Friday, November 14, 2008

Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 10 -- "Although She Did Energize the Base, She's An Embarrassment, Let's Face It"

That was Arianna Huffington, on the Rachel Maddow Show today. What are the odds that Palin is signing up to be interviewed by Rachel?


  1. Arianna is right, Palin is an embarrassment not just to herself but to Republicans nationwide. Palin's hatemongering karma is biting her in the ass.

  2. Maybe Rachel can cut through the gibberish and force Sarah into finally giving a straight answer - one can only hope :)


  3. u r blog Is very nice

  4. i saw a funny line on dKos -- attributed to paul begala as i recall. after someone told him that some percentage of republicans think palin should be their new leader [56%? something like that, whatever], he says, "yeah! and 100 percent of democrats!".
