Monday, October 6, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred-Eight -- The Wasilla Project Team's First Report

more coming..........


  1. i just don't get WHY... it doesn't seem logical. people do things b/c there is some sort of payoff. what is the payoff here; making the morning-after pill less likely to be used? honestly, i have thought about it and that's the only thing i can think of. clearly, the money wasn't the issue, and it's caused her a LOT of political fallout, which she must have anticipated... is this more pandering to the the hardcore 'base'?

  2. Classic irresponsible journalism.

    There is nothing here that says Palin knew rape victims were being charged. There is no way a mayor can know about all the inner workings of a police dept. And this was only a six month period.

    Who was responsible for this video? Max?

  3. "irresponsible journalism"? Oh really?

    Locals talking about what they know to be true is what we need to hear.

  4. She did not deny that it wasn't happening. All she said was that it was a crazy idea and that it shouldn't happen.

    Pageant training!

  5. I AM a local.

    This has been an eye opening experience concerning the media and journalism.

    It has become obvious that our media/news organizations make up their stories our of thin air to fit their agenda.

    They do more than slant stories, most of them have a small grain of truth to try lend a little credence to the story and then they go off on their agenda.

    After this experience I will no longer look at the major media as anything more than pure propoganda.
