Monday, February 16, 2009

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich Defends the Job Stimulus Bill

video by Dennis Zaki.

I wanted to make it into Anchorage to hear Sen. Begich, but didn't.


  1. The sheer hypocrisy of the Republican Party can be seen in the following exchange that was heard over and over again in the days preceding the final Congressional vote:

    "Senator (or Congressperson), will you vote in support of the stimulus package?"
    "Hell, no!"
    "Will you request or accept any funding tied to this package if it passes?"
    "Hell, yes!"

    It's the story of the "Little Red Hen". The GOP did not want to help bake the bread, but that will not stop them from wanting to participate in eating the bread.

    Members of Congress should have the courage of their convictions. If they voted against the stimulus package, then they should refuse any funding being directed toward their state or district.

  2. labman - I like that - "The Story of the Little Red Hen." I was saving the re-telling for when I have grand-kids, but...........

  3. I agree.. Mark Sanford and your own dear Sarah Palin..two of the people who complain about it the most yet they both have their hands stretched out the farthest.

    She keeps saying she wants no money, yet writes a letter wanting him to finance her pipeline, also expects the federal government to fund her road to Nome, but we don't want any

    Sanford is just as bad.. it's wasteful spending, it's nothing but pork, but we will take all we can get because we are broke and we need the money for unemployment, Baby Lindsay Graham sits on TeeVee Sunday morning and says it is nothing but a spending bill and it is pork it is waste, generational theft, and on and on, yet oh yeah we will take the money in SC, we would be fools not to.

    Chuck Schummer, said it best.. if the Republicans say they want something in the bill, then they won't vote for it.. take it out of the bill, or don't give them the money. I agree. The hell with them. Let them eat sand.

  4. Begich joined with the Republicans to cut education and healthcare funding from the stimulus bill and he was right there helping the Republicans insert more tax cuts and business tax incentives into the compromise.

    HIs first test of his progressive mettle and he ends up closeted with the opposition Republicans supporting their aims continue demonizing education and healthcare, while supporting that Repugnant cure-all the tax cuts and tax incentives.

    For Begich to talk up the stimulus bill now, after his work with the Republicans to discredit it and compromise it is simple posturing on the work of others, after all, he did all he could to help the opposition vandalize the bill during it's deliberations.

  5. Isn't it amusing Phil that all of these negative commenters on your blog are always "anonymous"?

  6. The sheer hypocrisy of the Republican Party can be seen ......

    So that progressive blogger believes that if a senator believes that this stimulus package is flawed and should be fixed then that Senator's State should get nothing from the bill. WTF kind of thinking is that?

    I pray that all progressives are not this stupid. I know Phil is not. But, he will probably quietly let the cheap shot go.

  7. at dennis -- this charming anony-mouse sounds suspiciously exactly like the person [calls itself 'freeper' there] who has turned the precinct 1080[old KUDO] forum site into a toxic waste dump. he's just a worthless, holier than thou gutter-sniper unless really backed into a corner -- then he turns green and his head spins around and he starts cursing and barfing...
    one the plus side, he says he is very well-informed and we could all learn a lot from him. he really has it in for begich, though.

  8. Clark - Sounds like a loser down in Ketchikan that just posts negative comments here also. He has waaaay too much time on his hands.

  9. neither dennis zaki nor clark have addressed the context of the issue raised when Begich joins with the Republicans and the blue dogs to compromise Democratic proposed spending.

    Taking their cue from the handbook of wingnut debate, they attempt lame and weak ad hominem attack rather than address the context of the issue of Begich's complicity.

    Avoiding completely Begich's complicity, they resort to unfounded and ill-conceived attempts at demeaning the character of the poster rather than address what was posted.

    Demonstrating only the irrelevance, the shallowness and the small mindedness of zaki and clark.
