Monday, October 6, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter One-Hundred Seven -- Palin Stirs Florida Man to Scream About Obama "Kill Him!" Palin Does Nothing

Maybe she winked. Here's a section of the Washington Post's coverage of this awful event, at a Florida rally today:

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- "Okay, so Florida, you know that you're going to have to hang onto your hats," Sarah Palin told a rally of a few thousand here this morning, "because from now until Election Day it may get kind of rough."

You betcha. And the person dishing out the roughest stuff at the moment is Sarah Palin.

"I was reading my copy of the New York Times the other day," she said.

"Booooo!" replied the crowd.

"I knew you guys would react that way, okay," she continued. "So I was reading the New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack's friends from Chicago."

It was time to revive the allegation, made over the weekend, that Obama "pals around" with terrorists, in this case Bill Ayers, late of the Weather Underground. Many independent observers say Palin's allegations are a stretch; Obama served on a Chicago charitable board with Ayers, now an education professor, and has condemned his past activities.

"Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," Palin said.

"Boooo!" said the crowd.

"And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued.

"Boooo!" the crowd repeated.

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

And what makes it worse, is that much of what Palin describes, in reference to Ayers and Obama, is totally false. At Huffington Post, author John K. Wilson, cites the thirty biggest lies touted by the right-wing media and Sarah Palin on this, in his post, Over Two dozen Lies Refuted About Ayers and Obama.

Palin's status as rabid pit bull - that's blood, folks, not lipstick, seems to be playing itself out, though. Crowds for her appearances in Florida are way, way down from two weeks ago.


  1. Oh...the huff said's gotta be true.

  2. Yeah-- but whose blood is it? Is it her opponent's or she trying to learn to bite her tongue before she opens her mouth?

  3. I wonder if Sarah Palin realises she may be destroying what might have been a successful national political career.

    She may have won over the Republican base, but at the moment her pit-bull tactics are making her regarded with hatred and contempt by Democrats and increasingly unattractive and rediculous to undecided voters.

    When Ronald Reagan moved out of California to gain a national standing, and Bill Clinton from Arkansas, they were very careful to cut a political profile that made them attactive to a broad swathe of voters.

    Palin's focus on the rabid hard-right is turning herself into a Spiro Agnew or Dick Cheney hate figure.

    If she had any political savvy, she would know by now that this election is a lost cause, and she should be preparing to go for the Presidential nomination in 2012.

    I have a feeling that the Republican party in 2012 will have to be far more moderate in order to win back the voters it is losing in this election. A spitting, hard-right pit-bull is not the person who is going to do that

  4. There's no low that the Pay Pay won't go. She's got a rap sheet a mile long and everyone still looks the other way. If she was a dem. - oh,man - she'd be gone a long time ago. MM
