Thursday, June 4, 2009

Max Blumenthal Interviews Young People Living in the Country of "Our Greatest Ally in the Middle East"

And this ad was carried in many Israeli newspapers over the past four or five days:
I hope that Sen. Mark Begich's staff helps get our Senator aware of how much love is being sent the way of our President by this country to which our Senate gives billions and billions with "no strings attached."


  1. Great film as always Max. DZ

  2. I weep at what my country has come to.

    My grandparents could taste the hate in Warsaw. They sent my mother to Morocco to stay with distant relatives, and she met and married my father in an improbable series of events when he served as a Marine guard to FDR.

    They died in a camp whose name I will never speak.

    I lived in a Kibbutz. I fought in the '68 war, and thought it was a righteous fight. I killed Arabs and Egyptians gladly.

    This is so painful. How did we devolve from our righteous place on the hill to ignorant brats?

  3. It is possible to find people who are ignorant everywhere. I don't think this is responsible use of media and gives too much weight to opinions of random, possibly inebriated individuals. Sorry, not all.

  4. Max B is a lightweight at best. I don't know why you put up with him.

  5. Too bad you don't fall in the Russian River and drown...gads your Jew hating self is so predictable and boring.


  6. Max Blumenthal Interviews Young People Living in the Country of "Our Greatest Ally in the Middle East"

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