share it, but I know that many of my parents friends who I would send it to would not even click to open because of the "fuck."

Anonymous said...

Just about the funniest thing that I've seen in a while is how Brian Lamb of CSPAN, handled a similar incident with radio talker, Michael Savage.

If you remember, Savage encouraged his listeners to bombard Lamb with hateful letters and messages about a speech that Savage had given, and CSPAN refused to air. Not on the grounds of its content, but because of their longstanding policy of not airing canned speeches.

Lamb read the letters on the air, vitriol and all, and read the names of the people who sent them.

I'd encourage those with the actual audio to save those messages and post them on the internet for all to hear.

Or give them to me so I can make ID's out of them !


Anonymous said...

anon 10:27 nailed it. The right wingnut nationalist clan use fighting words to instigate feebleminded trouble makers. The wingnuts' problems are: 1) fighting words are not constitutionally protected speech, and 2) freedom of speech only refers to freedom of expression concerning government action. There is no protected speech to call someone out or to instigate crimes against others.

Yes, Eddie, your actions can disprove that "It Can't Happen Here" - Sinclair Lewis.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Burke gave away their cell phone numbers over the public airwaves? How is that legal? Who owns this radio station? How is this guy still on the air?

Resorting to petty remarks like "maggots, baby killers."


How can I get Eddie Burke's cell phone number? haha!

Anonymous said...