Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Col. Ann Wright's Alaska Speaking and Appearance Schedule

Here is Col. Ann Wright's (U.S. Army Ret) speaking and appearance schedule for Alaska.

Yesterday, I posted about her Anchorage appearances, along with background links on this remarkable woman. Here's a more complete schedule, provided by Susan Bright, from Alaskans for Peace & Justice:

Wednesday May 13 -- Fairbanks

Public Talk: Can Obama Really Change U.S. Foreign Policy?

at Alaska Peace Center, 507 Gaffney Rd
Pot luck meal & informal discussion 6 pm • Presentation 7pm
Book signing (DISSENT: Voices of Conscience) following her presentation

Thursday May 14 -- Anchorage

1) Bartlett Democratic Club:
"Can Obama REALLY Change U.S. Foreign Policy?"

When: Thursday, May 14 from noon to 1 p.m. (or later)
Where: Denny's Restaurant, corner of Bragaw and DeBarr

2) "Heart to Heart Conversation: Gaza - Iraq - Afghanistan - Iran"

When: Thursday, May 14, 7-9 p.m.
Where: UAA, Rasmuson Hall, room 101
(the business center, across the glass bridge from the Wells Fargo Sports Complex and Student Union)

No charge - All welcome - There will be a book signing afterward.
Sponsors: Alaskans for Peace & Justice and Alaskans for Palestine

Friday May 15 -- Juneau

3:30pm - Interview on KTOO Juneau Afternoon

Public Talk: Can Obama Really Change US Foreign Policy
7:00 PM - UAS Egan Lecture Hall:
Sponsored by Juneau People for Peace and Justice, Veterans for Peace Chapter 100, Northern Light United Church Mission Committee, and University of Alaska Southeast
Point of Contact: Rich Moniak 907.957-1956

Saturday, May 16 -- Juneau

VFP Meeting (tentative)
Potluck Dinner: TBA

Sunday, May 17 -- Sitka

Public Talk: Point of Contact: Don Muller 907.747.6734

Monday, May 18, 2009 -- Ketchikan

Public Talk: Point of Contact: Perry Reeve 907. 225.0247

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