Saturday, November 15, 2008

Palin at the GOP Governors Conference


  1. So Phill,
    you can now be considered part of the paparazzi that follows Palin around.

    Yeah, I know you didn't take the video, nor did you take the shot of Palin in her pumps with the guy between the legs, but you sure glamorize such.

    Me thinks you got a problem with chicks.

    Go figure.

    Now I can use you as an example of trashy Alaskan man behavior for my girls.

    Maybe you can go housesit for your buddy in Montana, while he sits in jail.

    yours truly

  2. By any chance - is there a date on those photos? Would be interesting to know if this is how she spent Veteran's Day (see Celtic Diva's latest blog entry :)


  3. Does this woman ever spend time with that poor baby???

  4. I doubt very seriously if she spends time with Trig... She only holds him for photo shoots to appear to be a good mother! She spoke a lot on doing spectacluar things for special needs children now that she is responsible for one, what was her stance on this pre-Trig?
    If she has her way, she will have the state to foot the bill for Trig's daycare, schooling and even a home for him for someone else to care for him because she is selfish like that!
    The rumor that Trig is Bristol's sounds more and more true! Who afterall after their water breaks waits 8 hours before their on Alaskan soil to deliver? (something does not smell right)
    Rumor has it that Sarah is a witch...
