Monday, February 16, 2009

Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 29 -- "Bristol Can Be Used" Comes to Pass

It turns out that the focus of FOX News gossip maven Greta van Susteren's trip to Fairbanks and Wasilla this weekend will be her exclusive interview with Bristol Palin. Van Susteren, at her blog, promises several good looks at young Tripp:

ON THE RECORD at 10pm, 18 year old Bristol Palin with her son Tripp. This is her first interview (and yes, Governor Palin surprised us and joined us for a few minutes so you will hear her talk about her daughter and grandson. We had not expected the Governor to be there so we were delighted to talk to her.) You might be surprised by what Bristol has to say…

Greta was perturbed at some of the comments at her blog, and updated her blog post with:

….update: I have read some of the comments and see that some are nasty. I think the people who want to be nasty should “hold their fire” until they hear from Bristol and hear what she has to say, how she is handling the new addition to the family and what she plans to do. The people firing off the nasty comments are simply showing their hand…and tipping us off to how they approach life and problems themselves. Some people face problems head on and meet the challenge. Others fire off nasty comments. In this interview Bristol is in particular speaking to young women and I think young women would enjoy hearing her message (that’s a tease!)

Greta van Susteren is enabling Bristol's mom bring her mid-November statement to CNN's Larry King about her plans for her eldest daughter to fruition:

Bristol can be used as an example of Larry taking less than ideal circumstances and still making the best of these circumstances and that is who she is. She is strong, she is kindhearted, she is going to be just fine.

I wrote about how cynical I regarded Palin's comment to King to be
, at the time.

Van Susteren's ongoing fascination with the Palins is FOX at its best, eh? It begins showing in Alaska around 6:00p.m.

We don't get FOX, so I think I'll go check out "Religulous" from Blockbuster instead.


  1. So this is the "traditional American" set of family values that Palin has been promoting all this time:

    - Mom goes to 5 colleges in 6 years to get her degree.
    - Mom elopes (while pregnant?).
    - Mom has a quasi-affair with her husband's business partner.
    - Mom lies to her family about her latest pregnancy.
    - Eldest son has run-in with the law. Moves to Michigan for a year. Joins the Army.
    - Unwed teenage daughter gets knocked up, drops out of school, moves out of the house.
    - Other daughters are pulled out of school for several months to (unsuccessfully) help mom get elected.
    - Future son-in-law drops out of school, acquires an internship without meeting the eligibility requirements.
    - Daughter's future mother-in-law get busted for dealing drugs.

    Anything else?

  2. You don't get FOX? That's too bad... that's where I listen to all the quality reporting.

  3. Gov Palin has a fascinating parasitical relationship with the press.

  4. Hey, wait a damn minute!

    I thought Religulous wasn't available until tomorrow the 17th!!! WTH?

  5. Rligulous isn't available till tomorrow. We got W instead. Certainly one of Oliver Stone's better movies.

  6. to heck with van susteren's fascination, what about your obsession with palin ?

  7. His obsession with Palin... no.. Palin is not his obsession.. She is his governor.. He is STUCK with

    I would hazard a guess it is YOUR obsession that has you here commenting on HIS blog.

  8. Great media plan raises the People magazine circulation once those pictures come out.

    Can't knock a well planned money machine in a recession !

    Remember Palin has to be in the pictures for the maximum revenue from People! This is splitting hairs legally but Palin will prevail!

    Bristol thank state taxpayers for the subsidized birth! Those nasty Unions got you that wonderful healthcare!!!!! Damn government always helping people out!

  9. I am so sick of hearing GvS's name.
