Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bristol Palin - Abstinence Fairy or Born-Again Hypocrite? - and Other Palin Humor

Lots of Palin humor on the web today. To begin with, the humor blog, Zaius Nation, did a post on May 7th, that is finally making the rounds, called Bristol Palin Has Miraculously Transformed Herself into the Abstinence Fairy. The above cartoon is part of the comedy article.

Last November, when the rumors of a Sarah Palin book deal first surfaced, I wrote posts for DailyKos and Oxdown Gazette, called "What Can We Title Palin's Book?" In mid-November, the USA had only known and loved the Palins for a bit over two and a half months.

Here we are in mid-May, six months later. Like the aging of a bottle of Thunderbird, another six months has given new meaning, new depth to the term "Palinism," so - of course - the book titles have more depth. Also.

Here were some of my favorites from November, 2008:

In What Respect, Sarah? (large print edition only)
I'll Get Right Back to Ya, OK?
Don't Blame It On Me!
A Bozo's Guide to Children's Names
The Lyin', The Bitchin', The Wardrobe to Nowhere (from fdl's punaise)
Snow Machine
I'll Ban THIS BOOK, Too!

Last night, at the Mudflats, commenters spontaneously started coming up with new titles like (skipping over titles and ideas similar to those last November):

Sarah: The Uncovered Truth In Her Own Words’ -- Followed by the sequel: “Sarah: The Uncovered Truth In Her Own Worlds”
“Progressing My Pocketbook in my Naughty Monkey shoes also”
The Silencing of the Turkeys
The Grapes of Graft
Sarah Palin - Corrupt but Unimpeachable

And DailyKos has a new book titling diary, called - simply - Name That Book. Hundreds of entries, and climbing. Here are a few of the top rated ones:

Bible Spice. Word Salad Made Easy. Also
Palintology: How Nominating Me For Vice President Helped Kill Off The Goposaur
Brain Freeze: The Sarah Palin Story
The Snows of Killing-a-Turkey
Sarah: The Most Important Person in the World

and on and on.

Meanwhile, Palinism has been joined in the Urban Dictionary by:

Palin Derangement Syndrome
Palin Moment
Palin Pipeline
Palin Principle
Palin Punk'd
Palin Spree
palin text
Palin Truth Squad
Palin Waffle
palin' it
Palin Waffle
Palin Wink
Palin's posse

and 31 other Palin-based definitions.

And I once thought Sen. Ted Stevens did more for creating internet art than any other Alaska politician possibly could.

Update - Wednesday 1:00 p.m: The Mudflats has a new post up - Name That Book!


  1. Pageant Walker: Why an AK Governor Wears Naughty Monkey Shoes

  2. These are great, Phil. I had one that i really liked in November...I'll have to find it.

  3. Keep 'em comin'

    mine for today - How Being a Part-Time Mom, Part-Time Governor and Full-Time Grifter Can Lead to Financial Freedom

  4. Clothes Force: The Life and Looks of Sarah Palin (full posing instructions on DVD insert)

  5. Jesus in Her Handbag: The Sarah Heath Palin Story

  6. Mother Load: How America's Future Depends on a Womb with a View

    "Sarah, smile!" How a Hall and Oates song inspired a political champion

  7. Phil - wonder what your understanding is of the timing of this book deal? And why cry poverty when she knew she was in the middle of negotiating a million dollar deal? I do not get it.

  8. Today' titles:

    Gird Your Loins

    Don't Cry For Me Wasilla - by Evita Heath Palin

    Circle The Wagons

    You're Not The Boss Of Me

    Per Diem

  9. Last one for today (promise):

    These Little Town Blues

  10. There's my personal favorite from last November - "The Audacity of Hype". And how about WAR & Sleaze?
    Didn't realize I just put up a thread with the same name as Kos... Guess I better go change that!

    Or how about "How to Promote Friends and Irritate People"?

    Too fun!

  11. liked the one from nov '08, something like How the Terrorist Won the White House.
    funny photo of the day, from a target store in the midwest.

  12. Phil,
    I am troubled by your inclusion of the link to Urban D. I wrote some time ago to them with reference to 2 Palin references regarding Palin baby. I requested they either change the word,remove it or remove the page and I nicely explained why but I see they don't give a rat's arse. I take offence to the descriptive word for the baby, having family diagnosed with same & working with Special Olympics.

    palinbaby 14 up, 18 down
    A retard not necessarily 100% to blame for their stupidity

    We all have fun at the Gov's expense but there is a line not to step over.

    I post under Anon here but do post at AKM's

  13. Enjoying conversation in Twitter with Artificially Intelligent Sarah:

    @saruhAI starts a conversation with what seems to be a scripted and artificially intelligent character.
