Thursday, June 4, 2009

Please Disregard This FBI Video

My longtime friend Fred James, Vic Kohring's closest friend, and staunch supporter throughout the indictment, trial and internment (or, first trial and internment) phases of Kohring's odyssey, will be writing Progressive Alaska's main article on former Rep. Vic Kohring's impending release from prison.

I understand Vic is free to go, but preferred to stay through today's dinner. s/

Update - 4:15 p.m: Just off the phone with Fred James. Fred indicates that communication last week between Vic's attorney, John Henry Browne, and Attorney General Holder, may have had a bearing on Holder's decision. Fred is waiting to hear from Vic on a release date and time, but expects it to be within 48 hours of the AG's announcement.

Kohring had been scheduled to be transferred to the Sheridan OR Federal facility, early next week. His custody level had become low enough that Kohring's now-superseded travel arrangements would have allowed for him to hop on the nearest bus, and report to Sheridan within 24 hours, without other restrictions.

I'h hoping to get Kohring's permission to print Browne's letter to Holder here. Additionally, I've asked Fred to invite Kohring to write a post for Progressive Alaska, upon Vic's release.

As is being noted elsewhere, PA notes that the US DOJ has yet to clarify what Kohring and Kott's legal positions will be, other than that they are being released from incarceration.


  1. Phil,
    I hope, that at the very least, misconduct charges are brought against the federal prosecutors in these cases.

    Though I'm not pleased with the results, I'm glad that AG Eric Holder is proving that he will adhere to the rule of law, even if it means admitting screw-ups.

    Talk about Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory™!

    Shades of Ted Stevens.

  2. The Bush 'legacy' is torture, quagmire, and epic every level of government. It was a reverse-Midas touch.

  3. I wonder if this has anything to do with John and Debbie.

    I'm not surprised by this at all, at least in Kohring's case.

    I've always felt that the judge had too many conflicts of interest to be hearing Vic's case.

    I wonder what, if anything, the prosecution screwed up.

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